<br />' TI-i15 R+IfJII.TGAGE as made titie ..............8th... _ . ..... day of ....December.............. ,
<br />t ?;3.78.,hstsvnt~et~fortgagar,JAh~S.I.....+~HNNDt~'.~.~1D.~'AY,i'..~PdNONy..as.,~o.in~.terraris.......
<br />...................................... ¢hereirt "Bs~rrower"), attd tots ~artgagee, 1/lasue Federal
<br />~afiu as,rtd l Asao^..igt, a ~~rpwratlan arga*~l;i~ and etit=g under the laws of The'Jnited Mattes ttf
<br />Atrerica, whose address ~ ~g~ ~otttit Lfleust stmt, Crartd isitiirrd, ivabrasga wzi~~ "L~def ").
<br />vr`Raas, a~arra~c`er is indehtcd to ;render in tits gd:ncipal sum o€.t`d ii `ETA. ~ 1.!lE .?~!GfASF,iSD.;ry"~`J. s"'~l•#^~'fl.
<br />. ; ,-.. --.. -- ..-- -- ---. -.. --- .. --. ----x`)ollars, cv$ieis indebtedness is evidenced ]sy $anower s nose
<br />tom, , ~ecernb~r 8, , 1978. , , , , , , f herein "Note"), providing for monthly irstaltments of princigai and interest;
<br />vritit the balance of the indefsted;aess, i€ not saaze€ paid, due aid payable o...... ~?R i~+i v~r .i.,..d9~$... , .. .
<br />io Sacv~~ to Lender (a) the repayment of the indebtedness edsden ~d by the Nate, with interest thereon, the
<br />payment of ail other sums, ~c~itYt interest thereon, advanced in accordance herewiih io proteci the securiry of t`nis
<br />mortgage, and the per€orrnance of tare covenants at.d agreements a€ Barrowrar herein contained, and (b) the repayment
<br />o€ any €uture advances, Ciitii interest tl:erean, made to Borrower by bender pursuant to paragraph 21 hereof f herein
<br />"Future Advances"), Borrower dog hereby mortgage, grant and convey to Lender the foitowing described properey
<br />Iacated lit th a County o#..........~iG~~i_. .. . ......................... State o€ idebraska:
<br />
<br />which has the address af .............'.i. ,i.. Br~rt-t,+ood_ Ci rcle............GC~pa. ~,s it~~.:......-:
<br />- - tSt:aL' tt:i3pt ,
<br />Pde b ras ka 68313 i .... {herein "Property Address")
<br />.. - , .. , €5tate gnu 2io Gaic'! .. • -
<br />`I"~ ~~ea ~ alt the i3r_provemts no?rt or harcafter erected on tiro property, and all easements, rigitu,
<br />ap~xtrtenattces, rents, rtryalties, tr6ineral, rril attd gas rights and profiLc, water, water rights, and water stock, and ail
<br />natures noiv csr h€rea€ter att~kted ~ the €nolrert3`, all-cif whiehs including replaceinenis and additions-thereto, shall Lre
<br />~` , de~rtted icr ~ and reittain a patz o€ tiic prripurty so,i u by this *:tsrtgage; and all €sf-the €aregoittg, tr~getltt:r with said
<br />~ropetty far the le=sehsdd estate if t}tis A±)artgage is an a leasehold) are'herein referred to as the "Property"
<br />P.orrower ~venants that Borrower is lawfully seised es€ the-esdatE hereby conveyed and has the right io mortgage,
<br />grant and crirtvey tae ~rt~j, that ti-,e Pru°~r is utswn~tttl~rad, Rod that :3orro'trer will warrant and defend
<br />generally the title to the t~roperty against-nit elaitrts and demands, subject to any declarations, easements or restrictions
<br />listed in a schedule of exceptaons to coverage in any #itIe insurance policy Insuring Lender's interest in the Property.
<br />~E~RAS~A--i t~ a femstr-~(3s-etirdxt~ttt~+c gYIIEGRNi tlfSSRU~tit
<br />