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<br />t~laizTCAC:E _ - <br />-- ~. - ~toxTCncE~.cANNO. t 23,313 <br />~C3i`t .ALE. nfE':tl p,Y' TrriFSE :'ftESE°•::5: T::at 8 i ~ ~ i 2 Q2ail SSt'~E?SrJ11 ~ tld T{1-°_Y'e5d ~ . Ssla!IsCff , CaC}I 1 S# <br />his and her o;irtt right and as spouse o~ each o~.her <br />it5ertg3gar, whether one ar more, its consideratlan of the sum of <br />Twenty Thousand Four Hundred arfd Nofiaa-----------------------------------°------- P(3LLARS <br />toan2d to said mortgagor by The Equitabte 9uiidfng and Loan association of L:rand tSlard, IdeGrasl-a,l3vrtgagee,upon shares of stack of <br />:aid a.~S~'IATInN, r2,tif;EZte Na, L. 23,3is" . do hereby v-ant; ccnvey and mortgage unto the said ASSf~IATit3fi the fallowing <br />described teat estate, sitt~ied in tiafi Cuuaty, ?:ebraska: <br />NaRTHERR.~ EIGHTY EIGHT (88) FEET aF LaT Faun ;4) IN Bi-arx <br />SE.'ERITY Fain (a~) IRi THE ar~Ial~a~ Ta;~~, ~Ra~r eITY, aF aQ <br />IS!~iRd17, HI~LE CauNTY, NEBRASKF~, <br />a,getheF ~~ith tilt the teaemen€, h~ redita.:xnts and appus?enances chereunta bela_sing, i,nl_uding attaahed floor trowcings ail window screens; <br />windo:r shades, biird_s; storm windows, awnings, treating, air conditioning, and pttrtnbing and water equipment and actrssories thereto, pcmps, stoves, <br />ref ritaraiars, and outer fixtures and equipment nosy or hereafter attached ie at used in cc== ection with said teal estate. <br />And wfxreas the said mat{gager has agreed and dts2s hereby agree thaz the marts:=cF shall and will pay all taxes and asseswrtertu levied yr <br />a~~ssed upon said preFnis2s and upan this m~.;tgag2 and the bond secured thsrebv~ bfcre the :ante shah became deanquent; Lo fttrr__+sh approved <br />inseranc2 upon the bui}dings an said premises situated in the Burn of "s 2a,~aa. as payable tv said :,SSC~CIATItIN and to deliver fo said <br />ASSOCIATi£7°i the policies far said insurance; and net #o cammii at permit any waste on ar a'aaut :aid eternises; <br />in ~ of defanit in the p=cfaeenanee of any of the terms and conditions of this mattgagt or the bond sec,:red hereby, the tnart$agee shall, <br />On demand, he 2ntitt3d to finrnediat2 poSies"it)n of tlt2 mO; t,.:aged prenli525 and `. it2 martgagar hereby asstgn5, Eran3feFS Snd ~t5 4Y2Z i4 #112 <br />:i=-artgagee tilt the ten#s, revenues and incortle to be deriv<d frorf,. the z„gaged",e.~u°-s duri,:g such tr,:. as t :e ,;; rte r,,:,~'eb:~;,~~ ` re.~.: <br />unpaid: arsd tree mortgagee shah haw the paver to appoir=t asr agent or agents it=may desire fan the pu.,f.;,se of repairing said premises and renting <br />the same and collectir~ the tents, revenues and income, and it may pay out of said income aiE expenses of repairing mid premises std tteces:ary <br />se?t~<..i=io^s and ?x^°ns~s iacurr~d to teniieg artd tnanagiag the same and of to1'rzctirg rentals therefrom; the batarme remaining, if any, to L~ <br />apptied toward the ctis,:harge of said mortgage indebtedness; Yhes2 rights of tftr mortgagee .may Ge exercised at nay time durag the existence afsuch <br />,''.efau -. ;rres};rctr-e of any tempossry x~ais~~r of tFr samf. <br />These PFeseuts, however, are opera ti:e Cand'sEion, Thai if ?h2 said 3lartg?;or shelf repay mid iaaa an or before the maturity of said shares by <br />payment; pay monthly to said aSSCx.iATfuis of She sum s~citled in th_ t3and secured hereby as interest tired ptirteip8f an .said ~a=,, on or b2fare <br />the T wantieth day of each and every month, until said Saar. s fully paid: p=.= al! taxes snd ass: sstr~ns feud ~~^s*. std pr?~=s end en Lh~< S~'rYg:r;. <br />and th€ Bond secured tSt2r2bg•, berate cis}inquency°°: ftarnish approc~zd insurance ugan rite buildings thereon in the ;urn of S 2a,aaa,aa payable <br />to wid ASSvCtATIf3`~: repay to =aid ASSOC2.4Tlt)N upan demand zIi meaty by it paid far Buell rate<_. assessments and insurancx wiihrnterest at <br />.... ..........._..: -~...,.e fh-tz•, , €; _ _,. date ct pav,,:z F a€f of which ~±ara_agar hereb.' . ~.rees :o pay: ~Smtt ^a waste On card p;'ernises; keep and carpiy <br />with elf the aateemen?sand wadi#icns of the Bond far S 2a,aaa. as this day given by he said ~4ortgago: to said ASSOCIATtQN, and mmply <br />with tiff the raqu~rem2nts of the Constitutiar, and 8y-Laws of said AS50CIATiON; then these presents shalt become nail and veld, oihetwix they <br />shall resn.;ia in foil farce and may be fareciosed at ih2 oniion of the said ASSOCIATiC~ after failure sat ?hies months to make arty of said <br />payments or be three marths in arrears in making said montiily payments, or to keep and comply with the agr2emen?sand :undiiiars of said tiorrd;. <br />and :?Iortitgor agrees ro have a rec.2ivr appainud fordtwith at such feF2clasttr2 proceedings. <br />If ?here is any thanes in ownership of t142 real estate mortgaged herein, by sate or otherwise, then the entire remaining indebY2dn2ss hereby <br />~..:umd sitatl, at the optiatt of ; he Eouitabte B.aiiaittg and Lean AssxiaLion a£ Grastd Island, Nebraska, ixcarst2 h;irnediaie}y due and payable wiihdui <br />Earths; notice, and the amount remaining due under said bond, and any ether bond for any additional advances tnad2 thereunder, shall, from the <br />date of exercise of said option, bear in#etest at i he maxitnurn ?:gal race, and ti+_s mortgage may then fze fvrec':os~d to satisfy ttte ar-haunt d:x on mid <br />bond, xnd any other bang for additional advances, tageti'r_r with till sums paid by said The Egv3tab12 BuHding and Loan Assor~iatiatt of viand Island, <br />Nebraska for insurance, taeea and asc.sstnen=.s, and aastraciirg extension charges, with interest thereon, from data of payretent at the tnaximtutt <br />42galrata. <br />As provided is the frond secured hereby. v%`tile this mortgage remaitas ir. effect the mortgagee may hereafter advance additxirtaf Burns to the <br />masers of said Bond, Eheir assis~ ar successats ux interest, wlticlt sums shalt be sv9thi_n the security of ibis mongag2 the satrx as the funds os~iratly <br />Sei3r2 d thereby, tli2 tatai am.atrnt of principal debt not to exceed at an=; elms the ariginat amount of Phis mortgage. <br />~?~~ ihi= a3th ~t<-~ „f Qecember A. i~., l~7$ <br />'~ r5 ~ - • - <br />e dean- S~a~st~;l <br />Theresa ti. Svt~al~son <br />S'P'ATE oi' NEBEtA.~KA, d ~. on r~~ lath des, of December i9~~ , befarr me, <br />col.~taY or lt~I.I. <br />Ute unde,.i~ted, a Notary Fubflc is and far said County, personally ~rrn <br />Bi31 ie Dear# S'l#aYI5t1I2 -and Theresa J. Swanson, each in his and her ow~,~ iq~ht andpe~na~QcnoSwettto <br />of each ether re <br />rY~ to b2 the identical persons whose rtame5 arE affixed to the shave instrum2ni as mortgagor 5 and they sz*xralfy <br />a«~n.y?t~~ tail- said iu~rs »»eni t+o>t? ~~t~i r E~itsnta~y set ~flrt d2?d. ~ `l <br />iS~TiVE"s5 my hand and iidtat53f Saai the dart aforesaid. ~ . j ~ <br />?YIy Camrnissio=n exp¢¢es J/- `,' ~"~2 j`.~ <br />GE;F.kAf..P;~ ,` / : °f / Notary r'ubh'c `• <br />s ?.stn at *`c rr;Er. { <br />, <br />