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'_ l _ .. _ . _ . _._ _ <br />} ~ 53-A-REAL E37ATE MARTrxAGE-With lax CSause (Revised 1962) Ttxe HutFinan Gexxecn3 Supp3y Iiouye, Lincain, Na6r. <br />-~, "r f3 t°,r` to- ~^~-~s-a.i-..~--.- - .~ _.~.~..._.__..... .v,~..- <br />xz~t>w ALL nf>;~* F~~ TI€ES>; I~Rb:sEx'I's: 'rx~T Kathy .T. Grasmick, an unmarried person <br />{1KDrtg"Agor } <br />of jja11 County, and :'state of Nebraska , in Cansidezatian of the sum of <br />+ifty "Thousand and no/1t7(1 ----------°---°----------------------------------a4LLAI{9 <br />in-hand geld, da hereby SELL and CC133VEY unto L'ommerciai National flank err Trust 1; 0. <br />{I4fortgagee } <br />,t Haii Cou:sty, and state a€ Nebraska tile-fe-€lou~.isg de~zibs~l-premes~ <br />sifu~ted in Kati ~~~n+~, ~~ sta2~ at ?~7ebraska *o-wit.. Lot l;tineteen.{IJ1 <br />westwoad Fark Subdi~~ision, Hall CoS~nty, Nebraska <br />In the event the title to said real estate is transferred, or contracted to be transferred, <br />from the underlaid for-any reason ar by any method whatsoever; the entire principal <br />sutra and accrued interest shall at once become due and payable at the holder hereof. <br />Failure to exercise this optiatl because of transfer of title as above stated in one in- <br />stance shah Ltoi consiituie a waiver- of the righ t tc 2x~ rcise the su..... in rho octant ng any <br />subseauenttransfer. <br />The intent'son being to convey hereby an absctuLe title ir. fee simple inclading all the rights of hamestc:ad and dowel. -- <br />'I't3 HAVE A_NA Tt3 HOLf3 the premises above drscrihed, with ail the appurteranres thereunto belonging utt#o the--- <br />said mortgagee and to Sts heirs and assigns, forever, provided always. and these presens are- upon the- eap;ses - <br />eozsd=tion that if the a#azesaid mortgagor their heirs, executors, administrators ar assigns shall pay or Cause fa -6e <br />paid to the said Snort, ages itS heirs, executors, ado iinisirator_ c>r ;3ssi~ . tht scrs o€ ~' lfty ~.'11UU3and _aTtd <br />!1©IIQ4--------------`----------`---------°-----°-------- collaze,9ayahleasfollovvs.-to-ivit;~.- <br />E'ifty Thousand and noJl€!{} ----Hnltarsonthe 9th day a€ 3une ; t~ '?9 <br />I)oilazs an the oar a€ _ L9- <br />ITallars on the day of 19--_ - - }. <br />Daitars on the da>• of - . 19- ..-,- - <br />Dcliars on the day of i9- - <br />€~t theroDa at per rant par annu*:s, dyable ~T ~9~79 ~a~.sraa~.~aSI ac~erdmg to the.tenoa axnl eBt;cE ef.: <br />aceriain promi~arynax of sale Kathy J. Grastnick as such note or notes may be modified or - <br />extended in writing from time to time, <br />bearing 2vers date w-lth t ese pry°~nts, sad sha1P ray 1 taa.~ ar,d ~_~ntan~ :~~.-~cl :. n paid rrol ea~tg, and s12 other taz~ <br />Iexries and aaseseSnents levied open thi3 mazigage ar the aot-e whieh^this mortgage is given to secure. 6efom the same becotisea - <br />delinqusnt, aad keep the buildings on said premises insured fur the sum of ~ n t a loss, if .any, paFable to <br />t'n<. sAid mortgagee: then these pzesenis io lxe coed, otherwise to lre and remain itx lull force. <br />s~ `es v~~-/~;i ar'-?~Mr..ED (;? `that ii the said mDrtgagor shall fa.l t. :y ~sch taxm er pr~sre ~Seh ir,.~raxe, +.~ <br />said martgagee may pay local fazes and pracvre such insurance; Ancl t!xe•sum so advazseed, with interest at pea cent <br />shall be paid by said morigagar, and this martgage shall stead as arrurity for the :?erne, i2) That a tailors to ~y any of avid <br />money, either principsI ar interest. when the same beconses due, oz a t.iluze to camply with soy n€ the foregoing agrtemmte, <br />shall :.ease the whole sum of znuney herein secured to bs'~tame dap :ad a>ifettehle at once a2 tt:a cxptian of the mortgagee. <br />sigaedti:ia Iith dayaf Becember 19 78 , , <br />n presence o _ ~. ~r 1 ___d ... r~~f~ h:f .~ . __.. _ .....-_.--°---- <br />S'l~is.'~"~ €3:'-.._.._.....-hlf.'~Y'-~G~i2,-___ ................ County nf.---~-.~'t~.-----`_-._-_--.._.-.-....._-._: <br />Eefnre arse, a notary psibiie qualified for said rounty, s:ersonally came Kathy J. GraStxxLCk <br />-haawa_-tb me to be.-alto identical pe nor persons wlto signed the foregoing izsstrum~vt and acknowledged Use esacvtiar! <br />#l~ratzf fxr 6a his.. hex' ar ilteia voluni.:r act arxd ~eecl ~` <br />+~xt~s~s ray- aiad natnr~d. • 1 ~`' r,ex~hdr f ~ ! .... - .Q .7$ .. <br />~ Ci2`;~ <br />irSy ~runm^sairsn exnires;__..:_.._. ~._ .rR;x .... , ~9 ,~.~tv.~..ri'?:.a.R_h..r•--c'°...._l7otSry Pub1iG <br />_~ , : J <br />~`A"£E blr _ .:....... ....._--.-----...-_....~..._ ~ Entered on numerical index and Sled for rewrd - <br />sa. <br />C.ovn#y :.. -_.._ ..............._ ...__ .,..._._....... in Ilse Etegiater of Deeds OtBce of said ~ttaty -the. <br />............._..:.-...dayy ~_,._-.:._._.._..,..,.._-----.......-...., t~..------•--• at...........:......._..._..._cr'cl~k azxi...__..._.....-._....._...~uies _......-.--..........M., <br />rs3td ie~a>r'dCi1 EA EDOix.._ ......................`---...........a#........, PaBD......_.__....._......_....._-_...._-_ <br />.-- .................. ° --...- - ..................-............,......--._Rsg. of Deeds <br />$y........ -..._....-.--...-_......_ ................°-------~-----...-..._....-_.-Deputy <br />