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- This form is used in eonnee- <br />tian with mortgages insured <br />~dl~i~~'~~~' under the one- to four-family <br />VV pravSeiana of the National <br />Tiouaing Aet. <br />T1S faitkA`F~SAGE, rttade sit exteutcd ~ets`s i~ QxY tri a+rsce"~c%- , A.L. <br />ra~A -. t,f~rs-n~.r~.p.~ _ _ - - , _ -L_-__ _ _ ~ sr•.c- <br />.s. _ - - Ert~dtie t:. er3t3 F~SSy L, ~~ u, rl.,~~ ~ .. .,, <br />of the Countq of 13.2 .sad State of Nebraslra, party of the first part, hereinafter called <br />tF'ie A4artgagrrr, and Cr#tiarcial Federal- Saes arrd ; n~ Ess~isciaticn <br />a carfioratiart azgareiix~tl and sxistitg unrfer thz laws of l~tetrraska , <br />paYyaf €ltz=zcdpart~ f~iei~fter called ttrz hortgagee> <br />Wf'ftdESSE'TH: That thesaid Mortgagor, foxand in consideration of the sum of Thirty-t$rree Thousand Tatra <br />Huxtdz?ud £s oral lfa/ltf4____s__=:...____-----...,..____~41ars{S 33,25f;.4t~ - ?;caidbyttxMwt- <br />gages; the recespt of +ihiclr is hereby acknowledged, has Granted sad maid and by these presents does ^vt~an€. Bar- <br />- > Sell. Cetrvey and Cartfirm onto the Mortgagee, its suceessars and assigns, forever, the frlflawing-descrp <br />real estate, situated iur the £aunty of F~,s;l , and .~arz <br />of t,labaaska: to wit: <br />Lrst Ei~Sht (8) zn Block Fotrrteen {3+t} in Russel Nlteeler`s Addition to tote City of tyrartd Island, <br />llal7. Cifta-a$q, Ht'taPaska; <br />i C3 FiAiil? Aav`i5 3'£', iit?LD tl~ ~erxises at~ve d~svre:,ed, ur=uha:l t~ app::rtas~:,;~:.s ahe.:e*~stY 4e~ a~ i~ndi. <br />trll ireati3rg, plumbing sad Iiglsting fixtures gnd equignrsnt now or hereafter attached to or used in conneciiort wrth said real zstata <br />unto fire Mortgagee, and to it3Srrr,Cesstits and assigns, farever.`itre tviartgagot represents to, a~ ~'v`c~"su~s u , .r ~~"~'tiw- <br />drat tlr~ Mart{ar-has good itghf fa sell aril corruey said premises; that theq are Erse frain errcuatlrtarxe; ors! that the <br />Mc~~„6ot will wartatti steal d$femd the same against the iawfu? claims of all persons whcrosoeutr, sad the said hfortgagorhere- <br />by relirrgerishes all rights irf bmnestead> acrd all martial rights, either in law or `sn equity, oral all other contit~at interests ~ tl~ <br />Maw' in attic! to thz ahcrve-desctilresi premises, the intzntion 6eing to convey herebq an absoiutt tick. initc simple, inciud- <br />ugall .:$ss of l:a~+rzstead, ~ atl~r rights and interzsts as aforesaid. <br />1~tt~V1DEL AI.VTAYS, and then presents are ez~uted and delivered ugon the fallavrrngcanditians, to wit: <br />4'he Aiartor a~ees to pay to the lriortee, ar order, anti. grincipal sum of Thirty-three Thatt<sGFrd 1`rra <br />lltttt d Fi and 11a11f)#}--- __..____I}all?rs{S $3,25G,QD }, with interest from <br />date m t~ rate b~ t}tte°~ per centrun ( 9.513 ~? Per annum art <br />t'oe airpaid'aaiatree to ~ ~ card prm~tgpl a;;d ir';rrzst s€rall ve payalily at d'se office hf C~~~l F~~~ ,per <br />and i.oan Ass~+ciatiota . or at such other placeas tiro halder'of <br />rn tahd ~. -' ~. <br />the trote tray desigrtate to wr, m:trotxtry xnstallmcrrts of Tt~+o Hundred Seventy-uiht and b3dlElf?------__. <br />lkal4rrs (S 27g, g 3 3, wmmendrng on the firs[ day of <br />peh , l§; 5 , artii un the first day of zaeh month thereafter uatil the ptirxe~pataad:irr- <br />terest -are f~paid, except that tl~ ftr{al €raymc.~t a: r~ncipal arsal i.^.terest, if not saner paiai, sha'xt be due and <br />rmga' t *~ Crat ;rap as .~~n:~a~ x$949 alt aecardirr~ to the terms of acetiain promts- <br />soty ~e of e+fen date herewith executed try the said Moitgrgar. <br />The Mortgagor tar order mars Sufiy to protect the security of this Mart~ge> agrees: <br />l _: ~ he will ~y the ' s, as heinltefare provided- f'tiviiege is roserued Sa pay the debt in whirler. ar in an <br />amattsf equal tQ ctrte er ttrore mxestlalY .~gsts ~r 9t3se prittci~al that ate rteact due sat the Hate, on the Cost day of anq eron#h <br />err to rrtatrnt~; p[o vidCd, hgw~er, Tlrat w ti#cn ~tatir~ of ats i~entian to erarcise such privt7ego is given at least: thirty (3ti} <br />dagsPriort;tFrepayment. <br />7. °~at xo etixcr with, and in add'ttiart tv> thc,arcly f+ayamhts of ptif interest i~ terms sf the- <br />$a€~ sett., cal l'creb9, tre ?!i artgs~or will paey t4 the , srt+tlac f~st@a¥ trfs~ch m~tlt wstit the said Hotels fully paid, tltc <br />fallowing sacs,. <br />~a~ ltmrruct s,riCdat ter, f,rcrs the homer l?~ ~atlt-funtts to pay the next-triottgage iasuranee premlutn if this <br />irsstrurtent and the rote secttsed heaeby arc reil~ irr a anrtiatr'ty Marge {irz iiFtr r3~e rxiart$ rttrce ~- <br />rnirrtni if they are lxeltl by the Secretary of gkrusktig and $.lrbatn faevelopment, as Yollows: <br />(I} l€ and-so Icng as aatd nafa of eunrt date and this arstxnnrerst-ate instrred or are reinsured under the pra- <br />visscros of the National lloa~ng ~;et, an amount sirfflcient to acaomulate in the hands of the holder one <br />- STATE OF NEBi2A5f{A <br />- grevpgus Editiarri ere Or~Otet~ Fi-1A-2143M tta-77) <br />