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4au®lSiPC?tJsaa~. <br />~~ t.aan Numbar.___~~1~1__`_=188_ ~_~__ <br />- - - - - - - roe 8rancn <br />,~ a~~ f f' d`i -t r..,s - - A # _ 41°9 r~ `r° r'! A P_° ~ <br />-- 4;at~_..?_3~ rya v ~s a tim ~ ~ `- <br />._. .. .. ._./~. day af,favv,L'~"~~~,.___.._- A,D., <br />THIS MDFb`l'GAta", ode and executed flats ........... ~ ~ <br />13_~a%:., ~t~ceer.-the P.~ortgagor, --._...3....M~._Japsaa,..snd..J2zn...T~pson.,._hnsh~nd..;end--arLie,--~3airtt:2p <br />arad_:, .......................•-• --- -.................---.........._ ... _ .. _. ,. -----........_....._...._. <br />of ._.~&ztsl._.T,,~I:ars3...---..:, i~~r:inty af ...__.liai.l ........................ ~tat~ of .---~elssasl~......, hereinafter referred <br />to as the Bornawer, and the A2artgagee, FIRST FEDEr`ZAL SAVINGS AMID LC}AN ASSOCIATION OF <br />:~%Piif3~'v', 3235 `°$v" Street, Lixacaln, Alehraska 68501, its successors and assigns, tereinafter referred to <br />as bender. <br />_ ~xx: That the said $orrawer for and in consideration of the sum of ..._~~~gT~EN THOU3AN17 <br />BNB ~~I~•----------------°-----°---°------------._Dollars {IJS ~..1.S,OOOt00...._.-------•--~~-} <br />paid by said %,ender, dues hereby mortgage, grant and Canvey to Lender,-its successors and assigns; the <br />following described property located in the County of ....Hall...__.--.- ............:.._._, State of Nebraska: <br />Let Forty (40) LeHeighrs Faur[h Subdivision, Ha21 County, Nebraska <br />`I'a:ersse rs~th all the improvements Haw or hereafter erected on the property, and all easements; <br />rights, appurtenances, rents, royalties, mineral, -oil and gas rights and prams, water, :water rights,: and <br />water stack, and ail &xtures now or herea#ter attached to the prarty, all of which, including: replace- <br />menu and additions thereto, shall be°deemed to tie and re~aai:~ a part of the property covered by th*a <br />Mart age: acrd all of t::e €oregoing, tagetlser zsith said property (or th¢ le*~seiaald estate in the s~erit tills <br />Mortgage is on a lea hold} are herein referred to as the "p*capert~%" <br />Bnrrawgr covenants that. 13arravrer is lawfully seised of the estate hereby eanveyed and has the. right <br />to mart-gage, grant and convey the Pzopeny, that the Prapeny is unencurnnhered, and-that ~rrawer will <br />uari°arrz; ari+: lac#er`,d generally the title to the Progeny against all c~ai='ns and dernaiids, subject tit a^.y <br />easezratnts and xestrictians listed ire a schedule of exceptions to coverage in any title insure,;ce policy ita- <br />curing Lender's interest in the Property, nr (2} attorney's opinion of title from abstract of title certified <br />ay haradeci ax>strar•.ter. <br />'~' iv . `~ ti:~° f - t a d ,~K°1u-sa~ . ~ tho # S ".,g rs±n~iti_!~ mre~- <br />s~`s'~9iunz, --+.r<-~~~, sa~xz ~ -pt.w~ a ~ en~.~'~~- ~... .v ~YvK :~.a?#... '~,.a„-.,__ <br />ments sad abligatians o€ the $arrawer, tz~-wit: <br />The llarrou>er agrees to gay to the Landes, or order, the prm~pal sum of ...l~~gT~~~..T~OlI_~:. <br />i~'0/l.€lD°^_~-.-____._-.._~_-._..-_._-.~__..________._______...k_.DallaTS (LS ~ 18y~tDU tl{)...:..... -.-:.} <br />.....I .... ........... <br />payable as pra4~ded in a Hate executed and delivered, concurrently herewith, the Final payment of principal, <br />if Hat loaner paid, en the ......-let:-_......_.... day of ..-lJeceaal;er...........__.......---., 1~..~~7 <br />I,~xrFaen~ Ctive~:~xisa"v. Barrawer and l=ender covenant and agree as fallaws: <br />i. €aa,msnt of Principal and Ittterestr Sormwer shall promptly pay when due the principal aif and in- <br />terest ,~ the indehterln~s evidenced t;y the :let€, prepayment and late charges as provided in the Nate,. <br />and the principal of and interest an and>- Future Advances secan~ed by this 14iortgage. <br />2.. Funds for 3°uxe.; and Insri;~we. 5uhject to Lender's optien under garagraghs 4 and 5-hereof, Bo*- <br />rower shall. pay to Lender on the czay ananthly installments of principal and interest arz payable under the <br />l4ate; ur!Iil the Nate is pWid in toll. a swan therein "1?*~nds"} egaaal to one-twelfth of the yearly taxes and <br />kssesserits which may attain priority aver this 3°lar~a<ne and ground rents on the Property, if any plus <br />cane»tivelfth of yearly premium installments for ha:.ard i :suranee, plus ane-twelfth of yearly premium in- <br />stall.nts-for-mortgage insurarica:, it array; all as reasonably estimated initially and- from tune to time by <br />r~~~. w *&e ? ~a~ ^f Re,.ents a~,d h?la anted re~Wonable esti:r~t.~s the.-eaf, I-~udeF. sl~ll atrgly tlz? F~ir~ds <br />to pay sa,d taxes, ass~smynts, insurart€~ premiums and ground rents. Lender shall make no charge-for sa <br />balding and appli~rag flue F-ds ar verifiitig and eamgiling said assessrnents and hills. The Lender sball <br />give is i-he Harrower, without chaff; mz anncaal acraunting of the Funds shawirag credits and detu~ to the- <br />~uncis axed ilia-purpose fob which each dust to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as additional- <br />aectirity for the tiut-ns secured by this i~fortgage. s tae 33armwex agrees that the Farads tinny Ise -held tij -the <br />Lander and caanmingletl with atTacer funds-and the i.~nder's-awn funds sad the Lender mxy pay such items <br />frcttn-its -own hinds-and the Lender shall not be ti2ble for interest or dis3dends on such Funds.- <br />If -the amcaunt rrf the Funds l~,eld b~ Lender to.~es hec with the future monthly installments of Funds <br />pa;~alklp g.iar to ~ha d-ae d~~ ~?3 tax ,. srse~m a s, insurauee, pretniitms-and ground-mats, shall ezeeed <br />.the. amount r~Yria-ed to Pay said '•ases, assessments, i;~surance print}ums and ,ground rents as they-fall :due; <br />su€:lx e~ce shall }~e, nE IIc#ra€iwer's-o{,Lion, either prainptly repaid tit Borrower or credited to Burrower on <br />rnontl?isr inst~tim£ac.~ of l•cinds> l€ _#he ~a**;aa;,,t r.t ±hP 1im h~r1-by 7,ender shall Hat he suf&eieiat to pay <br />taxes, a~~e~erats, iassttxan pte aT~d gr~>und re~~ts as tltaay fall due, Borrower shall pay to Lender <br />any aaraount nee~sars to make up the z~eFcse.-•c}~ ~~t}3in thut-~ days a#ter notice #rom Lender to Harrower <br />requesting ynient therzot, or Borrower ill, by an iFieresaite in monthly installment of Funds required, <br />repay the deficiency ~*ithira the Fasnd aeti~ur?ting period, <br />U{son paL.meat in full of all sums secured by this Mortgage, Lender shall apply Funds held as a credit. <br />against. all sums due. <br />