<br />~' That tF:e Mortgagor will pay-.the iatdeb#edness as hereintaefare pravi~d. -
<br />s That the- Rdart~agor ~ h aavner-,{ peel (~ruoc+Yty m f?e simple aild-has goal>.right and law[u! auttiorit~ fa sell and. -
<br />.`•', ( "- " rnnvey the same end tha[.the ame rs Ire a .c3ex nF am urn or ei:cunrbranez; atLtl tltaf`MOrtgagar w--! warrant ancf detendthe
<br />ij bile to satd gieinises aKair~' th i9rm. -.f 31 Fr r r- .;,iom'oevi r._. .. .` ~ -
<br />-- - Ts ~,yr_ @~•. !•r...?..t, r, i t xy-aht ii eenetal faze ", spnc:a[ taxes. special assessments, wafer charges, sywr? ~-
<br />€ _ iCe cftar$€s ~rifs...rr, f--~xr,~j sr. .' ,~,s~ b r, ,a - +,• „".' -.^'~ _ Ieuied on tl.e debt secured hereby, and to-futnia5' the -
<br />- Mar£gagee, pYpatt ~reques~, with ttc~orig net -"or~duplicate recatl.c~,. +h~reEyz.-The- y{ortbagsr agrees th_t there abaft ~he added tc ,-
<br />each +nanthly {x~ivrrrent -~requi rl h,~rrun-3 ar under the-evidenae of debt secured hereby an amount e_timated by the_ Mortgagee-: '-
<br />`~ to be su8iszant ~to~.enah the-Yr rc!;rgee Ya Fay; as they'bet:otne due.'ali taxes, assessments, and similar charges upon;t Fxtnm---~^
<br />t _ ices O4b.~ t'tu.„~t~ an r!._n~ n,` hecause_a{.tile tnsutTi_giency afi such additional paymeftis shy-i ire rerthytith dvf~?~~ by the.. ,
<br />t - ncmand by the -i4fartgagea,: Aby cle€svlt under this- PaagKraplt shall he clramed-a rltfaulfin ~ '
<br />~ Afortgagar ><v .h _tt:r MertKao°e ••ncn - _ .. -- .= -. -
<br />' - - nr simifar char` es ~iiiied here•3niler---
<br />4. ~ -- iiayriten£ of resew, a~e~men s, a; ~
<br />r °={~te $Raitgsgor agrees tfiat there shall also be added zn ea€h monthly ,nayment'af prietripal hnd interesf reGusred here-
<br />': under-say amount esiimate>~_by-tlta_Mertaaxee,tobe,suffiriont.ta enable the Martgagea tu,.pay, :as it -becomes due. the_izts[irartce
<br />- pfenuuiii on any insurance policy delivered in fire ~fartgagee. Any de6eiency- becausa.ef. the it;sizffteieney pf-such ad$itionai--:Fay-:
<br />mantra she-l.!>E forthwith depastied by-the l~fortgagoti with`the A'Iottgagee Upon demoted by the ldortgagee. Any deiautt under this
<br />paragraph snal- ~ dam- -a.', a defau-t in the p ^.:mnt of =^s=•rance .premiums. if the policy or ppiicies deprnifed are.such ES hvme-
<br />ownera-or atl~risk Fdicias, and he deposits are insuf@n2nt to Fay Che entire premium, the ~SortgaKee may apply the deposit to
<br />pay Frerniums on risks required io be insured by th-s mezfgage: - -
<br />payments made by the h{artgsgnr under the above paragraphs may, at the option of the Mortgagee, be hetd'by it-and
<br />etxsaminglad w3t6 ofhri Stich-funds or tits own funds for the payment of such items, and until so applied, such paymxnts are hereby
<br />Fledged as security----tot the unpaid ba-ance o€ t}re-mortgage indebtedness.
<br />~%o procure, deliver Yo, and maintain far the benefit of the Mortgagee during the life cf this mortgage original policies and -
<br />- renewaLc t.ltereaf, dabvered at least ten days before the expiration of any such ixaticies, insuring against fife and other irssurable
<br />hazarls, casaa?tip, and cvntingencie9 es the Mortgagee may zequire, is an amount canal to the indebtedrte~ scented by this
<br />1Mortgage, and ir, companies acceptable zr. the fi•fiartgagee, wih te:,s payable clause in fa>ior of and in forth-accelsfable to the -1Mortga-
<br />_ gee, In the eveai anY'FQlicy-is-rat-xrnewed~ an- ar before ten-days of its expiration, the Mortgagee maj+-Fioctire insurance an the
<br />improveazeifts; pay"the Fremismt therefor, and such -sum She!! #aec:xna immediately due and payable with -interest ai the rate set
<br />forth in said note until paid sad shall be secured by his mortgage. Failure an the part of #lae Aiartgagor to Luraish such renewals
<br />as are herein required ar failure to pay any.sutns adva:aeed hereunder shall. ak Lhe op#ion of the 14fortgagee, _cnnstifute a default
<br />_ under the terms of this mortgage. Tfie c?e-iverv vt such policies sha31, in the event -of defau-f, constiktste an assignment of the un- _
<br />earned Fremstaa.
<br />Any sums aeceiued lay the Mortgagee- by reason of loss or damage insured against .may tae retained by the ,rviortga$ea
<br />- - and applied tfaward tPze Fayment.nf the debt hereby secured, 03, at the option of the Mortgagaa,~such sums either whotlY ar in
<br />- part may }~ Faid_.over io tke-Mortgagor to be_used io repoir such buildings or *.a build'neu buildings in-their-pi~^U ar fee any
<br />oilier purpose or olsjeet saisafecfory tb he ~fartgagee withoat afiecifng the lien on the mortgage for the €ull_amount secured here-
<br />by before such payment ever tank place. -
<br />To promptly repair. restore or zebuiid any buildings or improvements haw ar hereafter an-the premises which may be•
<br />_ came damaged or destroyed; fn keep said premises in goad rnndition and repair and tree from any mechanic's.lirn oz ether lien or
<br />claim of lien not expresafy subordinated to Ilse lien hereof; not to suffer or permit any unlawful use of or any nuisance 4o exist on
<br />- said property nor to permit waste on said promises, nor to do any other act whereby iF.e property hereby cranveyed shall become
<br />less valuable, nor to diminish or impair its value by any act or orniss-an to aCi: #a comedy with a31 requirements of law with respect
<br />_ to Lle mortgaged premises sad the use hereof. - -
<br />_ That sleauld the premises ar an'r part thereof be taken or damaged 6y reason of any public impros°emeni or condemnation--
<br />pracaeding. cr under the right of eminent dc..zin, ar in any utlser manner, fie viarkg=ogres :a-3 lt€ ~ntit!~l to all e~ nFnnsatien:,
<br />awards, and any athei payment ar relief therefor. and shall be entitled, ai its option. to rornntence, appear in and prosecute in its
<br />_ y~,;t ~, o ray a„t,on or uroceedin$, ar to make any ccrnprumise nr setLement ir. connection with such taking or datnage. All such -
<br />campetnsation, awards, damages, tight of action and proceeds are hereby assigned to the it9'artgagee, why they, r dedt:t`#`sirs -
<br />- here#aom al[ its expenses, release any moneys sa received by it or apply the same on any indebtedness secured hereby-The Mort-
<br />- gagoz ~ -to ~~,,ta suet: further -assignments a£ any compensa{tan. awards, damages. and rights ~ actitm and pa•oeetrls as the
<br />Mortgagee may require.
<br />That in case at failure Lo ,~rtnrm any of the covenants herein, he Vfortgagee may da an the Martgayar's behalf even~ihiitg
<br />sa txavenan#ed; t'ttat the '~;ortgagc~ may a-sa do arty act it may deem neccssarY to protect the lien thereof: thaf the Mortgagor will 3
<br />relxay upon demand any moneys paid or du-bursetl by the ;Mortgagee fee any of the above purposes, and staeh rnoazmys tagetlier with ;~
<br />_ yn#~r~.-t Yharacn s{ he rat>_ pravideci in said note shaft become so much addiiiona4 indebtednes; hereby secured and -may- ~ ln- r•
<br />eluded in any drteree tareclosizig thie. morkgare and be paid out-of the rents ar proceeds a{- sale of -said Fren-eses-if -not otherwise "~
<br />paid;.tlyat i£ stroll hat t,~ or`A:gatari-open the Mortgagee to inquire-into the validify of any lien, entvmbranees, or claim in ad- _.>~
<br />lancing morays as above anlhorized, ?*ut no#bing %erein contained shaft be construes as-requiring theMurigagee fo advance-any~:~:
<br />man@Ys foz any ouch purpose nor fa do any act hereunder: and that Mortgagee shaft oaf incur any persostal liability because at any-!'.,
<br />- tlc'tng~it~inay-dateramitto-duhexaunder. - -
<br />~ In flse event.af the default taY A>forlpagor in the pay :tent of any installment, as required by the-Note.-secured hereby ~ar --.
<br />let-tire p.-~-tarenaitse of-¢he ohligatiar-'~ this rucrtgage ar. a= fiQ r•'°u' ~e"'t-tom ;elrY, the. Morkgapee shall be entitled" W decia;e -Eha
<br />:?~tya, s•.r-teed tiQCehy flue ate paynhis_withuut notice, and the A!lorkgagee shall he eetit~pd at its u<~€isan. tivithouE natter, eit6er,by itaeli
<br />ar tai; a recaeiver to ~ appointed by #tac court thrreor, and avithou£ regard to the adequacy of any vecurity fur the indebtedness se-
<br />e~~eed 't=rehy, to enfet.upen. a-azd t~ks paxseasion iif-thQ ~-mortgaged. ganmises, amt to .otfect nnri rerrive the rents, iasues_.and. fifoSfts
<br />- -- - tn.°r-~ul, riser: apply tlse sarzee,2ess ei~t-. of-o{secat n-anci cotti~etion," upon the indehterlnass secured Fv thi<~-murtgxge: ya-d-rents.
<br />isgnes and Drosais lse~ng herelay a9sl~nc'd~tis Alta' _rt~~ ee 2n forth<r -acilzlty ~of tree pa>~inenL of all indehtrvtness secured hereby - r -
<br />E. -- 'rhr PlfaYtgagec ~Tiall have tlta.pawer.fo eiapaint abY agent"or agents it xtsay~de-slre foY 37z~.Furp ose..w ref+~inng ;a~a-pxezsi~
<br />I ices; rvrl.r;g the smite; eotlti:ting the rent4. res'enuca and itteorae; and it may pay at{t nf:i~id irtcome allexF?nses incterred in certt-
<br />F lne:an3 managing the sett. anc' of callecfing the rzntats tltezefrom. The balance remaining, if any. shaft-be applied ~~ward-the-
<br />dis+eFtarge~ot ±he ~eor6,4;agg ni~febtednesa-.']`?~zs assignment ia,te terminate and become~r<ult and Poid neon -ra3ea4e bf fhfsmorkgage=
<br />-
<br />-.
<br />
<br />