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<br />2oiooo2ss <br />State of Louisiana <br />Parish/County of Ouachita <br />On 12/29/09, before me, VICKI C KNIGHTEN - 54231, personally appeared INGRID WHITTY, Vice Fresident <br />of MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., personally known to me (or proved to t11e <br />the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and <br />acknowledged to me that she/he executed the same in her/his authorized capacity, and that by her/his signature on <br />the instrument the person,~entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. <br />W ~ nes my an signature which certifies as my seal. <br />~a~~ C, ~1KNll~~r~l. <br />a~. ~~ ~aoT~r':Fy <br />VIC C I GHTEN - 54231 ~. X1231 <br />Notary Pu 1~ =; `osvG~~ ~ ti` <br />Lifetime Cornrnission ~a,,,,,,,,,,,,,~~~ <br />State of Louisiana <br />Parish/County of Ouachita <br />On 12/29/09, before me, VICKI CKNIGHTEN - 54231, personally appeared NEIKEITTA NIMMERS, <br />Assistant Secretary of 7PMORGAN CHASE BANK, NA, personally known to me (or proved to me the basis of <br />satisfactory evidence) to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to <br />me that she/he executed the same in her/his authorized capacity, and that by her/his signature on the instrument <br />the person, or the entity upo~o 'which the person acted, executed the instrument. <br />"W~ es my signature which certifies as t11y seal. y~.~~a~G`Kn;r~''~'i., <br />` 5a23t ~ <br />V~ C I HTEN _ 54231 ~~ <br />Notary is '~, • ~ ~~~ 1 <br />mm~,uaa`~ <br />Lifetime Commission <br />Prepared by: 1;IiIC A4BEIt"I"O <br />Chase Home F7uance LLC <br />Reconveyance Serv-ces <br />780 Kansas Laue, Suite A <br />PO Ilox 4025 <br />Monroe, I,A 71.203 <br />Loan No.: 1771275070 <br />County of: HALL <br />Investor 1Vo.: b23 <br />()ntbound Dace: 12/23/09 <br />Investor I,oara lYo.: 0201183b16 <br />NE06 <br />08/10/07 <br />