<br />
<br />MORTGAGE _ ~ __
<br />T MaxTr>AC,>r LOAN N0. L23,314 MOIG
<br />~sv...,~.,'.iEN °Y TIiESE FD~ccN;rS. That nl ~ 7 :,..», ~. Feu.,., , , , u Sin^y? @ t,;rrSt3^
<br />Mortgagor, whether one or mare, in consideration of the sum,of
<br />Thirty-Four Thousand Six Hundred and Nal30O------------------------------ -DOLLARS
<br />leaned to said mortgagb* by Th>_ F-gtti#ebie Rrriiding and Loan A.ssnciat»n of Grartd Island, Nebra~s, itiortgag~, open 3~+a shares of siodt-+~t'
<br />xxid ASSOCIATION, Certifipte No. L 23,314 P~;IG , do hereby gnat, convey and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the following
<br />described real estate, situated in Hall County, Nebraska:
<br />togeih2r with all the tenamerts, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto beEorging, inchrding attached flaor covrerings, ail window sereexs,
<br />window shades, blinds, storm windows, awnings, heating, air conditioning, and plumbing and roarer equipment and accessories thereto,pumps,Stoves,
<br />refrigerators, and atirer Textures and equipment now or hereafter at#ached to ar used ;n connection with said real estate.
<br />And whereas the said mortgagor has agreed and does hereby agree that the marteagor shah and will pay aA taxes and assessments levied tie
<br />asses~d upon said gremsses and upon this mortgage and the band secured thereby before the sore shad become delinquez.2; to fi~mssb approved
<br />insurance upon the buildings on seed p:ernises situated sr. the sum oft 34,6DD. DO payab';r Lo said ASSOCIATION and is denvcr to said
<br />ASSOCIATION the palicias fa. i::id insurance; and naf zo commit ar permit any waste on or at+out ztsd premises:
<br />In case of default in the performance of any of the terms and eonditians of this mortgage or the band secured ltarebN, zhe marigagee shalt,
<br />an demand, ba entitled fa immediate possesssaa of tI=w mortgaged premiers and the mortgagor i€ereby assigns, transfers and xts rrs2r to tits
<br />ttr~rtgagea aL the rents, revenues and income Yo be derived from the mortgaged premises during such tune as the mortgage indebtedness sltatl remain
<br />unpaid; sad the martgagee ;batI have the power to apgoint any agent or agents it may desire for the purpose of rtpa;ring said premises and rtntiog
<br />the same and collecting #hs rents, revenues and income, and it may pay cut of said it:comc alt expenses of repaiti.°tg said premises and netxssa:y
<br />comtrussions and expenses incurred in renting and managing the settee amt of coF}ectirtg rentals therefrom; the batanx rentainiag, if any, to be
<br />applied toward tree discharge of said mortgage indebtedness; these rights o€ the mortgagee rrtav be exercised at cry tirt~ doting the existence of such
<br />default, irrespective of any temporary waiver of the same.
<br />These Presents, however, are upon the Condition, That if the said Mortgagor shall repay scid loan on ar before iha maturity of said shares by
<br />p?•,vt~nte nay n+~rttieiy to said _~SOClATION of YF;e Burr sper~ed kn t~ ~~ ~cnrz~3 ~reh_y as ~t~~st and =,r~; pxt on ~~si Ipso, en m tttfore
<br />r,~ T::t;,iieth", •.I„°y of each and eve ;- r~anth, ~3*ttil said loan is fullp paid: pay alt taxes and assessments levied agaatst said nremises andon this Mart-gam
<br />and the $ond secured thereby, before delinquency; furrisi€ approved insurance upar the bus3d:,^.gs €hrreen in the >um of S ~~,~Q~7. ~Q Payah~
<br />#o said ASS~i.gTiON: repay to Bard ASSOCIATION upon demand ail mc;rey by ii paid fee suit taxes, assessrnenis and insurance-with irterest at
<br />the snaximmn legal rate tlrereort from date of payment a[! of which Mortgagor hereby agrees to pay; permit no waste on said premises; keep and i`atttply
<br />~rttlt aI7 the agreements and cnnditsans of the $and far S ~~ z f OD, 00 his day ~vera by uric sash Mor~or to ~;d !LSeClCiATION-, and e~nspiy _ -
<br />wi€h al! the requirements of the Constitution and 8y-Laws of Braid ASSOCIATION; then these presorts shat baenme nut! and void, otherwiu tfYey
<br />setal't remain is t`ul7 force and may be foreclosed at the option of the sand ASS(KixTION after tailure for three months to make any-srf said
<br />payments or be three months in arrears in making said manthiy payments, or #o keep and campty with tlu agreements and conditions of said Bond;
<br />and htartgagor agrees to have a receiver ap_tmirted forthwiilt in such foreclosure proceedings.
<br />if then is any change to nwnershsp of rite real estate mortgaged herein, by safe ar atherwiu, then the entire remaining indebtedress hertaby
<br />secured shall, at the option of The Equitable $tailding and Lawn Association of Grand lsiartd,Nebraska,btcoate immediately due end payable without
<br />futL$tY rotic'r:, and the ameu.:t rer:.aining due ond_-- r said bend, and any rather bond far anq addifio€:al adsanxs made therttsnder, snail, Timer the
<br />date of exercise of said aptinn, bear interest at t,`te maximum legal ere, and this mortgage may then Ire foreeiased to satisfy rho arrrount dtte on said
<br />bond,and any rather bared far additional advances, togeth>_r w,ith all Burns paid by said Th: Equitable 8uIIding and Lean Association of Grand island,
<br />Nehra-kx far insurance, taxes and arse ssments, a.,d abstaac[ng extension charges, with interest Lherean, Tram date of payment at the maximum
<br />legal rate.
<br />As pra•ded in ~tl;e $ond secured hereby, while t<=tis mortgafz rzm::irs in effect the mortgagee may hereafter advance additional stuns to the
<br />:filters of said Band, ths"ir assig=<s or suecessan 3t interest, which su its <_hat? be within the ssctzrity of thi more the x?-mc as #ltS funds origin~y
<br />secured tlrereby, the tata3 amount of principal 3ebt not to exceed at any tame the original atttount of this mortgage:.
<br />s3acxa this S4th say of December A. D., i~ 7S
<br />c~ ,~~ ~.-'-,
<br />s'~rBtiC'i 5
<br />,SATE OF IVEHRASKA, p ~. £,irt t.~*ia 14th day of D@ct?giibEr is 7$ , 6efors me>
<br />CCtL~;Y OF Ifs=.:, i
<br />Wi3iiam E. Francis, a single.
<br />me to lee the itlenticat peisait w ,l4
<br />aeknowiedgett-the ssidinstrimlent to be _
<br />`eS`iTN7:SS tray hind and tut
<br />My Commission expires
<br />s.r.zst Pt
<br />the tuxtersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County, persortaliy wore
<br />who i 5
<br />the-above in3trtment as mortgagor
<br />personalty known to
<br />and he xtiHtrl~y
<br />Notary Public
<br />_.. r..
<br />