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7$~ ~~~~~ <br /> <br />'l'HIB IIdOFtAGE is made this .............I.3~'b .:.. :.... day of .... De~empe c............... , <br />1~:7°~. , betw~n the llloraptsr, ~ff~:fNE . E.. !~SS t NK,..F,NU. ~~3YCE: N,, .£SSl ILK, .ANA .RUANE. t~...yELIAI NK, <br />- ~s -t€~rti.rz~t~. itt.-;gran....... __ .... , .(herein "Borrower"), atxd the IU#ortgaged, dome ~'edersi <br />_~- +flVB anti-Coati ~isaceaa~air)tx, a ca~vxu i~ pa-ii~cci ~i`tr' €~i~i-ii~eg iii ~ th@ iavs bi i"ri~ a~ti",~j- .~'t,~t.~ <br />America, wlmse address ik 221 Bouth Locust Street:; {;<rand Island; Nebraska {herein "Lsnder''i. <br />s~ Borrower is indebted to.Lendar in the princiga9 sum of S I,XTY , i HIDE ,TI-j~iUSttRlf~, ,FQ~3R, NiFlt'3,F~5cR <br />AN[7~~',~ ©{~___..--------------°-_~_..____._ ~'4ars, which indebtedness is evidenczd by Borrower's note <br />dated .:..: t~c2irber..13; . i 9.7,d .... {herein " l+lote"), providing for monthly installments of prineipat and irNerest, <br />with the balance of the indebtedness, if sat sooner paid, due and payable on... Ss~stember, ..1., .2©t}$...... . <br />1'a SE6~lRtt to l..ender {a} rite rgaymeni of the indebtedness evidenced by the Nvic, 'will, intc'rc3t the:~vi,, ', ;,' <br />_ payment of atl other stuns, with interest thereon, advanced in accordance herewith to protect the setaxrity of this <br />'~lortgag:, and the perfor~ttanee of fhe covenants and agreements of Borrower herein contained, and (b} the repayment <br />of any Future advances, with interest thereon, made to Borrower by Lend, r gursnant to ~rag+agh 2i hereof {l~rein <br />`:Fixture Advances"}, Borrower does hereby mortgage, grant and convey to Lender the #oliowing descn'bed property <br />located in the t^.onnty of ...................H~i.L..................., State of Nebraska: <br />LOT TEN ti6}, r=RACTiONAL LOT ELEVEN iii} ANQ FRACTIONAL LOT T`rlELV£ (i2}, BLOCK FIVE t5} <br />''LrHSA£!T HILL AdDiTION 70 TN£ CITY OF GRANt7 iSLANI), iiALL COMITY, NEBRASKA. <br />~c"nieh has the address of ........:......9th ~.-Pop (ar, ..... , . , . „ , ........Grand [ ~ (end, , , , . , <br />* tsereeet te~xvt <br />lJ~br3ske 688t~i ... {hitx "Property Address"); <br />tsxa~t~ ~ t <br />'l'rXitTFt with all the improvemenSS now or hereafter ere~fe-d on the property,: anti. -atl easenaeats, sights, <br />«PFutteitsnses; rents, rogalt~, miixeral, ssif snd gas tIB~!ts and profits; water, water`-rights, .and water,'- sttxk, and :all <br />f~ z:ures rww ar ;2e.~ifier a«ache~l tci t:,~ ptx~rfy; art ii# evhicli; irudingaeemet}rs and additiotts:t~re$o, shall be <br />deemed to he attd remain a part of fiat prolaczty° covered by this Pvlortgage; and at' of the foreg.tirtg, 4o~thet with said <br />prr>Ixrty (or itte ica~3mld :state if this h~lortgage is iitt a leaselxald} are het~ita referred to as tiae "Proipeirty". <br />aUieuirci i,CrJci.c„t5 iu3i uuiiu*%[i i5 iw:+i1::! S:.iC.a..,f il:e ~ttxte hxreL, cam. "mod 3;?~ '+.s"st:tl=e right 16 mortgage <br />grant an~i convey tha t~cr,gerty, iltai €he Pcoprrty is unenutxtnbarv=rf, &rid teat Barroomter will warrant and defend <br />geACxaity tix~ tale to the-Property,agaixkst atl claims and dtmands subject,to any dectarations; easements or restrictions <br />listed in a schet#xlc .~# ext~ptirms to coverage in any title iitsttrsnCe policy insuring L:ender's interest in the Property. <br />-1 tt} 4 ismEiY--s/75-•iBiF4Altiit!!t UtttFAEf~ ti7SiRUIkI~NS <br />