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�.q T - <br /> ���ii - <br /> t..�..,,.'..'�r.".-"'--' -- '- ^jF '�:. ., ��. -. <br /> � � �e Y�I ^, � `' , I " <br /> ,�� . _ . <br /> ..�f 1 : ' w . _ � - - — <br /> �:3 � <br /> -- - z 100249 <br /> � Tp()EfyER WITH di tha impravement�now or hereaRer eactetl on tho pt�y,wid nll easementa.ep�wnenwues. <br /> - u�d fixtures now�x hcrcafter a part oi�hc PmPeny. All replacemen�s and addUians ah�ll Wco bo covercd by thls Sccutlty <br /> inswment. All uf�he Gxegoing is rcfemed to in this Securi�y InswmcM as�ho"Property." <br /> - �$� BORRQW�It COVBfVANTS tl�t BoROwcr ia lawfully seiscdof�he estate hereby rnnveyed wtd has the dght to gront �,,,,�w. <br /> and convey 1hoP�p��y and that�he Property is unencumbered.exapt for encumtttunces oi record. Ba�rower warrantr rnd - <br /> - —��-� will defend gene�lly Ihe liqe to the Propeny ag�inst ull cl�im�nnd decnands.cubJect to any encum6ranees of record. �v <br /> - "� THIS SE�URITY INSTRUMENT combinex uniform covenants for natianal use arid �on•unlfom� �����► W�� `---. <br />-- --_�� limited variaQqns by Ju�isdictlon w conati�ute a uniform secu�ity inswment covering►ea!propercy. - <br /> ='°f UNIFOf�M COVENANTS. Bo�rower and 4ander covenant snd ug►ee as follaws: � <br /> ,��� 1. P�qment of Principal and lateresti Pr'cPAYment nnd L�te C6s�es. Borrower shali prompNY puY when due the <br /> - _� princi of and intereat on the debt evidenced by tire Note nnd any prepayment and late rharges due under the Note. �.F. <br /> —__-,��';.s � � �uq�d,4 iqr'I�a�cey aod lasurance. Subject to upplicable Is►w cx lo a wrineo waiver by L.ender,Borrower siuill pny ta =; <br /> - -__ _' Lende�on tha dAy monthly paymcnts urc due under the Note,until tho Note is paid in full,a sum("Funds")for:(u)yea�rly �.+�_�-_ <br /> --"---= taxes and assessments which may Attuin priority aver thia Securiry Inswment as a lien an the Property;(b)yearly leasehold =-- <br /> sY - paymrnt� or ground rents on the PmperiY. if any; (c) yeauly hazard or prapeity insumace premiums; (d) yearly flood �- <br /> __-�s,"'�°`� insurance premiums, if any: (e) yearly marlgage inswz►nce premiums, if any;nnd(tl any sums payabl� by Borrower to �i;;. <br /> Lender,in aocordance wi�h the provicions of puri►AmPh liau of the payment of mortgage insu�ce premiums, � <br /> °°�- -- items are callod"Escrow Items." Lender may,at uny time.coilect and hald Funds in an amaunt not to exceed the maximum _ <br /> �.-�-�:<i-�:. amount e lender for a fedemlly reluled maAguF,e loan muy reyuim for 8qtrpwert escrow accouot under the federnl R�al =__ <br /> --�����ei��°_ : Esuue Settiqment Procedures Act af 1974 as+unended fmm time to�ime. l2 U.S.C.�2601 et seq.("R�SPA").unless nnothex' d.`; <br /> -� -, - F law that appUes to the Funds sets n lesser amou�t. If so,Lender may,su sny time.collect and hold runds in an umaunt not to �:'�` <br /> ,-=,-1,;�y+-ca�'''. . --- <br /> " ,:,:�,e� exceed tha,ksser amount. Lender muy estimaee U►e amount of l�nds dus on the basis of cwrent data and reascmqble, -- <br /> �',. estimates ofexpendltures of Puturc�scrow ltems or otherwise in accordance with applicuble Inw. '� <br /> _�-"_ ..:•°;`• <br /> ,-��-=�►r::�,_„ The Funds shnll be held in un instituliao whase deposits are insured by a federul agency,instrumentality,or entity �� <br /> �---�'-�="�'�?� (including,Lender,if Lender ia such an instituliaal or in any Federal Homc Loan Rank. l.ender shall apply the Funds to pe�y • <br /> wS�W�/Y W -. <br /> '��:"-�''::�. the Escrow ltems. Lender muy nat charge Bortower for holdin�aind upplying the Funds,annuallp analyzing e escraw <br /> r�.�:, :.. ' [�li�11Rs <br /> � ,< < account. ar verifying the Escrow ltems, unless Lender.pays Borrowor inleresl on the Funds and a�pticable law _ <br /> �t.V .� .'�X Lender to make such a charge. However, l.ender may neyuire Bartower to pay a one-timC.chwge fo�an independent.real . _-.- <br /> -�:.a._:�.�,..�R'.. <br /> __ . _�� eatate tux ceporting service used by l.endcr in can�ectian w�th this bun,unless applica�blo Inw provides osherwise. Unle9s an . <br /> -��� . ognxment is made or applicuble law requit�s interast to be paid,Lender shall,aot bc reyui�sd ta p�y Boirower eny intereSt ar F��:- <br />- '`��: �� �.�' earnings on�he Funds. Bormwer and I.nnder muy agrec in writing,hawever,that interest shall be paid rn ihe Funds.. Lenc�r ��=-: <br /> '�.�E"•��'.,�', shall giva to Bortower,wlthout charge.un AnnuAl accounting of ti�e Fundc sl�owing credits and the Fundg c�nd the <br /> `�""-"-�=5=_+*� ����'i,�which each debit to the Flands was madc_ Th�Faa�ds are pleQged as pdditional security for all sums secured by <br /> .,'�• ':,,:.;';,;�.. this Secudty Insaumene. _ <br /> •�,,,+,.:;-t:�> lf the Funds held by Lender exceed thc Amaunts pertnitted w be held by applicnble law, Lender shall Account to = <br /> �,�,.;�;�,,,. �� Borrower for the excess Fbnds in uccardw►ce with the requiremenls af a�piicable lew. lf the amount of the Funds held by �._ <br /> ---��., , Lender at any time is no[rufficient to ps►y the�scmw Items wh�n due, Len�ier may so notify Bo�wer in writing,and,in �.., <br /> __ �-;S. , such case Horrower shull pay to Landcr the umount necessAry eo malce up the de�ciency. Borrower shall make up the <br /> J ��. .. det`iciency in no more than twelve monthly ps�Yments.a�I.enAec's sole discretion. <br />...�;:.,"'�" ��.�b " Upon payment in full of nll�ums securad by this Securiry[nstrument,Lender shall prompdy refund to Borrower any , <br />._�n� - FUnds held by L en d er. I f,un der purngrnph 21.Lcnder xhal.l ac quire ar sell the Pro p ert y,Lender,prior to the ucquisition or <br /> -------�.•i::�.�.- sale of the Property,shall upply uny FUndF held by Lender at�he time of acquisition or sale as a credit against the sums • - <br />''F• '�"' �• ""' aecured by�his Security Inswmcnt. <br /> �"�'?� ' " 3. Application of PAymenta. Unloss applicable law pravides otherwise, all payments received by L.ender under - <br /> ' ;;��.;• paragraphs 1 nnd 2 shull be applied:first,tu any prepayment c�arges due under the Note;second,to amounts payuble under __ <br /> • paragraph 2;third,to intere�t due�:fourth,to principul due;and 9�st,�o nny la�e churges due under the Nate. _ <br /> - ' ' �'�'��'� 4. Charges; l.lena Burrower shall pay all �nxes. assessmems, charges, fines and imposidons anribuu+ble to the �_ <br />--�'�'• °?1�'''� Property whkh may att�n prio�ity over thisS�curity Insuvment, and Irasehold pAyments or ground rrnts,if any. Borrower <br /> �;;, •,.�. . „ �� <br /> �.,:..� shall pay these obligatians in the mannCr pro�i�ied in pamgraph 2,or if not paid in�hat manner.Borrower shall puy them on _ <br />�;�: 4 ' rime directly to the person awed payment. [iorrc�wer shall prompNy fumish ta Lender ull notices of amounts to be puid under _ - <br /> _�`,'� ' this paragraph. If Borrower makes�hese puyments dircctly.Barrower shall promptly fumish to Lender receipts evidencing _-. <br />"��,.�:�.;' �t�e PaYmen�s. ��; <br />-;��±�-�= Bomawer shall pramptly disi:halge any lien which has priority over this Securily Instrument unless Borrower:(a)agrees �, <br /> ti�_;�i�.�� <br /> ..,A� $ in writing to the payment af the oblig��ion�c�.ured by the lien in•r munner acceptAble to Lernier:(b)contests in gaod faith the � <br />�;�;, - lien by,or defends aguinst enfarcement.oP ihe lien in,legul proce�.�linga��hich in Ihe l.ender's opiniun operate to prevent the ��•, <br />°_A^;; eniorcement of the lien:ar Ic)secur�s i'mm the holder of the lien nn agreemem sutisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien _ <br /> �. v , — <br />:�� ,a�a.Lr.t�c:r.�., to�his Securily Instn�ment. If I..ender detertnines that any part oi�he Propeny is subject to u lien whi�h may attain priodty � <br /> r � , over this Security lnshument,Lender muy give Bortower a natice idenlifying the lien. Bocrower si►all satisfy the lien or take �;� <br />`r��'�� one or mote of the actiom bet fanh Above within 10 days of the giving of natice. . <br /> `'.,.:, ' S. H�rard ur Property Ingurance. Borrowrr shall keep the improvements now existing or hereufter erecred on the <br />_ " Propeny insurcd ag�inst lovh by�rs.haz;uds induded within the tem►"extended wveruge"and:uiy uther hazards,including <br /> � tla�ds or flaxiing, for whic��ender reyuires insurance. This insu�ance shall be maintuined in the amounts smd far the ,,._ <br /> . . r�: <br /> Foro J038 9/9D ��w�a 2��jM1/wRes 1 - <br /> ,� ) <br /> F <br /> �; <br /> ' . . —._ �:ea�.�.�.:R• .,•rw � r - .r. � . . � . .- .. . . .. ���-.n�. <br /> �. �. <br /> ' <br /> ,. ' <br /> I <br /> � <br /> ' . . �l . . . __.. '.__—� �- <br />