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~~-~ <br />! 1'Hf`a `+i€~Iifi+fi'r~Gr, tsflrct€Ie Ghts .. .::. .. .~pttf .. _ ......,. ....... .. ..... . <br />_- ,t. ~q ..... £A~Y L. G1`~P . Hf3~3`t'A L. ~'~"t ~barunf ~ ~.f~~,' <br />- - _ _ .;:L` t+ iai3 c ii~t2ic~]'~^ws73 y:~%~'" ~'~~16k73~r~+,n_'t,9~'~'~=-e~ M, -IItAfl@ ~8i - - - <br />• ,~rE Ji3 ~.: diet: it - a- .nt1~E,.$t3.t.Csa:~'~i+ orp,°..ed.nx,ml ~ utrdar *~ Lxva d The T3n3t2d ;star o€ <br />America. avhase address is 2~1 ~otith Ls€ Wit, Grand Isl~aii, €Ye6resks ihet~s "I.emder"). <br />1p~xa:is, Harrower is ita3eb_ te~2 to Lender itt the grincipal sum o#.. ~ i~"~~ .~0 xw-~==- <br />..~°°~-"°~°^"'°~°` , . ...... I}crllftrs, which indefrtec2tress uevidenced hl' >9orrowar's tx~c <br />dated ..~G~t€asr ~r . ~.r}'.j$ . : , . (herein " Note"}, providing €or rnonthly instati~ats o€ prl ai~~udinter~t, <br />~ with-the baiai[ee t3f tLti.~indebteilness> if not sorsrer paid,. dtre -and ~tayrle ott_ . ....~...; .. . .. . ...... . <br />T'o 3scux;v to Leader (a} the repayment of the iadcbtrdness evidenced by the Aiote, with interest thererm, tire- <br />t payment of ai4 other saws, with interest thereon, advanced in accordance herewith to pxptect tire-severity ~-this <br />Mortgage, and the perfora€aace cif the covenants and agreements of Harrower herein contained, and (b} fire repayaxnt <br />o€ any €utttre advances, with iniarest thereon, made to Borrower t}y Leader pursuant to paragraph 21 hereof (herein. <br />i "9Fatitss .rdvaae~"}, i3orrosrcr does"here mortgage, great and convey to Lender -the €oiiovriag ~escri$ed i~Y <br />~ meted rm the t.,aaaty o€. State of Ptebraska: <br />t <br />~ wcclr has t astdress of ~~3.]: ~c~tth e.~i .~ ,C~a~ad Is7;axui ..........., <br />FSErest7 tchra~ <br />e iI~ Fs asrr.3. SCI tein'~I'rapnrfy Adrlre,cs" }; <br />~ tsrrt,: s~~~ x~u ccex} <br />c, - <br />K <br />h '£ocETw-nor with ail thw imfirovamcsrts nox or bertxi?cr created c,rt the peopertp, a*rd aI! easements, :ight_a, <br />appurtcnanc!~, rens, royalties, trrinetal, uii and gas ;la6t+s and profiu, water, water rights, and vrater stuck, and aft <br />fixtures now or ter.~ft:r bctsu3red Fa the prolx rty, all of ~v?rich, it=eluding reptaczri3ents and ae+dit?otts th~;reto, shall 4G <br />deemed to be and rerrtain s inert ct' fire property coheres ap this Milr£~ge; and all of trc foregainF, ttsget,ser ;vitlf said <br />property (or tLe leasehold estate if this Mortgage is on a 2eavetrold} ace. herein referred to as Cite "Property". <br />k, 13orv~er cw~stan~ tax? $orrawer is laaiult ~ ..eised of the estate hareb conve ~ and-Iran the r' t trfmo , <br />} ~ Y y ~ ~$a$~ . <br />.sift arrd county ttx Property, Cleat the Daopert^y is tmancumbered, and that Borrower wgl warrant artd--de€end <br />getrer.dly' the dilz to the Property again9i ai3 claims noel demands, subject to any d~iarationa; easements or re~trietians <br />Itstedina~hedula a€ eze~ptiens to coverage in any title :n;urancc poiti?y insuring Leader`s interest in the Property. <br />E ~~i-t tft4 E~ti!;--6(75--FIA(fHUdC H1ffE&>tM llkitNillAElti <br />