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<br />103.8-9lJ P.VIVa98N2P WASi €tAfV'!'Y ©EE9 {¢tevibCd 5967} 'rfre nuifman Qanornl 9uppty House, Linculn, tiebr. <br />KNO~v ALL :o'tE1 BY TI~ESE PRESEITS, That He, Laaerne B. Nietfeldt and Paulette t.ietfeldt, <br />each a.n hie and her atan right and as spouse o% each ether, <br />he: ein called the grantor whvth€r one or more, <br />in eansideratian of ~wsnty nine Thousand Faiar Ht+~idrsd & no~iGOths Bo21az•s (~2~'?,4~o0t3) <br />received from grantees, does grant, bargain., sell eanvey and confirm unto Elmer Lae Kennedy and <br />l3ianne D. Kennedy, husbattd and wife, <br />as joint Tenants wiih right of survivorship, sad not an tenants i-- eamman, the fallav:ing dessr,'bed real praper±y i.. <br />Ball County, 3dsbraska Part of Fractional ;.~sts One {3) and <br />Two (2) and all of Fractional Lot Three (3} in Fractional Flock One Hundred Fifty (150), <br />i.n Uniarfr Pacific Railway Coaiparty's Second Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall <br />Caut:ty, Nebraska, mare particulaxly described as follows, to-wit: Commencizyg at the <br />hartheasterly corner of said Fractional Block 150, manning thence in a xesterly directidts <br />along and rlpon the Northerly boundary line of said Fractional Black, for a distance of <br />164.E-feat to the Narthtvesterly corner of said Fractional. Let 3, rtuzntng thence in a <br />Southeasterly direction to a point on the Southerly line of Fractional 'Lot 2, which <br />point is ~b,fl fret Southeasterly from the P:arthwesterly corner of said Fractional Lot ~; <br />xnartring thence in an Easterly direction, parallel with the Northerly Line of said <br />Fractional mock for a distance of 98,I feet to the Easterly taundary line of §s3.d <br />Fractional B3.ock; ruining thence is a Northerly direction, along and tuxon the Fa,;s~erl~'-. <br />boundaryy line of said Slack for a distance of 3~=? feet to the plats of tip. <br />To have and to hold the above described premises together with all tenements, hereditaments and appur- <br />tenanees thereto belonging auto the grantees and to their assigns, ar t.o the heirs and assigns of the survivor of <br />tls2tn forever. <br />and grantor does hereby covenant with the grantees and with t heir assigsts and tvi~h the Loire sad a^-~--°ts <br />of the survirar of them tl;at erantar is lawfuilc seised of said premises; that they are free from eneurnbranee <br />a$.c ~w eaScwea ~3 sled reo Ti` v.~~.an5 ^f r~,....rd <br />tl'iat granter has good right and lawful authority to eanvey the same; and that grantor warrants and will defend <br />the rule to said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. <br />It is the intention of ail parties hereto LLat in the even± of the death of either of the grantees, the entire <br />fee simple title to the real estate shall vest in the surviving grantee, <br />Dated ' °.~_, ~~~' / ~ 29 <br />t,~ fat ~, ' ~ FF <br />.... _~sterne B. Plaetfeldt <br />Paulette Nietfeldt: / <br />~+T~TE OF....~pl?rs~~~e.........., County of... Kell ................: <br />33efare me, a notary public qualified far said coauty, personally came LaSrerne B. Nietfeldt and <br />>liistfeldt, each in his c7d her o~:z right and as spouse of each other, <br />kne~vn to :ne to be the identical person ar persons who sigf:ed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the <br />caeeutian thereof to be his, her or heir voluntary act and deed. <br />~tneas ssag baud and notarial seal an...... ~. f~ °`~ ~= .: f~ ... 19.E <br />~. .. ~,""~--: f.^.r; c-~;t-f .~ `.-...~.~~;'.'~ .*7atarf P:lhlia <br />>~'. ~ Rpa6 2E, s sat 1 ~ <br />My eamniission expires. L-~-'.~.'...4:4.......:~......, 19 Ft .~. . <br />i3fiA.'1~ tIF ........................ . ..... } <br />County .................................~. <br />~tstered on ntamerical lades and fil+?il for ieeoni a the Register of Deeds Office of said County the <br />..,..,, pf ......................I3......,at......;,...o'eloek and...........minntes .....,.....~., <br />end recorded ire Book ................:...of.,...........,.:; page................. <br />Reg. of Deeds <br />By ....................................... Deputy <br />~ ; <br />