<br />F'E;f hS~RT<aAC~~ is~sc:'e #,l;is: 29Ctx, - _ .. day ~f ~&aaember..... . ~,
<br />sn "~ x~t.;,~,n+~t~cr,•t~~a,~_ .1~1~ Ai ZC ARD,LYi~4.E:.7.~.7~,. husbaa~;,a~tl.~i~r:,,B,a~_4 3.n
<br />~s~ ~~.x ,;~ r~gnt~YC~hys~ pr• "~,a„)> ai -the A4srt.e, ~ictrsre erai -
<br />- '
<br />~:r ~.d 1 ~h :d s~-rate, g s~°p~tt orb smf €~astir~ wader t7tte oc i'tie iTnitacf mates of
<br />Aeles, whams addrea3s is 22i 9ot:th I.tuvst 3taeet. Grand Island, Nebrse+ka ;herein "Lander"1
<br />WB>r+ts, Bflrrower is indebted to Lender in the principal sum of ....T~t .~'. G ~, . $~G~ ... .
<br />li[R~# .ttii3;D IR3/lflfl--°--°°------; .. ---_ _ . - I>otiars, which indebtedness is evidenced: by Borrower's nose
<br />. dated...~i~rea~be.X .~~:.191~e ... • . (he€nin "Aiate"}, providing far mantitiy irastalimettts ofpn ncigeR and interest,
<br />with the balance of tip indebtedness, if not sooner paid, due and payable an..~l"~h„t,,, ,2D6~ . ...:...... . .
<br />L 'rouECt7B8 to Lender (a} the repayment of the indebtedness evidenced by the Note, with interest thereon, ttte
<br />payment of ail other sums; with interest thereon, advanced in accordar=ce herewith to protect -the security of this-
<br />- l4lartgag~, and the perfortnanse of the covenants and agrs;ements of Borrower herein rontairted, and (is} the repayrr~ent
<br />of any fu#uce advarx, with interest thereon, made to Borrower by Lender pursuant to paragraph 2i hereof (herein
<br />"Ptttttr+e advances"}: Brsrrawer does hereby mortgage, grant and convey to Lender the fallowing descril>zd.rty
<br />lascated in the ~onnty af... , .. ~lA1,L . . .............. . ............... State of Nebraska:
<br />sf;t <?}, n~ ~ ~ (~) ol~ s,~ ~ ~rrrs ~rraala ~ a~
<br />€1t3ZGI~AI. Tom, rl GFTX t3l!' GEAND Zul.BtiDp 2v'ItBRA.SRA.
<br />,. ;<ch-lt~.~ tt~ 8ddreas of.... , ii i~ t~e~~,3rr3, , , . , . , . ....:..... . Grar:d, ~Ipud . .
<br />... . _ . is:reett t~_
<br />?le'~ L as ftia 6$$rJI .... . {~tcin "Pro~rty Address"};
<br />_ . ts;atr arrd Zip Cade? ~ _ - _ - _ -
<br />'xaus:Ttrea rirth ati -tile impravetrrests -now ar .hereafter erected- on -the prapgrty, and all -ettsemettts, rtghts,
<br />ag~s+.rrtensnccs, renal, roy~Jties,~3ii*ecat:.iii and gas r`ghts and pm33ts, wafer, xater its, and veatea'sts~cic, aad a}l
<br />ftatums nc~u~ or hereafter auat~eei to the pro~rry, iii of witirh, ineir,ciing replavants ~iid.additions tkser~;a, stall be -
<br />deemed. t4 rte and remain a part of the pea}~rty cevere3 fsg this lbiartga5~; an8 al! of the=fcrregoittg, together with said 1
<br />propert3 (ar the leasehold estate if this Ivfortgage is on a te:r,ehoid} ar=: herein referrrxl fo as tt~`=apeti}?'• J
<br />. -Bciron+~' co'ttn~tnts that 13arraw:r is (awfully seised of the asisie hereuy ~Oa~vc-ruu, had L'~ tight to~sMrrt~ge;
<br />- grant and ;,anvey the Property, that the Frcperty is unencumbered, and that Botto®rer will wartt+n6 and defend
<br />genec,~iy the tide to the Prapestyaguitut alt claims and demands, sub;e~ to any dectaratiat~ easements or restrictions.
<br />listettirt a sch:~ule ui-c~~ptiacs ca ~;rrx~e in any title insurance lxriiey insuring Lender's interest in the Property.
<br />~>--t to 4 Samil9-6175--Fl~ttF~d it#A `1~1>tT
<br />