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~'I'G~~E <br /> <br />'ISIS 1'aFE}F^i~r".Ci~ is rxtadethan........ ~ ~' ~? day of ...... D~cesnbEr. <br />7n .... .... .. .. n„~ ... ... ......... <br />~ ~,~~ f err r, V C~ Ur. .~U(: F~V„ L=7Y G.Ci~\ I. E, LSJ.f".[JtR+`r_. Ci`~.;. .JiIY D. D11V. 1.U. Yom. .L"t1F VKECIV t7~ LWVt\ Lam. <br />?LGrv~~U +v~c~1,~~i.J~J~i~KEr~h~~~;i,~l..~~ftl~~t ~#d~s~~Hb~~;`i~~~m~SFd~ zenanfis <br />tirttn"YI'dtltbf"5ilt'viv rsiiip""arid"Pto`~"bs tsrt~f fn'COmifio <br />~uav*.ngs arts t,oau xssoeiation, a ~cos~traemn argauta~ an~ saz~ttng un~er fire laws of i fie united ;states of <br />P~x¢ri:s, whose ttddres<~ is 221 South Locu4t Stt~t, tarand Isiaad, Nebt~aslta therein "i,euder"). <br />Wxutta~s, Borrower is indebted to Lender in the principat sum of ~. i tJETY, S I X THQUSAND ,P+ND, NQ(I.O,O---- <br />.:..-': ------------- ----------..:`-. --'-37'allar, which andettedness is evidenced by Borrower's note <br />dated...G'@GG~~~,er'„ I, L,, . ~ ~~~ ..... (herein "Nate"}, providing for monthly installments of principal and interest, <br />with the balance of the indebtedness, if net sooner paid, duo and payable on... Js~rtttat'y.lz. 2004,,........ <br />To 3ECea.E to Lender (a} the repayment of the indebtedness evidenced by the Note, wieh irteresi thereon, the <br />payment of all other sums, with interest thereon, advanced an accordance herewieh to protect the security of this <br />l4fortgage, and the performance of the covenants and agreements of Borrower herear. s:ontained, and (b} the repayment <br />of any future advances, with interest thereon, made to Borrower by Lender pursuant to paragraph 21 hereof (herein <br />"suture Advances"}, $orrower does kereby mortgage, grant and convey to Lender the following described property <br />located in the County of.........HAl! ............... . .............. State of Nebraska: <br />LEFTS FIVE {5}, SIX (b) AND SE+iEN {7), fN BLOCK NINE {9), IN JGHN VGITLE'S ADDITlOP4 TG <br />THE Ci TY GF 6RfdvD I SLf+ND, HALL CCU^:TY, NEBRirSi:f'+ <br />AND <br />A PART GF THAT PART O'F 7TH STREET LYING r3ET'~EEN CHERRY STREET pAJD PGPLRR STREET iN THE <br />C;TY GF GR,~.ND ISLA,`VD, HALL COUNTY, NEBP,RSKR, f~;RE PP.RTECULARLY DESCRIBED AS FGL LAWS: <br />BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEASTERLY CGRNER 4F LGT SEVE?,' ;`}, BLGCt ;MINE (9i, VGlTLE'S RDClT10N <br />TG THE CITY GF GRAND ISLAND, NEBP1tSKA; T'HEN'CE Rey:°tl'sC SUUT;EiYLY c)N T?iE PRGLJNGAT3GN GF THE <br />EASTERLY LINE GF SAID LGT SEVEN t7} A DtSTRl~CE GF THIRTY Ff'vE {3~} FEET; THENCE f""„ZING <br />SOUTH=°iLJTERLY k il!`~NyCE CF SLJEIdTY-FGIIR~`~v StYiN ~cY~siS (r4.7} FEEL tfY'iRc GR LCSS TG A <br />PGiPdT TEN t IG} FEET NGRT#iERLY Ff~<< THE SG:sT,HEFcLY LINE GF 7TH ST€~ET A'dD {Y'i Tr?E Pla7LC#~GATIGN <br />G`= THE !WESTERLY LINE QF LOT T'riG {2},BLGCK THiRTEE*: {l3}, SKID VOITLE'S ADDITION; T'rIENCE <br />RJhP::>NC !'1ORTH4tESTERLY A DI STP1lCE GF GtJE HlS~D~D THP„=E A?~iD THREE TENTHS { 103.3} FEET <br />r,r+RE nR LESS TD R PGINT ON THE NGRT?-~~RLY L ?NE GF 7Tu STREET R?~C~ Tom= ! lG} FEET WESTERLY <br />~~}nt T==1E SG~}IEASTERLY ~..r`r~.`ER -~.~F !_GT F{VE {1}, Si1lB r~LGCK N{i't1E {~); THENCE Rt>Rl;`IING <br />EASTEP,L'Y G;{: iY,E ItiGRTHERLY L ENE GF 7TH STREET A DlSTPSdCE OF G~IE HLRJDRED FDP'iY-TWO 4142.} <br />FEET rG TuE Pn!NT nF BECrNlpl:;. <br />7G7 N. St. P,aul.Ro~~,...,,, .....grand, Is,larld„.._, <br />which has the address of ..................... ...., <br />(street? Tcity} <br />Nebraska .... b88OI ... , ... (herein "Pcepe€ty Address"}; <br />tstst~ aRd tic cwe3 <br />`f'oon~t;stt with all the improvements rxow or hereafter erected on the property, and ati easements, 0ghts, <br />appurtcnan~s; rants, royalties, mitteral, oil and sac rights and profits, water, water rights, and water stock, and alt <br />fixtures now or hereafter attached to the property; all of which; incfuding replacements and additions thereto, shall be <br />dammed to be and remain a paxt of the property covered by this Mortgage; and all of the foregoing, together with said <br />property (or the leasehold estate if this tYlortgage is do a teaseltald} are herein referred to as the "Property". <br />Borrower covenants that Rerrower is lawfutiy seised of the estate hereby conveyed and has the right to mortgage, <br />Brant and eortvey the Property; that xhe Property is unencumtaered, sad that Borrower will warrant and defend <br />generally the title to the Property against alt claims anti detitands, subject-to any declarations, easements or restrictions <br />lasted in a schedule of exceptions to coverage iii any title insurance policy insuring Lender's interest in the I'rogerty. <br />N~~~AS~--: tc n a3msly~l~~sx;~sa~fxtatt: xxt~ol~t txstxoa+exr <br />