<br />T.....1:.. GarY...Y.e,~y, oda,_and -.1?,3.G ~:i~:G.a.a'bJ..__Y.eauada.,._hustaand..ard..r3ife-,...1o int1Y...and-, each„ in
<br />Chair gum right;
<br />~. hereiazafter called Mortgagors, in consideration of the asam of.....Tt?R~~...'I2~JJ~~`Jt'}..JaiX..~tINDBEl2 ...............
<br />€~ 3,603.60 ) BOI.I,ARS, the raceipt of whach ~ hereby ac~tawledged, do hereby MORTGAGE
<br />and CON~dEY as absolute title, istcluding all the rights of homestead sad inheritana~, unto F11i+c1T
<br />Mortgagee, its successors and assigns, the following described real Mate, s'stusted in...___?~a):~......_..-.......
<br />Cauntq, State of h~BRASKA, to-wit:
<br />A Tract of land comprising a part of Hot Ain Soehnck`s Subdivision of the Southeast Quarter (SE3L)
<br />of Section 15, Township 11 North, Range 9 West of the 6th P.M., more particularly described as
<br />Follows: Beginning at a point on the Southeasterly line of :~~c~lrthur Avenue in the City of Grand
<br />Island, Hall County, Nebras`!ca said point being Thirty-three (33} feet Southeasterly and Three Hundred
<br />Ninety-seven {397} feet Southwesterly from the Northeast corner o` said I,ot H, 3oehnek`s °^hdivision;
<br />thence Southeasterly para'_lal to the Northeasterly line of said Lot A, a distance of One Hundred
<br />Forty-one and six-tenths {141.5) feet;-thence Southc~esterly parallel tc the Northwesterly Line of
<br />said lot H, a distance of Fifty-eight and Fifty-six Hundredths {58.56) feet to the ~~`.ortheasterly line
<br />of Walker`s Subdivision; thence Northwesterly aloud and upon said Northeasterly line of Walker's
<br />Subdivision, a distance of One Aundred Forty-One and Six-tenths (141.6} feet, to the Northeast
<br />corner o£ Lot One (1}, Walkers Subdivision; thence Northeasterly parallel to the Northwesterly line
<br />of said Lat H, a distance of Fifty-eight and ninety-three hundredths (58.93} feet *_o the place of
<br />SuS ATTACHi;Pr TO NAVE ANI} TO FOLD the real es~ta above described: with all appnrtenassees therasmfs
<br />F~FEEIT belonging unto the said Mortgagee, forever, ded always, and tl~mortgage is-upon the eaPreaa~
<br />+,A,+ dition that h the aforesaid iYio~agu=~, t'~ir ~. :e~s.,,rs, ud~=.,; -.°. a_ .~: €
<br />tzs be~s d tar the said Mortgagee, its successors or assigns, the principal sum hereinabove set forth, all
<br />according to the tenor and effect of a certain installment ante of said Mortgagors laeariag c3ven date wlth
<br />this mortgage, and shall pay sad asssessts levied u- II said mat estate, and all other tam, leeiea
<br />sad assessments levied upon this mortgage or the note whic~this mortgage is given to secure, before the
<br />same or any insta'~n+°_°:c thereof becomes delinquent, then this mortgage to be void, otherwise to remain
<br />iII Bull force.
<br />IT IS Ft3RT1iER AGREED (i) 'That if the said Mortgagor shell fad to pay such Cases, ,tie
<br />Naort~agee may pay the same and the sum ~ advanced with interest shall ba paid by said R+#rrtg$gars,
<br />and ttvs' mart~age shall stand as secuaty for tlse same. (2) That Mortgagors ~venant with t4~ ARorkgag~
<br />that they are lawfully seized of said rest estate and covenant to warrant and defend the said real e~stata
<br />against. the Lawful elaims of all pecans whoassoever. {3) 'That in cam of a foreelosure of this mortgage,
<br />the glesatiff in such proceedings shall be eIIYatled to mice on of the pzemise9, protect the same and
<br />collect the. rasxta, issues sad profits thereof. (4) That a fa~il~uza 'to ~y any of said money or any in:~1-
<br />ment thereof wheII the same mimes due, or a failure to comply with any of the foregoing agreaments,
<br />shall eause the whale sum a# money herein secured to become due and coIlectible at once at the option of
<br />i`*se ~`xariaR~~~.
<br />r ,
<br />Signed this----../'.:-..day of...-~.~a.??..f=.~r~~.~-°:..-•--' -•--••--x--•---_---------------_...., 1$.~~~'......
<br />''~ / .
<br />3~. ry .e3 0 ~%
<br />_ r:4. ,
<br />• atricia fi. Vejvoda
<br />S'tA'17S OF 2dEBRABI~A ~}
<br />_. ~:i~_.,....:....__.._...Cwsaty. 1 ~
<br />Oa .._.__~~ .day ai .--'•~"`-"`'3"..~-rc.~:.. 33 ~ ~ before me. t~ useParai~sed, a Notary 1'abInc. su sad t+n
<br />said ~, ,aagy rr~a -,3. Gam vejv_oda n „~atricia M4_}rosla,._.Ilixsb~t$..amd..saife~...__
<br />ge€uy wawa to sz~ Lo 1>e tha ss3est'a~~ s whose aaa ass affixed to !ice alu~ve sad foregoin8 in~a~at, as
<br />~$ ~ s~atsur~a: ;~s'~'' cxr ter eclm..~ sit 1
<br />1
<br />eat at...._-~.~~msl...~.s,I~asl..... ~ska......fi$80.1..._e.._.-_.._.-.___._...-_._...__-_
<br />the date -1fA~~Rl~tl. •' .
<br />$TkT^c OF tkEE<s i.CKA .._.._...~°,:.Ll..-~?_....N`'"t__~-~-...__...-.......
<br />ccu+=~s-4,>x~ `" ~ ...,...... - Notary Pubtia
<br />