<br />prior to eetry o€ a judgment enforcing tttLs Mortgage if: (a} Borrowor pays Lender ati sums which would be then due under
<br />this Iti4ortgage, the Alote and notes accuring Future Advances, if any, had no scseleration orrurred; fb} Borrower cures alt
<br />tDreashes a€ any other covenants or agt~mcnts o€_l~trrower contained in this A4origage: fc} Borrower pays aH reasons2e~
<br />expenses incurred by Lender in enfcw`ring-tire coveitams and ageezmer€is o€ $orrct=rer contained in this- Mortgage and in
<br />eit€crcing k,ender's remedies-as-pro~ic~d in paragrg}sh i g hereof, including, but nr+t limbted to; icasnnabie attorney`s €~s, and `
<br />fd} Bonower takes such' actlun as Lender may reasonably require to as;ore tfiat the Isere o€ this Mortgage, I.endeF's intent -
<br />iu rho Pror#y and_~srrsz+rzr's obfigafiou to psy the seems-secured by#Itis Mortgage- sha~1 continue unitnpalred. t,Ipor. aF~h
<br />_ j3d~{`r~lent aR~ CIir1: iii iuTr r~+v: cY, Fri ~ 'e J: eng`~. z`'T!u ~+c " b+«• ..a, fl`.~•r•°+`t why ot,- }I -~ ntx irt.full Pers'~ awl. Effect 35 t~- -
<br />~ accelrahtin had oc¢ttrrr3. _ .._
<br />t~ >ar ~s ~ -+;P ann.,nt~rn"rte ,f YTceeSyer;Laside: ifs Pmon. As addititrnal seraynty heretsnaer, Borrower
<br />hereby assigns tc Lendzr the rents of the Pr~iFerty, provided that Horrawer shall, prior to iseceletation under paragraph 38
<br />izereaf or'ai:ariacnrnert of Che Fr~~perv, !~eve,ix~e ;i.ht tti c3Uecs atrd':r.tain sueli tents=as th.~ a dt~ attd_payabfe, -
<br />~n :er^t e _ ~.."e. p - ~~~~ 14 herr-a* nr akrandatstrtettt of tEte ~rtsperty tender,sn persntt, by a~tt of 1~+-
<br />ltasially appottttru rCCen!rs, Stv.u ac erstrtied ig esiter upon, ta,~z g"~tt ;# +ru' rFr~~t;,~.. tl~ Fr:;pwrsy td coil tT
<br />rents of the S?topert~~: including [hos.,_past dtte. A11_renfs Colle~eFi by Lender o[ rise rerciver shall be applied first to payrnettt
<br />o€~l~c~ists of tr~tta8~'~nr- pF the Prcm~rty and collection cif senis, including. Hitt not Gtnited to, receivei3 ices, prgttiums op
<br />receisaeaer`s boruls a?ta rsa5ansibk attorney s #ees, and then to the sttr- secured b}+ this Mortgage, Lepeier attd flu rtxeilrer .
<br />slza_ 1# 3~ liable to aet~unt einly €or tlui~ -rents asftially received.
<br />3',; ~>i ;rtd [spots reGu~t o€ Bcrr;~vizr, Lender, at T.ender's option prier to rrt~ of tlsia Mortgage, rnaY
<br />retake rutttre Iva io lflorrower. Mich Future Advances, witB interest tfiereon, shall be secured b5' tA~ Mortgage t
<br />evia~n by nrntnimnry names statinr.= that said notes are secured hereby. At no time shall the priracspal amount of the
<br />itsdebtedaess secured by reels Mortgage, rat including sums advanced in accordanrx herewith to proeeM tlx azcurity o€ ribs
<br />Mnrtgagz, exczed rise arigirsal amount of thz Alote plus US$.:7,2Df1,Q0.... ...
<br />Rte. iIpon p;syntent u€ all. sums secured 6y this Mortgage, Lander shall discharge this Mortgage withottc
<br />chi iss Bm'r;,tiver. &orrower shall pay all cosu of recordatiais, il; any.
<br />art %'t~t~s Wrrt~s:op> ~$rrower has eze;.tt t Mo `^
<br />~- ..c..r-'.. ,......
<br />~~ ~ ~~
<br />~7tNN~E ~JZt €, ~. ... ....•
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<br />