<br />TfIIS INS}ENTIJRE, made flats ilttt --slay of t,eee~ttber__.=_~~, 19 ~& by and between
<br />.'4ci1 ~S, Kasten and ,itgslith .I. Kasten, liushand and tdife, each in his artd her trcan right
<br />„:~.d ~~ ae~u^n ~f tine other
<br />of ii~ii County, Nebraska. as mortgagor. and Grand Iatand Trust fiompany of Grand Island, a eorfzoratioa
<br />arga..ia~t and exiatino :sash the daw,~s of Nebraska with its priatapat office and place of business at Grand Island, Nebraska. as mortgagee;
<br />;yEignt T:,ttmand Eight Hu?tdred ~irtyAen2 n° ~g<,l~f~trs~~' Ilattarsi8 5 ~31.?5 ).
<br />;e tee,-alp;, of ~~hieh is is~xsby ackx~wl~igscl, do .-_ by these prns~nia martgsgz and warrazaL u»w said mortgages, its sueces~re and assigns,
<br />fosevsr, ati the fotiaroring d~cn'6ed real estate, siLUated an the County of _ ~ ~ l a _
<br />anal Star= of Ptab_*s!akR, to-wit;
<br />i..bt Light {8; ;.n ~loek Three f3?, ,iornandy Estates, an hdditit~n
<br />taw the City of Grand Island, Hall Count.-, tiebraska.
<br />ao;~E wills s.£t `.~. ling, sir ~nditivni^.e. ~:aht~ g. and ptu~~q ey;u=patent and fiatnras, ixhidiag screens, asvn#a$s, storm wit... ~ a~
<br />dEK~rs, sad window shades ar L:r~:a, ash an ar in rnna~.itrn will; said ;.: aPpesc"y, w^e':~r the same are new iocate3 an said property at F,arediter
<br />p~~ ttternon. -
<br />TO HAti E AtiD Ti} HGLD THE SA.~fE, togetiser with ati and ssaagusar tFa tsar seats, hereditaments and appurtenatss~ theressatrs
<br />_- Lsnghsg, or is anywise appertaining, farsver, aad wtrrsat the t.;,ie w the same. Said morgagor ~ Fereby su~mnant _ with sssd
<br />mor+.gagt~ that - he `~~ ~;e -- . at €9se delivery hereof. t2~ lswfid oxmer S of the prsraisc~ shave caneeyed cad tt~cri~d.
<br />aad ~~~ _seis~! of a goad and indefeaRib3e estate of ia3ssrita:.u: t~reia, free aad clear of ail eacambraas;ea, aad that ~ ~~ will
<br />warrant: and defend the Lute thereto fatwvar against ttse tiaims sell densamis of aFi p~son€ whotnsoecrr.
<br />PRixV ID£I3 AL7Y 1 c'S, and this iraatrumeat is eaecut~ and delivered to ar~ssre the ymeat of the sum of
<br />--- - iE.;•'--°`u es^t ,,,d,r,~ ~!°?t;rr - ~;.r~ ^S;~t?il~~s S.$3i.2>
<br />:riltssatereat tlrearx€n, wgether with sacs eharg~ aad s~-?vs :-ces ss 4=ay '-ae Vi=e a^~ payabfe to said mortgagee under the teams and snr~itions
<br />v, .~ pyv~~~ ~.:.,~, ~. ~. y, ~a ,~,p~irn ~.€ ~__a~t >~;,, =; by E°"d r~.°tt€sgar ~ to said tnortgagaa, payable as eapts~ved
<br />rn said note, aad to seraro the p~foraaaace of ati the tents aad caaditiacss aantaiaed i2ssraia. The terms of sakf sate are hes4by incorporated
<br />l~teitr b3 tIE1a refsrenes.
<br />It ~s tlse ialaatf€sa anal eat of ttss par'aes ixsrsta that Chia tnsxtgag? shall ass sesatte say future advances made Lo said mortgagor ~
<br />try said mortgages, aad any and aH indebtedness in addition to the amount above stated wisid, said martgagass. or any of ittern, may awe to
<br />said mortgagee, Isowever evitteaced, w}sr by note, book account or otstessviae. Tis;a mortgage ahaIl rema;F+ its full farce and affect between
<br />the nn 9set°-~ and Lhei: heirs, t~raoaal rspre_"ent~tives, suece=,~s aad assifna, saLa`I a7I amounts sectsrad hereaader, iactuding fnture
<br />advances, are paidsn fuL' wills interest.
<br />'i`be sasr-igss ;r_.a___ : ereby asai~ - to sssd ma:ta~ e6? :its ~.! i:~ araiag at say and aft titaes from said ProPa'tY sad
<br />Fsershy authorize said mortgagee sn its agent, at its apt5an, upon defau3t, ts> take charge of said pmpsaty and collect atI rents and income
<br />th~cfritrsn sad s~tly ttie-mama lfl the pa;~€nt e:f iuttsnst, praeipai, insuran,^a p*staiurr~, tads, aa=essmsnta.:eyaita ar i~prm:ot~rts
<br />to keep sasd property is teaatetabl4 ~on~iiian, or to otbes else: gas ar , aymeats provided far herein or in the note l~rebY secazed. Tfzis
<br />rent assignment shalt eantimse in fon'x uati3 the aapaid bslanc€ of said Hate is fully paid. The taking of possession htveunder shall in ao meaner
<br />p~aaL su rataad aak3 °ia-the of said r=ams by r~ s~ s>t$t~-wies.
<br />Ths fastttta of ttsa mort~g~ to assert any a# its rights 6ereuncie; -tt any time shaft not be construed as a wniver of its right to assert the
<br />eae~ at say Iafsr tsme> s€xi to taster upon amt eafores strish- compiian.^e xith sit the terms and psnvis~,ng tsf s$kI. recta and of this aa:rte.
<br />If said mortgagor ~ atustl cause to ba paid to said mortgagee the entire amount doe it tanvundar, cad tmda t9ce to<~ and provisions
<br />of said sots hstoby asctsteci, incttsd#ng future advanass, aad any eatensions or renewafa thereof in accordance with the terms sad provisions
<br />ttlersetti. anti s~ aa3d S sfsalt asmgty wi;,b ail the pravi.~as of said rsota end a# tbie mortgage. then t}zess presents aha}I ba wkt:
<br />at;#~'wis2 to c®maia iss ful! feasw and affect, agsl aad saat3~ - -strati be snti~tksl to the possesaioa of aft of said ptoparty, aad may. 8t its optics.
<br />~ze~ of said sad stt s rn}a °~,.~ r~--~sy io `..~^ iM-~t~;.zlg 3:;2 °~ ~;ab~, a~i may [ar!~~a die mortDage
<br />- or take say of legal ads`oa to picitact its right. Aggraiaaatent waived. - - -.
<br />This sn~Lgegs stxat] bs tsiat#uug ul%ta and shaft enure to the benefit cf the heirs. exackttora> edarsaistrak<tre, sucosesars ern[ asaigas of the
<br />reapeattive pattkas hssrelas. -
<br />:IN !~f'fI3ESS @4I3EFLEf3F> said fti4ortgagor~ _ha "~~ hereniit9 set ~ tiP hend~.a___._ttce day end year. first above
<br />_ ,'}. $$ t!{gyp. -~J
<br />`yf- -.-.,y+~
<br />