<br />t0. ::7a# the ?vlartgavar wilt keep tte buildings upon said premises in good repair, and neither commit nor perrtiit waste
<br />upon said land, m7r suffer €he said premises to be used tar any unlawfu3 purpose.
<br />2l. That if €he premises, ar any part thereof, be condemned under the ppiver et eminent domain, or acquired for a public
<br />use, the damages awarded, the pxeceeds for the #aking of, or#te consideration forsueh acqutsitian, to the ex#ent of the full
<br />a7aotint of indebtednes npcin this mortgage and tte no€e which it is given to secure remaining unpaid, are tereby assigned by rte
<br />?~oriAagar fa tote ,t#artgagce, atttt shaft Ez€ paid forttswitfi za said Rfar€gage:e to be applied by the latter an accartat nt tt,~ n_.~r
<br />t..= '~ t7giT.3,,8zrxiretiis-ofstfchir7debzedness. -_ - - - -- -- -.----°- - _
<br />;ut2._ dhe Afvrtgagor f;lf'iher eaters Yost. ~ouf~ a iz m~ ~~, fq ,.~~ ,ynti~' ~eby zat be eligible lot ia-
<br />st€raaceender the Aiatiotzal 1•loasixtg Act ...t>nn '~Kt ?~*„=t?1~ ~P -~ frotr t#te date hereof (written s#atemenz of any otTieer
<br />of ttte 15eparfinent of Housing and Urban- f?eeelopment or authorized agent of ire 5eeretary of Reusing and Ltrt7an-
<br />vi=kipt:teni da;edsutsequeat to-the t~ ~r23'~ht3 orate from rte date of tftis mortgage: declining £e instate said
<br />ttote_and this mcste. Ireing ~~d ~anslusr~e prof csf sect iaefigbilizy}; rte for€gagee cx holder of the .nets
<br />.ay, at s cptior;da,-,;nee ai`¥ stilts xesarrred hereby immcdiatety flue and psyabte,
<br />~ i3. 'HYaz if the-Ivtort~aagpr fails to make any psymenis of maner when rte same become due, or fails to confarnt to and
<br />~t camlYly c txl7 any t7t' tterondit~as of agreements contained iattis mortgage, oz the nt;te v%tict iz secures. then the entire prinei-
<br />~~ Pat um ~ `' ..:red intc,-est ~ti at trr7se becotpe due and payaisle, a# the election of rte Mortgagee; and tfiis mortgage msy
<br />flreieupo be fnree}osed immediately far t2se whole of said manef~, interest, manthlq papmenis, casts, gnund rents. tetras lard
<br />the ctisf_,~` txtiin~13S~ ah5traot rif H*~ frost tip date of this inert to tl'~ time of eammcnring such fetectositre sut'i, and a r:a-
<br />-~ sar~bla:a,tarney'~>fee, Ott of 7vlticn shalt be included in the decree of ±foreclosure: and fife canrrai:€ embodied in tits titortgage
<br />~ z anti the note scctired hereby, sfiafl iri aft-respects be governed, construed and acl'ua~orrt by 777Y taw; of trebra;ka. ,.leis te`re
<br />~ snareis`made.` -- --
<br />~ "1Tt~ ceveaaats hereon cantaiaed shall bind, and itse benefits and advantages shaft insure to, the respective heirs; executors,
<br />~ administrators, suc+:essors-and assigns t7f the parties hereto. Whenever used, the sinY~vtar number start inclade zhe glutei; Life
<br />plural ire singular, and rte irse of any fender stall be applicable to alt genders.
<br />'17re foregoing. eanditions, nit and singular, being performed acearding to-their natural and legal import, this urnveyance
<br />sYi811 be void aild said gresnises released at t2ie expense of the tvforigagor; otherwise to be and remain iti full force-and eReet:
<br />IN W}TNE$S WHEREF3F, the hiortgagarfs} hau~ t7ereunto set their handfs} tfie day and veac first
<br />above written.
<br />1n presence of:
<br />vt~r;~ C slv~f~ 3
<br />deg ' cs~~
<br />C ~E~i.-1
<br />[ SERI.
<br />3H i4 ~.~~`,~ip~inYla~t'lin, j$
<br />55:
<br />tht this I `~ day of cembe~ , ~,f?. 147$- . before ma, tb~ tutdersigged
<br />_ en} , p7.rFSarw'ty Catae -
<br />ta~~ate L. i~-~ and Pcsgg~ :,. &7s+ten, Husband an73 T~ife,
<br />to fii t'r~=id~nfical persczs cuitose aanres ai+e persotta#!y tome kpmvn
<br />s~tr'>~it~tnenAas effort afhx~tuttcaE?~~!e~^.dfs~e._
<br />exccuttoa thereof to ~ nr' and ~~~ €tawe acknowladgesl the said iastty7nerit and fhe -
<br />their vatuntary act and deed, for the purposes tfiercin expressed:
<br />ftr testirttany whereof,l have fiereunto set my Rand and affixed try Notar3~i seat at Gz~cd Is2aad
<br />igrt the day and date last above writien.
<br />._: t3, 1978 ftlvtary Petblit,
<br />S't:A7'E GF;~IEH~.RSf.A ss
<br />t ilea for record tfiis day of A_F3. ~
<br />a o'e~ck M.,and:¢EeredittNt7tnerieallitufex,aad
<br />P ccxdeS itt- - of:A~fvttgages, oa
<br />'k;° of
<br />.- - - ; ~Cr~tSter 4¢x£5 -
<br />- - - - - i
<br />FHA-2743M t70-775
<br />