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<br />or~rtalvatn Furutz~ At3v,arvices
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<br />FARM tdu. 726
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<br />TI~fI3 MORTGAGE, made and executed this ......._j:s..__..-.--•--... day. of .....~~~'t•s.._-------------- A.I).,
<br />"? i3:.~d.--...., between the Nlartgagar, ...`f'~r?'X.-L>.-.Ilr4saa_.and..-Ch~xi.N....Braga,husbaaad._and...wi£e,..---.-----
<br />jointly and- each-.in..tt~~ir.-overt.-r.i$ht,,...-......._ _.
<br />of .Grand . island _-_------> County of -----.-.__~il .................. State of ...Nab*-zska....., hereinafter referred
<br />to as the Balrower, and the 1blortgagee, FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS ANTS LOAN ASSOCIA'I`IOItir OF
<br />I.tN('€}i.N, t235 "N" Stmt Lincoln; Plebraska 68501, its successors and assigns, hereinafter referred to
<br />as Lender,
<br />Wr~rrrFSSETx: That the said Borrower for and in consideration of the sum of ..THIRTY-SE?ZEN------.....
<br />_THQI?SANB .SIX. HUNDe2-EB-TWE,ITY-I'.ZVE--AIdNt7..1~39~.i.40------.---Dollars (US 3-..37.,.625...Qfl ..................)
<br />paid by said Lender, dots hereby mortgage, grant and convey to Lender, its successors and assigns; the
<br />following described property located in the County of .-._..-....Hail... ....................., State of Nebraska:
<br />i.ot T*.ao {2) Block TWO (2) in West Bel Air Fourth Addition to the City of Grand
<br />Island Hall County, Nebraska
<br />Tocerxea azth all the irprovements now or hereafter errct€yd on the property, and atl easements,
<br />rights, appurtznanees, rents, royalties, mineral, oil and gas rights and profits, water, water rights, and
<br />water stock, and all f,~tures nave or_hereaftzr attached trs the property, ~3i of which, including repaa..e-
<br />ments and additions tfreretA, shall be deemed to lte and remain a part of the property covered by this
<br />l~Ia**gzga~ and att of the forego;ng, together udtlz said propert,. (or the leasehold estate in the event this
<br />Mortgage is on a leasehold) are herein referred to as the "Property".
<br />Borrnwer covenants that $ormwer is lawfully seised of the estate hereby conveyed and has the right
<br />is mortgage, grant and convey the Property; brat the Property is unencumbered, and that Borrower will
<br />warrant and defend generally the title to the Property against all claims and demands, subject- to any
<br />easements and restrictions listed in a schedule of exceptions to coverage in any title insurance policy in-
<br />suring Lender's interest in the Property, ar (2) attorney's opinion of title from abstxact of -title certi&ed
<br />by bondQd abstracter.
<br />PBflVZ4ED ALWAYS, and these presents are executed and delivered uaon the following conditions, agree-
<br />tnents and obligations of t:ne ,narrower, to-wdt:
<br />The Borrower agrees to pay to the Lender, or order, thz principal sum of .. THIRTY-~.~?.~--'-- ~QUS?4
<br />- SIK.,Ht7NDREA:TWENTY-FIVE..ANB..A101104----.-'---.----.---°.Dollars (LS ir...~l.:.$25-.130 ...............•---)
<br />payable as provided in a Hate executed and delivered, concurrently herewith, the fu:ai payment of principal,
<br />if not soonzr paid, on the .-..--..1?x_st......--- day of ....T~nuY-tX ............................ ~-~4~8
<br />1.Txasoatxr CovsxahTMrs. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows:
<br />3. Payment of Principal and iatQrest, Borrower shaA promptly pay when due the principal of and in-
<br />terest on the indebtedness evidenced by thz Nate, przpa}~rnent and late charges as provided in the Note,
<br />and the principal of and interest on any Future Advances secured by this itiortgage.
<br />2, l'urcds far Taxes east insurensca. Subject to Lender's option under paragraphs 4 and a' hezeof, Bor-
<br />r~wer shall pay to Lender on the day monthly installments of principal and interest are payable under-the
<br />Note, until the Note is paid is fuA, a sum (herein "Funds") equal to one-twelfth of the yearly tales-and
<br />assessments which may attain priority over this- lVfoatigage, -and -ground rents an the Property; if any plus
<br />one-twe?ft_h of ;early premium installments for hzzard insurance, plus one-twelfth of yearly prenuum ~n-
<br />stailments for rnartgage insurance, if any, all. as reasonably estimated initiall~yy and #ram time ha time: by
<br />Lender on-the basis of ssswasments and bills and reasonable estimates thereof, Lender shall apply the Fuzsils
<br />~+ pay said taxes, assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents. bender shall make na charge. #or so
<br />holding and applying the Funds or verifying and. compiling said assessments and bills, The Lender shall
<br />tie trr the Bbrrawrr, scithout charge, as arenrtat accounting of the Furnis alirwing credits a_=id iebits t€i-the
<br />1{uttds and t3io puxgase for which ~,ach ilebit t+o the Funds was made: The Funds are pledged as additional
<br />security -far the saws secured -by this Mortgage. The Borrower agrees that the Funds--may be-held by :tla
<br />'Edor and ^w rmn:glad with ntle:• f~nd~-and the: ?~ndor's-awn fascia and a T~nrler inay Icy snch itts
<br />from-its optn #unds and tike Lender shall trot be Liable for irrter2st or dividends on-such Funds: °
<br />If the amount of the Funds held by Lender, together kith the fLture monthly installments of Funds
<br />payaiile ~rinr to the due date-e of toyer, asgessnzeni~, insiiranen prem~sms and ground rents, sIitill exceed
<br />-the apmunt renuxxr-il Lu, t=A~ void taxes, &a+aF ssmzn*F arr::xrance Uremiomv arttl"ground rents as they falt,due,
<br />such extxss shall lie, ef;-Barro~i•er~'s aiita~, either nretnpily re,sid to Borrower or e;edited to $armwer on
<br />monthly installments', of Funds- if the amoant of the Funds Meld by Lender shall--not be sufficient to pay
<br />tales; asses€;rrients, insurances t~i*eaniums -and ground rents as they fail due, $carrower -shall pay to Lender
<br />any amount nec~,9arq _ta make up the d~icay.s~thin-thirty days after notice from Lender to Borrower
<br />requastiuxg payment thereof, or 33orravrer--shall, bjr an increase in monthly installments of Funds required,
<br />repay: the deficiency within the Fund accounting: ~;riod.
<br />L~pan payment in-full of alI s<,ints sec4ire~i by this 1)'Iortgage, Lender shall apply Funds held as a credit
<br />against ah s-axtss due.
<br />