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F°° <br />7~~ J~~~~ <br />Lender's written agreement or appl,cable law. Borrower shat! pay the amount of all mortgage insurance premiums in the <br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof. <br />Any amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest whereon, shall became additional <br />?ndebtedness of Borrower secured by this Mortgage. unless Harrower and Lender agree fo other terns of payment, such <br />amounts shall be payable upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof, wad shalt bear interesE from the <br />daze of disbursement at the rate paga`vie fr-aut time is iirree an arristananrg print;jai uT,ucr `u`,e N~~e u- ~ payme-.,t wf <br />in#erest ae such rata would be contrary to applicable law, in which event such amounts shall bear interest atfthe highest rate <br />INrrrrisw;bit under apptice6le law. Nothing cantasted in this paragraph 7 shat! require Lettder to incur any expanse or take <br />any action hereunder. <br />8, 7ecfeton. Lender map make or cause to t}e made reasanab?e entries open and inspections of the Property, prsstided <br />Ehat Leader shall give Burrower notice prior to way s~~sh inspcettan sperafying reasatrabte cause therefor related to Lender's <br />interest in the Property. <br />9. Coa[Ieatast#on. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct or consequential, in connection with any <br />condemnation or other taking of the Property, or part thereof, or far carveyance in Geu of condemnation, are hereby assigned <br />and shat! be paid to Lender. <br />In the event of a total tatting of the Property, the proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage, <br />watt: the ex:.css, if any, paid to Bona-w•er. In the event of a partial taking of the Property, antes; Hotrawer and Lender <br />otherwise agree in writing, there shalt be applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage such proportion of the proceeds <br />as is eauat zo that aropartian which the amount of the sums secured by this Mortgage immediately prior to the date of <br />taking hears to the fair market value of the Propzrty immediately prior to the date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds <br />paid in Harrower. <br />If the Prageriy is abandoned by Borrower, ar lf, afrer notice by Lender to Barrawer that the condemnor offers to make <br />an award or settle a claim for damages, Barrawer fails to respond to Lender within 3fl days after the data such nonce is <br />mailed, Lender is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds. at I_endar's option, either to restoration or repair of the <br />Property or to the sums secured by this Mortgage. <br />Unless Lender and Borrower othervise agree in writing, any such application of proceeds to principal shelf net extend <br />ar postpone fire dt~ date of the monthly instatiments referred to in paragraphs I and 2 hereof ar change the atrtauist of <br />such :nstatiarents. <br />S0. Borrower Not Released. Extension of the time for payment or modification of amortization of the sums secured <br />by this Mortgage granted by Lender to any successor in intere~ of Borrower shalt net operate to [crease, in any manner, <br />the Liability o€ the original Borrower and Borrower's successors in interest. Larder shalt net fie required to commence <br />pro^..cedings against such successor or refuse to extend Time for payment or athen-vise modify amortization of the soma <br />secured by this Mortgage by reason of any demand made by the original Borrower and Borrower's successors in interest. <br />B4, Arorixaraace try A.eader Not a Waver. Any for[xarance by Lr„der in exercising any right ar remedy hereunder, at <br />otherwise afforded by applicable law, shelf not be a waiver of or preclude the exr-'rse of any sa:.t: right ar remedy. <br />The procurement of insurance or the payment of loxes ar other liens or charges by Lender shalt not be a waiver of Lender's <br />right to acceietate the maturity of the !ndebtedrsess secured by this 14#ortgage. <br />A2. Reraedks Cnoaolatire. Aii remedies provided in this Mortgage are distinct and cumulative to-any artier tight or <br />remedy under ibis Mortgage or afforded by Saw or equ'sty, and may be exercised cancurrentty, independently r~r succe~ivety. <br />1~, ~ asd Amiga 13~otrad; Adtst cad Ssresa! I.iahlllty; Cis. Tire covenants -arid agrecirienLs r~..3n <br />cantaixd shalt bind, an.i rate fights hereurder shalt tear;: ta, the respective successors and asr."girs of Lender and Borrower. <br />subject to the provisions of paragraph t? hereof. Alt wvenants and agreements of Borrower shall be jantt and several. <br />The captions and headings of the paragraphs of this Mortgage are for convenience only and are not ro -ve used to <br />interpret or define the provisions hereof. <br />A8. Notke: 1?xcept for any reatice required under applicable Iaw to be giver, is another manner, {a} a»y notice fo <br />Barrawer provided. far in this Mortgage shalt be given by mailing such notice isy cet•tified mat addressed to Borrower at <br />the Property Address or at such other address as $errower may designate by notice to Lender as provided herein, wad <br />{b) any notice to Lender shalt fie given by ccrtiffed mail, return receipt requested, to Lender's addre~ stated herein or to <br />such artier addnrs< as Lender may designate by notice to Barmwer as provided herein. Any uotice provided fur in this <br />Mortgage shall be deemed to have been given to Borrowee ar Lenaer when given is the manner designated herein. <br />is`, iiaedorm i+ioe"ae; i~aver~ i",aw; ~e.e~icJ. : nis far,,, of mvnga~ c~°,m~~ unifarrn uvens~rts €ar sa~sl <br />use and gron-tenifomr covenants with limited variat[ans by jurisdiction to canstizute a uniform security instrument covering <br />real property. This Mortgage shall be governed by the law of the jurisdiction in which the t'roperty is Located. In tare <br />evene that any provision ar clause of this Mortgage or the Note conflicts with appiicabte law, such contaict shall not affect <br />ether provisions of this Mortgage ar the Note which can be given e$ect without the coni?iMing provision, artd to this <br />end the provisions of t}x Mortgage and the Note are declared to be severable. <br />fib. Borrower's Copy. Harrower shalt be famished a conformed copy of the Nate and of this Mortgage at the titrx <br />of executgan ar after recordation hereof. <br />17. Trar~cr of property; A~niaptiorr, If elf ar arty part of the Property or an Interest therein is so}d or transferred <br />by Borrower without Lender's prier written consent. excluding ial the creation of a lien or encumbrance subordinate to <br />this Mortgage, {b} the creation of a purchase money security interest far household appliances, {c? a tnrrsfer by devise, <br />descant or 63' operation of taw upon the death of a joint tenant ar id} the grant of any teasehald interest of three years or Less <br />rot ~,Y~aining a:, apuun to pw~ha~, Leader [gray. at Lender's option, declare alt the sums cured try thin Mortgage to be <br />immediately due and payable. Ler+.der shat! have waived such option to accelerate if, prior to the sale or transfer, Lender <br />and the I"eSSOn to whom Flte Property is to be said ar transferred reach agreement in writing that the credit of such persost <br />Is saris#attory to I.a;nder and that the interest payable an the sums secured by this Mortgage shat[ be at such rate as Lertfirer <br />shalt request. If Lender has waived the option to accelerate provided in this paragraph t?, and if Borrower's sticccssar in <br />iatcrest has executed a written asstmtption agreement accepted in writing by Leader, Lender shalt release Harrower from afl <br />alstigatians under t,9is Mortgage and the Note. <br />If Leer exe ~i°a,s gtxh option .a axeterate, Lender strait mail Harrower notice of acce~ration in acmi°dattce with <br />paragraph 34 hereof. Such notice shaft provide a period of not Iess than 3Q days from the date the notice is mar'}ed within <br />which Borrewcr tray pay the errors declared due. If Borrower faits to pay such sums prior to the expiration of such period, <br />Lender may, without further ntHace ar demand an Harrower, invoke aey remedies permitted by paragraph t g hereof. <br />Nora-UxtresaM Cr>vePtaNrs. Borrower and Lender #urthxr eavenant a~ agt+ee as follows: <br />hem Tt~ ~s~pt grQVEdsd Ia ~ 31 hereof, epee Eerrower's breach of any covenant or <br />agrecmaat of Bormzter ~ fhb Mort~e, farAudlag the rnveaaats to pay whoa doe eay same accmcd by fhfe Mortgtlge, <br />A.eadsr 1 t>a z gotice ta'Barrower ~ prev~d in pssregr~i Ad hereof epseityle;: {f) the hreacix <br />{t~ the aatEon m case ssclt isreach; {3} a date, mast Less than 39.days from tip the aas<ice !g wed to Borenwer, <br />hY whleh Leh istearh ®~ t9t curcai; s {4) t1Aat faBure to rime each bremch oa rx t1~eEare the d~ s@SCtlted m tt~ emtke <br />rest ~ of the auass secured h3i IVfor~age, farericsure by jadrelai ~ ~ rs~ ~ t>m A~iopeety. <br />'tAe treBlze farther ia~oria Eoarawoe aE the-13g~ii to rPins¢ate ether scceleratlon sad the sight m asreet In tlae foreciosare <br />t]~e ra~eafsteerce of a detaglt ar any ikfer~c ®E-Hsrsovrer to auxetei>~o® a~ fozedowre. u the bread[ <br />~ ~ or t`ie€?rre s~er~s~d in t~ ; itentler st Lc>;der'rs espifoa map &rlsee AB of tt9e sums seca+red by <br />c to IP€ . dtae r payable wi##fimat'fnrther ds~mand troll easy forecl~e h}' j~cial psocee~ag• Lender <br />aft #~ esfttEtd 4o carlfect In saich' pmceedi~ aH eaperaes of fsreclasare, Iaciading, but not ltsrsked to, cods o[ dacuraeatary <br />cv}dtnee, ab~raets and repots: <br />A9. Horsoas~s'e:Aright to t,4ate. NotzyIthstandiigg L.ender's acceleration of the sums secured by this Mortgage. <br />Harrower stiatt have the tight to Rave any proceedings begun by Lender to enforce this Mortgage discontinued at any time <br />