~~„ t F f 1 Q~~~ h30RTL:AG£~E.:
<br />~~,~~. ~~~'~i ~~~~~~~ AVCO £I[dAM1ICtAL SERVICES
<br />1212 41E~T 2f~A _
<br />.ccooa* nnMac
<br />MORTGAvORiSy• ~S t'3877i~ f:R~~ik TSL-#~~
<br />_ _ j c~~ t~ ~ _____, NGARASiGt
<br />- ( r'~Rf Id. €:i(,f3d?$~,_-3:.'~._ ~ _.sif~, ..-._~~.
<br />AvR~£f3 RATa: OF CHaRGE ON PRO.'~.i-1S30RY NCtTI: EXEGIi2RA CONCURRF,NTLY FIEREWI'Iii: The agrzEd tafe of cftacgc ib 2F:%U p~' m aSb e, ih2f t
<br />Y [~'
<br />part of tfte uii[[ppsid balance not exceedingg S3t'rD: 2;6 ?'u teionth an any Pazttft~eteof exceediatg E21!06 buf nut exceedit[g S34t)0.~~ per mo;rtl: on ar, ar Lhereaf
<br />- ~i~xsaed#t~ ;56t3-hut not axax~ding Sl##t9~ and Ski per month on any pat -
<br />-193'fNF-~iS1Tkf, Lhat Martga>iar(s), ifoes mottru~, grant, bargdsn, seat, ant-tausey, unto 4lestgagee. tts aucce<sars or asstpts the faitow,mg desenkmd Reek testate
<br />iri tY.e covatY of - ALL ,Staieaf Iebraska, to wit:
<br />SST i~'1;td'~-~`~FL' {25} p'~F``;' Cf1~ L{31^ '~4€EL~~ { 12 } ~t~?,1 ALL fs'F L4T Et,~YEAI { 11 } t B,QGS '!`KO {2}
<br />L'ILL & ~iU~'1'CtNr ?;ALL COUNTY, NBBRAS~A.
<br />_ fagether with all I us~.l'~ an -~ >~w or henafte[ erected thereon and ail x-seens, atimne~, zhades, ssarm sash and hiir[ds, and heating, ligftting,
<br />plumbierg. gas, efecflit, - ~ -air-.-andi,ioning equipmzni used in connection therewith, all o[ whioh, for the putposc of this maitgage,
<br />sh2h_be deen;ed fixtures a~ svh3ec to~the terebf, and the hcrextitaments and appurt^nances Pzr~g fa the p[opcrty above described. and aR strxeis; -
<br />lanes, alleys, Passages, ways, waters, water courses, rights, liberties and privileges. whatsoew.r thereunto befanging or m anYwi~ appertaining and the rcversirins
<br />- and tcmainders, stl of which is rafertcd to hzrehtafier as the "premises".
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLE) the abovedessrk6ed T)remises, with the appurienaoczs and fixtures, unto the saki 31orLagee, its successors and assigns, Forever, far
<br />the purposes and-uses herein set Earth, free from att. rights-acrd lierr~ts under and by sirtoz of any Homestead Exempfian Laws of the State of-Nebraska
<br />- which clay L•x enact._d,ishieir slid rtgfits and xnefits thu said &Sortgagar-does hereby exvressiy release and waive. - -
<br />- Afattgagar also assigns to ~toi?gagee aU renL, issues and p[afits of said premises, re- -irz t!re rig}tt fo collect and use the samo, with ur withauf takir[g
<br />passes'ian. of the premises, during. uortt8tuance of default nereuader, and dvtxztg concin n [~ of such de#auit authorizing Martgagze [a en{er-vgo , . premi?.as -.
<br />andj ax to catle.t slidanfottz the same iwithov[ rcgarereto. ar±ci toy:. of ~tn ;amet `3.,ss~as~ean~ eb pettscsofeope3ation aadh~ttzutionsFmcdtne2°, reasa. ~.
<br />- Pam 7aeni a ,-ereiver tv the name any party 'pP Y _ ,~,
<br />^E ra, y's fz;.s upon any indebf_at..s cut'ed lserzbv, [n such order a. 4lartgasez <.ttay determine.
<br />_ SCR ?'i££ PEtRPOSE OF SECURING (11 Pcrformana of each axreemeni of .tertga,or ~un*.arrt-d he_.n, [;t Payment af.ihc.principrl sort[ wsth iateresr.
<br />as pravide+f srt axardance-with the tests a..d prosviatts of a Ptomisson• Note - Lo2n ei~rs+ eenreni i"ncminaftc. i?fzrt a -ta as `s~[ram"-sa=y ttot~"J-
<br />- ~~ ~;~~~~.~ 1978 her°wctb executed try Rtortgagar arid[ payable lo.the-older of lltartgagee; -
<br />-_ - m ti:e prv:=:prt s:m 3f S_yz~~ tIT , an.cE having the date of its final paymeat due on I1FE~Ft {5~•--+.~~~
<br />of as extend~l, deteind ar rescheduxd by reneral nt refmanrx: {3) Paymanl of any additic+rat advances, with interest theraan,_a3 may-heieafie; Ire
<br />loaned by fdcrtgag'e to §tongagor in a nzxirnum sum of_53 t7f}t)•Od _- within iV y'eats from fhx t3afe at tltix Aiorigaga; (A) The- paynretrt of any.
<br />- - more, ihsi may br° advanrxtl ley the '<tongagze. to Piortgznor for any ceasa•r or [a third parttes, wiffr inrzrest (hereon, where firz .amounts arc advaiu^exl to
<br />protect the secarity of in aceordari~re witi:~tite cavrrraatz of this .',ta-_ag^ ~.,5 .-ny rerewaL rzt'v-tancing or extznsion of said promissory note,-ot any atlier.-
<br />- agrzemear to pay which may bz sutrstrtuied Lrterefor. _
<br />~- Ali asymznis made by Atartgs;er ran tPx abtigatlan secured by this \lortgagz shad be apPfied in thz CoSiowiag o: der: - -
<br />- i'fRS'f: To the PaY[nen2 of taxes and assessments that may be izred and as~sxd against said premises, insurance prenrinms, repairs, and all other
<br />;;h.=yes ant ~*§aenses -weed to bz paid by fire hSartgagar. - _ -
<br />SeCOvu T ncpJ c°rf of tau-ms: 6:se on o-~u loan.
<br />- THSRD To the Payment of prtncipat. _- - _
<br />SC' PR O'f..C"f THL- SSLLRITY kiER1iOF, MORTGAGOR(S) COIr£;tiAUTti ,1,hD: AGREES: t1) W kzep sand pmmfe:s iristtted- agsirist..loss by i"gt anal,- -
<br />atttcr ::aiards, nisuatty snd contingencies up to the fail-valve aF art unpravem::nts-Far Elie praiectien af-:Scrtgcgezxr. each msnnit~ta"such~amPw II.a~_
<br />to such conrpanscos as itlnrtgagec may From time w time app,eve, and [bat loss pra,xads tlezs expense of cofkxtionT siwll, [[gag _ P -
<br />appliad nn said indctitednesv, whether due or not or to thz resfa[atian of said improvements. fn event of kc< >kartgagar win give immediate nofie~ 6Y_
<br />retail ra the '.tortg[>nze, wtto may make proof aF 3ass ii not made p[atnptly by 4fartgagar, and each insuran;x company ceincemed is hereby auihaiized- area
<br />- directed to ma>:e Payment fa[ such lass ditcetfy to i'r,=_-Tilortgagee instead ai to the Mr~urtgagor. i~) Taulc-psi .,f to>xkiortgagethe o ficial receipE sitawittg-.
<br />tfut have been ar rna3' be Seviad or assessed upon said premises, and to deliver to Dto aev4. ups rcy } c. at tta a lion. ma}• ia}
<br />- pay meal <sf all such Fazes and assessments, t3} fn thr event of dzfsvh by tifortgagor urrdes Paragraphs 7 ar _' above, lurigage p
<br />,,ice-. crest k~sP svc-§ [rrrranu: above providr3 for ;u forcz throuyhou[ fire lifer of tht. ~arttp3~h l~~p~t aR ~h d#shv ~mea[s ~s8~1 ~desmCd a frtrof
<br />- prey ae`i scat ~a ar,d +°-~,mints ~ ba_=E.. determz~rsng the validity ihcuof; xrxl (z) Y ~ t- Ta the $tn"id»~ '[rt ottizr
<br />- aka indebtedness srcutad by flue itiartgagc- .u ., sh.!r' bz immed'tatafy due a:r}net to Icomz[ittar~er a: ~wa_ anp tree fa td Prv°iniscs.-contiar. w
<br />ittiprc>vements [taw °xfs±tiw or lietzxfter erected to xaad canduion cad repair, p', t,z, inspeC. ~ - P.~, , - • ..
<br />nstnct[ans of iccorcl ar contrary to taw. a::d to Pemrit a Eg;t<ee to eat..[ st aII teaxtrable '~.es fat tF,2 u. ~ of L'te °°•trxs r ::r
<br />rznrova or demolish any b.nlding thereon: to r^>fe.r Prampt3y and is a grad and workmanlike manner any' buEMaigs p, pram ay lie damaged or desisayed
<br />thereon, and !o pay, when due, all ck[ims far 2abe;r performed and tnstarrats famished therefor. fol That he wffi a p8y the..ietdebieslr~y~~ ~ .
<br />lauc?tY, attd g°..tfnrm air other ahligatiatrs ifl full camp}iatiee with cite [elms of sold Pramisw?}• Note and this Mortgage: ti+? Thai the tune of
<br />th:. i,•aS_htednc,s #[c[eby-secured, o[ of any porvon [(terra( maS 'i^ -'9.t;rded ar rcr[ewed, end any ~~asnosn~nr the P arityiof-[tits Morfg~173.17tar~e
<br />notice, ti+: reieasad iron: ttte lion hereof, without releasing or off .tar tree personal liability of any pe • ~ _ ,-
<br />' dues t~":ebY t'ararer warrant and will faravez defend the [tile cad passe-~tcrn thereof against the iawfvi clarins of any an.. aik tiersons svitatsaet'er• -
<br />~.. ST 15~-. MtiTifALLY AGRF~D THAT: [2>-kf the saki Atarigagor sh.atl i ~~r neglecf ta~ Qr ot~ ~~ritian of"Elie ipt~emiss.46y Mactga&ar, nr~sitoW~;any -
<br />- L<e-cattle dtte, c[r upon d: fsut# in performance of any 'aidsen~tn upon . _
<br />aeaan ar pacx~'adirtg be filed in any~au hr PramirssmY ':c n~ ~;ued her h~nsiaaL tmmediatclyhbeepom iduatandpaYabies at~th opfton ~ohe~MO~sF.r'r'~ _
<br />a4artgsgee under Ellis- `tartpage ar a or an other vpfto mny _be antifk±3 Co Ute: monies dve thereon. in strch $verit fhC lpicirtEaB'c sha41 -
<br />sxt -L~° ~r gt_~ of ffiz!tffvtga~. rzr sssP,r+ce. 3% Ferscrn
<br />the r}ght €i[tt3r°ttiately to areclo~^. E'aSa ~ ttY cortip[arnt fur titax ptirpase; smt etch t.'amplafni may be proseeated W'judgmevi and execution
<br />-a~Q ~.: -Sac _t4te s;otrctian. crt rite wftok~ ymcsint of fhe indtiftfadriess-andirtterest iher+*.on,-i[tcfYtdit~ teasorrabfe 9ttornep'a fies, any amotiitts advanced
<br />- pvc«rai[i to .his aangsgs. tx,scs- of ;silt, ate[ :N Ms of • ;r ~rati{tad by tasv. - - ~ ~ --- -
<br />(vl Ia the event s:}irl er ,riu.; s=_ wlrt at_3 Forectonue oak, IAarfBagor(s) s6afl-lie 3ioWe far any deliefetreY~ro[rtaitti[tg cfkiedring ~l~tarf8ag~'s reasana ~atrttarneY i
<br />- few --!fd atrpitcai~ r t u`[ ra-rts i s_aid ~Z [a. tin irIrtc<insaa-~ctrred and fa the-expan~s ai.fonctosure,. _
<br />g ~,,.,a ~~~..a5 -' _ f Ilnaed hk [ - - - - - - _
<br />S - f i° [µa ,ul n br t. r t~ thz i - nt n~v arsd e!1 prior nre+mlusr:ees, Ctetts-at-charges paid and t}iseLatged from the pmaeeds of Elie-loan
<br />L, +r trMv. ;ti-cu a ird c th y.gh '[.c t or l:en 1 v Le rs .aka'sed f rceerd the rePaYtn¢nf of sold--indvbtedirCSS-dtalt ba ~cttie~ by avch-lfnns-On [fie
<br />poHicns ~ t1 rani e fr t d H r ! t. the e.itnt of u[ h, pays e t r sprctiytlg. - - -.. -
<br />tar s}hrn,.v~r, by thz .cn ~; ur ;!.r rn.[rt„n..r 3r oti :ai. ~ r~niis•a.r; 4c. iSartt.gef ig QiYerf any oPEWtr, su_eh apfzon may t~ "-xorrised when Elie regitt
<br />- -, c[ucs er at ~nnti time thcaaft@i, aRd' nrac, ~t~r:.~ by %siori3agw a€ Y:.Yn'.•;t nt iu9i:iiY~rtess in default shag ctinstiytitc a waiver of ai[Y defavit-then
<br />existing. wid n.rnuing--er thereaft:r s;,omirg. - - - _.
<br />aFBY'r triPYC V. A'r 3j rln
<br />.., ... ..
<br />