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prior to entry of a judgment enforcing this Afor€gage if: {a} Barraa~er pays Lender ail sums which would l~ than due under <br />ibis Ivfortgage, tht Note aad notes sseuriag Future Advances, if any, had aio acceleration occurred; (h} $armwer cures all <br />isreaehes of-any athei covenants or agreements of Borrower contain_sl in this A+Iongage; (c} Borrower pays ail rcasoaable <br />expanses incurred by Leader in enforcing the covenants and agreements of Borrower contained is this 11~faRgage and in <br />ea`arcia~Leyifer's rer.7e3ia:s as grcai in paragraph F B herWof, it:clitdinID, but not limited to, reasauabla attorney's fees; and <br />(d} Borrower takes such action as Lcndee rtsay reasonably require to azure that the Uen of this Rfartgagc, ~.ender's iaterest <br />itt fhe Pragsaarty and I3armwg: s abligaiion_ is pay t:te sums s~~~red 6 tFtis t~tortgage shalt cantimse unimpasred_ Upon at~h <br />~y°~nt and by Bnrrn~r, this lvlo_*tgage atz~ the abtigatitnts secure€i hereby: shah remain in fizit -force and etiect as if <br />~[T>ais; ~ ten iceeeiver; Legit is ;,il additiattal se~trrity met:.-der, Barrawer_ <br />1~rtby #o Leader the rents of the Property. provided that Borrower sliatl, prior to accaterateon under paragraph 18 <br />hcreaif or abandanaaea# of fhe Property, have the-right. to cofilec#-and-retain-stack rents as they became due and payable. <br />ilpon acceiera#ion under paragraph l8 liercof ar abarrdoumettt 3f the Praperry, Le-..der, in r'~, ~f agi or by <br />- jtadicially appaints~ receiver; shad be entitled to enter upon. take possession of and manage the Property aad to caT~t the <br />rents of the Property, including those past due. Ate rents eallected by Lertder c+r the receiver shall be applied first to paymertt <br />_ of the c of mass~entent of the Frolserty an~C eoi0eetion of rents, inel;sing, but nci# limited to, receiver's fees, preaiinteis on <br />rtxeivtr's bands and rrasanahie attorreey's fees, and then to the sirtt3s secured by this Mhngage. Lender aced the- n;ceiver <br />shall be liable to account only far those mrtts actually received. <br />~. ~ Adrar~xa. Upon request of Benawer. Lender, at Lendeis vptioa prior to release of thia'Mortgagz, rtay <br />e Future Adwarcz to Borsawer. 3trclr Future Advances. with iaterzsz thereon. shall be secured liy this Moitgxge wf~z <br />_~ n... ,.ter ~;~ n: t;tnP at„il rtig p_rn_cia~ arnautrt. of .the <br />ev'sseencEU'-`vy prourisroiY ua'nca s#aar~ that se .°.ai a are ~...... ~- ==^ - - <br />irti9ebtc tvuess secured by this Ivlartgage, ao# including sums advanced tit aecardartce herewith to protect the security of -this - - _ <br />Mortgage, exebed the original amount of the Note plus USS...l$,.7.70.t7~ ..... <br />Rcr. Upon payment of alt sums secured by tttit Mortgage, Leader shah discFarge this. 'Mortgage withotrt <br />:.barge to Burrower. Borrower shall pay all casts of recardatian, rd arty. <br />SN 1&rrxess Pdti?EICEtaI", Borrower Sias executed ibis Iviartgaga. <br />Les i ey T, ~nwder: --eormreer <br />fiery I ~l 3fltud,;n --®grrwvar <br />' Srnrz at= N~1tzeasxA . . ....... . ... ?~t~1-.i.......................... uannty sr: <br />t7tt thi„s....f.~~~` of... LkG~Rtb2t'....., 197, ., trefcere me, the tuidersigned. a P~otsry Pudic ° . <br />dace, tt:tiatt seed zeaaa6fisd for ~ ctr~nty,-personally came.LESLEs`. T» .t3G`atf7EAl..AhiB:>rkf~i2Y:t, -S ~., :.,e:<#, <br />has~t~~~..a=t~ .+~ 1:f~:. ~~t2. I ~. h:i~ .~srct. ti f=t: Qvtn . ci ;~{`~'..ana .as. s~useQ~ eke, is r~ kaucnt tit 6e ifte <br />~derr__l~c~ti ~rsatt(sl whtlse nxme[s} arc sul~ribed to ttte fare8aiag instntzn~f a acltnnwled$ad-this ~eeation <br />thisreaf to , ..:trolitntary act seed deed. <br />tiVitr ~y hand and txsiarial seal ai. _ . , .. , . , , .. ~r-end -1 s 1 said; -Neb r•as~a ......ire said- caunip, tt~ <br />~fdresaid. <br />leg Camtnssion sxpir~: ~~ f ~~ r' "~ . _ , : ~s~~~ `:- ...~ 5~t,- f ~':? :.s;'? :~.a! . <br />- . •{1 - NatarY BR~iet - <br />ra <br />~~ <br />£;, ,4 <br />' :`~.. <br />- ~ -~,: _ - is iUas rtr€s L*ne ?N~~rvt6 r•ar tender arts tietord8r} _ <br />- rrs <br />"~ r4w <br />~s n e ~. <br />~~ ~, <br />~~ J~ ~ w <br />t7 t _ ~ ~. - - - - <br />`~ iit~- .._ -- <br />~, ,~ _. <br />;~ - . ~ ,~ <br />•ti f ~. <br />i ~= ~ - .~ <br />iurei F?atne rc~@r~ <br />i=.f~, Elc~x lOQ4 <br />