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eat extend or postpone the due date of +,'ae tttonthty 'r,+.zt.tllntcats referre:l to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or <br />ohange the anxottnt of such installments. <br />,ag. Baarawer Plat Btel~, ad. Extension of the torte t`or pa}'meet ar tnadificatiatt of a;nartizat-tan of the sums <br />secured by this ~'Iartgage granted Ixg I:ender io any surressar it, irterest ai Borrower shall eat -operate to release, <br />in arty msnnner, the liability of the original Borrower ant} Borrower's successors in interest. Lender shall eat be <br />req+__=trPj tc eominence l,roceedings a;airst bttr_}t sncressar ar refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modi#y <br />_ atnartiuation of the sums scoured by this Tortgage by reasots of a;ty demand tear.}e by the origins} Borrower and <br />BaaiawaF's Sn'uee554TS In tnterest' _. s __a,,..:.. ~ rioter- nr rnmgsia: <br />3 :} xorsear~n by fender Plot o ~ivoxvez, any #orixearsrn:e b,> Y=,,,~~..,. ~xerai.,ing any ..~,... _- ____-- <br />}xet•2under, ar atlxc~,oise a` crdtid 1>° - --~•at+l~, tai,-, }t~~tl not_ i3e ? ;+•ai.-er of or preclndecthe exercise of any rigizt <br />ar remedy hereunder. The practaremettfAaf insurance ar the ;aaymctzt of taxes er ether }tens ar charges by Lender <br />~J steal= net be s waiver of Lender's rigt.t to accelerate the msturity ai fire indebtedness secured by this ti.ortgmge. <br />,~., }$, Rertaedies Cursaulctive. All remedies prorided in this \tartgage are distinct and cumuiatice t.a any-other <br />s~ right yr _*e~uedy under t,.,s'.Iartgage a. aKordec} by lacy or equity. and star be exercised ranctrrrently, 'tndepend- <br />cntty ar suceesiveh•. <br />I;}. $uccossazs orad ;Assia3gs Bound; ;Dint cord Several :.ia.'`,ility: Captions. The roeenante and agreereents <br />i-ierein eon~ained she}l wind, and the rights l:2reurder sl:stl inure. to, the respective successors and assigns of Lender <br />and Harrower, subject to the pra:•isians of par: Rrsph t i hereof. X11 covenants and agreements of Borrower shall <br />be jaxnt and several: `t'he captions and headings of =.he paragraphs of this Mortgage arc for convenience only and <br />era oat to be used to interpret or define the nrovisians hereof. <br />id. ids <-~. -",°" "atico to Barratver ,?mridcd fat• in this Mortgage shat} he >;i;'en br mai}ing such notice by <br />certified mai} addressed to Bot•rawer st tltc Proix•t•ry Address stated below. except far arty notice required under <br />paragrap}t IS hereof to be given to Borraner ut the manner presrril;ed by applicable taw. any notice procide<t <br />Eor in this Mortgage shall Ire deemed to have been given to Borrower r;-hen giver: in the manner designated herein. <br />}5, Uniferrzt }~foztgage: Governing law: Sevezabifity. This form of mortgage combines untfarrrt covenants <br />for nstianal use and non-uniform covenants ;with limited variations b}• iul:sdictian to constitute s uniform secu- <br />rity instrument covering real property. This lIorigage shall be governed b;° the tan- of the jurisdietian in which <br />the Pr~porty is located. In the event t}tat any procisior. ar clause ai this \Iartgage ar the Note conflicts with <br />applicable law, such conflict shall not at?ect ether pravisiars of this \fartgage or the \~ote which can be given <br />effect without the conflicting pre=vision, and to this en,~ the praeiaions of the 3lortgage and the Note axe declared <br />tct be sg ta;'able. <br />}6. Borrower`s Cony. Borrower shall be iurrishect a canfermed copy cf this Mortgage st the time a# execu- <br />+.ion ar after recordation hereof. <br />r. Trczteier of the Prsaerty: Assumption. If all or any part of the Prapert.}• or an interest therein is sold <br />or transferred by Borrower without Lender's prier ,vritten consent. excluding ta} the creation of a lien ar encum- <br />brance subordinate to this Mortgage, }b? the creation of tc }:ttrcFiase money security interest for household appli- <br />artees, (cj a transfer by c}evise, descent or by operation of lass- upon thr: death of a ;Dint tenant or (d) the grant of <br />any leasehold interest of three yecr_c or lea; not cantainiag an apt:on rn }>archasc, i.e,tder may. at Lender's option. <br />declare all the sums secured by tlxis ;tlor_tgagz to be itunledistelr sue and payable. Lender shall hate waived such <br />aptian to sece!erate if, Wrier to ilte sate nr transfer; L-under nr, the persca to whom the Property is io he so}-' ^r <br />transferred reach agr a.:t,;.r. in writing t-oat the credit. of such }+ersan is .arts#actary to Lcrder and that the interest <br />payable an the sutras secured by this \iortgage shall Le at such ,•ate as Lender steal} request. If I.endar tell waived <br />the aptian to accelerate ilrovided in this paragraph 2, and if Borrower's surcessar in tnterest has exec=utod a R`rit° <br />ten assumption ag2'sement accepted i*t writing by Lender, Lender shall release Borrower from aII obligations under <br />this ~dr~•tgave and the :`tote. <br />If Lender exercises such option to accelerate, Lender slta}i mail Borrower notice ai acselerstian in accordance <br />with paragraph ?~ hereof. Such notice sh~l} provide a period aE eat less tltaa 30 day: from +.lte date tlxe notes e is <br />mailed within ;}-hick Barra;ver may pay the sums declared el-ue. Ff Borrower fails t-a pay suoh smlxs prior to the <br />expiration of such period, Lender mac. ;i ithout fuse};er ^atice or +lentand on B'or,ower, invoke ant t•z-rnetiie: per- <br />p° tap h IB lt:,.•~f <br />arritied by era <br />\rx-I *:tr:exat i'ort:tiaazs. FSVr.att•er anI Lerdcr Purtltcr carenant and a~t•ee as tallo~c.~: <br />}$. Raaeiezation: Remedies. Except as Iro;~iderl is n;r;agraph I ~ h:~reof, ustou Borra;eer s breach of an}` <br />covenant ar agreenxent of Borrower in i}tic Mortgage. irrlariing the covenants to patio is•lien due am sums secured <br />by this 3ortgage, Lender prior to arseieration shall ntait .taiice tc Bcrra;ver as~ prartded is paragraph t~ hereof <br />specifying: (li the bread;; t21-the action rev;uirerl to cure cur?: breach: .3! a date, not lac then thirty days <br />front the dace the notice is n,ailc±I to Barrone+ i,r o: tees svcl, hreaclt must be rurc~jt anc} (4) that failux•e to cure <br />sack breech an or before t};e date sp_•e=fled in the notice roar result in acceleration of fire louts secured by this <br />Mortgage and stall of the Property. If t}:e br~aclt is not cured ar. er beintr the date specified in the notice. Zander <br />st Lender's aptien ntay declare all of the swats secured L•E- Fitts tortgage to he immediately due and payable <br />wiiltout #urtlter demand and tea. iorcclese tail ltar't gage by jud}c-ial proceeding- Lendee shall t:e entitl€d to callett <br />in such proceeding all expenses a ...-se}a-ore. :.:eluding, }out not liutited to, costs cf dacumeatsrc evidence, <br />atr€tracts and title reparG~. <br />}9. $orrowrar's Sight to Reir.~laie. \ot;ritltstancEir=g I.erder's acceleration of the sums secured by this <br />~Iarigage, Borrower shall have i}te right to have st ;,°chng• k,egur. by i.ender to enforce this 3iarigage dis- <br />continued at any time prior to entry of a juc}gnn~;;, _ - -.:•ing thisltortfan.° ;f: tar Borroter pays Lender all <br />sums x~ouid ixe-there due under t~,s \Ia~gattr, the smote att,l notes secu*inr~ I•'utttre Advances, if any, had no <br />acee}erAtion aecarred; (b? Borrower cures alt 1?reac3tc: of an}' other rorcnants m• agmements of Harrower con- <br />tained in this .~lortgag?; (el Barrawer pays all ra:as n,bir expenses i::curred tae Lender in enforcing the covenants <br />and agr~ments of Barrar,-er contained in this Slartg:€~e anc} in er::arcing• Lender's renteclies as ]troy}fled in para- <br />graph }g herea#; including, but eat hrrliteti ta, reasanait}e attorney's Eee~=; and idl Borrower takes such action as <br />Lender may reasonably require to a:+sttra that the hen of tttis :.Iurtgage, Lenders interest in the Property and <br />Borrower'svbligattan Ltt ixay the actors secured by this ~tos•ig.age slta}i continue unintpairzcl. t?Ixan such paynierit <br />and cure ~y Barrawer, this ;1~ai•tgage and tlxe obligations secured hereby shall remain in full force and of€ect as if <br />ne aeeelexation had occurred. <br />Z{}, Aswganitat of Reatsd Fippoinhnent of Iieceirer Lender sss Passessiorr: _ ~s ;idditional security here- <br />-under, zBorrower-herebyaissigns tn'Lcnder the rents of the I?ropgt'ty #xtti~'icecl that 73orroirer shall, prior to acceter- <br />a€ort under-paragraph IU hereof or aliaitdanntent of the Property, bare the t;gltt to collect and retain such rents <br />tliey bectrme-due and payable, <br />Upon aeeeiet•atiatx under Ixax--rsp+.x iB IterGa:or : h ~n::gnment a; the Yrarert}•, Under, m person, by agent <br />qtr by judiciatty appointed *eaeiver shalt he cntillcY-i to enter upon, take {xosSessian of and manage the: Property <br />Sad k+~ cralleet the-rents of the E'roperty; including those Iiast due.:~ll reefs colle~tedIty Lander or the reeciver <br />shall be applied first. ~ payment of the cost.3 of tnanagezrent of the Pro}terfy and collection of rent,, including. huf <br />eat, limited t-n, reeelvnr's fees, Itrenxitentzs on receiver`s bonsiv and reasaasl8e attorney -tea.- . cud then to ehe runts <br />seethed by'this ~3o,ag~ge. Lender and the reee}ver shall he t},Iltlc to arroant only for iltoaa rents actually mceired. <br />