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<br />78~ ~g(.~r~w <br />M©RTGAGE <br />M1fORTGAGL-I,OANNO. ~- Z3,3I5 MGIC <br />KI+IQWALLMENBYTHESEPRESENTS:That Tiftlothy N. Terreii, d single person <br />52ortgagor, whtthe; one r ,note, in ~..°.sideraUan of the sum of <br />Thirty Seven Thousand Eight Hundred and NoiIQQ------------------------------------noLLrtRs <br />!ear.-td to ~d n~rrt~gor by The E.auitabie $nlding ardLoan Association of Grand Island, ;tebraska; !tlortgaget, open ~~g sftarts of stock of <br />said ASStICIATIC?N, Certificate No. L X3,31$ t'ILiIC do herelsy grant, convey and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the foBawing <br />described real estate, situated in Hall County, Nebraska: <br />THE SOUTHERLY FIFTY-FIVE FEET (55`} OF LQT <br />TH'tRTEEN ('t's} AND THE ttvRTHERLY T~vENTY F€ET <br />(~Q'} QF LQT FQURTEEN (I4} 1JOLFE'S SUBDIVISION, <br />IN THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />together with all the tenements, herediiaments and appurtenances thereuneo belonging, including atraedied floor caverilgs, all u°ittdaw scteeris, <br />window shades, bends, storm windows, awnings, heating, air conditioning,and phrmbhtg and watetequipmentand acxssories thereto,pumps,stoves, <br />refrigerators, and other textures and equipment now or hereafter a?tached is or used in connection with said real estate. <br />And whereas the said mortgagor has ae>ed and does hereby agree that the mcri,~ear shall and mill pay all faxes and assessments levied ar <br />assessed upor, said premises and upon this mortgage and the bond secured thereby before the same shat become delinquent; to fitrnisit approved <br />imurance noon the buildings on card premises situated in the sum of S ~~ ,$QQ, QQ payable is said .ASSOCIATION anti io deliver to said <br />ASS"}CiAT30N rise policies for said insurance; and commit or mss; .it ary waste on cr aFaut said gremists; <br />to case of default in the perfarman;z of any of the terms and conditions of fhi mortgage or the bond cured hereby, the mortgagee shall, <br />~„ _ ,,;„ ,t t,e enttt!ed ?a ~rr,mediate passessior~ of the mortgaged premises and the mortga2at hereby assigns, tr-atts€ers rest sets over to the <br />mortgagee art the rents, revenues and income to be derived tram the mortgaged premises during>'.rch tirree as the mortgage indebtedness sltalx remain <br />unpaid: and the mortgagee sltail haFx the power to appoint any agent or agents it may desire far the purpo~ of repairing said premises and renting <br />ifie same and caltec?ing the rants, revenues and income, and it may pay out of said income ail expenses of repauing said premises and nexssaty <br />eommissions and expenses incurred ifl rentirtg and managug the same and of collecting rertais therefrom; the baance tet~iniug, G any, to be <br />applied toward the discharge of said mortgage indebtedness; these rights of the mortgagee may be exercised at any time du:vtg rte existence of such <br />de€ault, irrespective of any tempararv waiver of the same. <br />Theme Pre=~.t: u, haw~=ve=, are ug~tn the Cand_~iian, Tbat if the said Mvrt~'r~or shall repay said loot, on ar before the maturity of said shares by <br />payment; gay monthly to said ASSOCIATIO'd of the sum reedited in the Bend secured hereby as interest and prncipai on said loan, an ar before <br />,r, ~~_, „r a_,.;, .,,,d y ter, ,,,_.,n.F „poll ~,-,t t~3r ;~ [„n4• p?ia; "- all r-xes ~r_,t ~~~r~ x~ lev.ed a?a?_~z aid ores and an tens ~tortaa¢e <br />the T ir... ,m. , , , o.. , , ........., -:.., _.. -- - r _ <br />and the Bond secured thereby before delinqucnc, .urnish spy- --ed incur nce upon h ht.rfding° h*eon in. the sum of c 37 ,~~ • QQ payab~ <br />to card ASSOCIAi}GN; repay to said ASSOCIATiO'v uFpn deir~nd ail money by i=. pa.d tvr <_ucft ._xcs, assessments and insuran.^r with intertsi st <br />the maximum legal rate thereon from date ut payment all of which i=iartgagor iereby aezees to pay; ~rmii as waste an said gre:rtis:s; keep attd cvttiply <br />with alt the agreements and conditivns of the $ard for S ~~ ,~QQ. QQ thts d::y given Hy the said 4fortgagar to said ASSOCIATION, and campr'y <br />wi?h aI! tare requirements of the Ccnstitutiaa and By ?.awe of said ASSOCIATiO".++; then tft<~ presents ehall becatr~ null and void, otherwise they <br />shad remain in full force and may be foreclosed at the option of the said ASSOCIATIGN after failure for three months to make any of said <br />payments ar be three manilas in arrears in making said monthly payments, yr *.o keep and campy with the agreerents and conditions of said Bond; <br />and 14fartgagor agrees to have a receiver apBainted forthwith in such foteciosure proceedings. <br />If there is airy change in ownership of ti:e real es=_ate mortgaged herein, by :ale or otherwise, then the entire remaining indeisttdness ttertby <br />secured shall, at the option of T}te Bquitabte Building and Loan Association of Crand Island,Nebraska,becomt immediately due and payable without <br />fu.~fl:~r police, and the amount remaining due under said bond. and any other bond for any additional advances made theretmdet, sttaB, from the <br />date of exercise of said option, bear interest at ti2c maximum legal rate. and this margage may then i;e fartcllosrd io satisfp tt>< a,•tsaupt dtte cp said <br />bond; and any other band fat additional advances, together wish all corns paid by said The Equitable BuAding and Loan Aswciatian of Grand Island, <br />Nebraska for insurance, taxes and assessments, and absxraeiirg extcrsian charges. with interest iahereon, from date of payment st the maximum <br />legal rate. <br />As provided in the Band secured hereby, while this mortgage remains in effect the mortgagee tnay hereafter advance additional earns to the <br />makers of said Band, their assigns or successors in interest, which sums spelt be wtiL'tin the security of this mortgage the ;erne as tttc funds originally <br />serrured thereby, ?hc total amount of principal debt rat to exrred at a _ t tore the original amotmt of this mortgage. <br />#3ated #~' t~TrA ,-day of ~C~~ieT A. o., I9't$, <br />r p , . <br />S7'RTB OF AlBBRASKA, ~ eon ibis ~,g~ <br />c:t)I?NI'Y OF HALL <br />Tilllothy N. Terrell, a single person <br />day of Y}@ti@1" 19 °~'$ ,before me, <br />the undersigned, a Notary Public in and far said County, persa:~aBy came <br />who i 5 personally knpwn to <br />tree tEt ttt the identical person whose uantc 1 S atTzxed to Lhe a6ave ' rumen s mortgagor and he uvetafly <br />arkntiwlec?ged the s`aid'uigtrunsen? to be hi S voluntary act and deed. L <br />&EIIERRI NUT ,rY~tT.~~ tlCt~F` d and Notuiat Sea3 the date aforesaid. <br />>I=. '~`•I~-~~&~missi expires <br />+y enun }sg, i <br />may' ~ -~,rr Notary Public <br />.V s-asst nt _ ~ 7 r / ~` <br />