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r-~°^ <br />eat extend or Irostpane the due skate of the munth}y instnlhnents referred to in paragraphs l and 2 hcreot or <br />ehanga the- rimount of suolr installments. <br />itl. ISorroerer Not Released. Extensson of the tinge for payurent or moddificatiun of amortization of the sums <br />secured by this Mortgage grantees ksy Lender to arty successor in interest at Borrower shat! eat operate fn release, <br />in any manner, rho liability of the origins! Borrower and Borrower's successors in interest. bender shall eat be <br />required to commence trmceedings against suelr successor or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify <br />amortisation of the sums secured by this llartgage }ry reason of any demand made by the angina! }sarrawer and <br />,Borrower s successors in 'interest. - <br />-za- r ~ - -..a.~.,...~e hff r.~,aa. Not ~ 4Yotiver. _Any-forbearance b_y Lender in exercising any right or remedy. - <br />hereunder; or otherwise afforded by applie~lsla Iaw, shall not k;` a waiver of ar prec}ude the exercise of any right <br />or remedy hereunder, The procurement of insurance ar the payment of taxes or other liens ar el:arges by Lender <br />shelf riot be s waiver of Lender's right fo accelerate the msfurity of the indebtedness secured try this Mortgage. <br />F;„- p'~ Cuisi~tive, All remedies provided in this Sortgage arc distinct and currtulaLive to any ashes, <br />right or remE:ly undertlris Mortgage or afforded Icy fat+- or equity, and easy b<• exercised coneureentlp, independ- <br />ently or successively. <br />13: uttoce~ors ;crsd Assigns Bound: Ioint and Several Liability: Cs~ptions, The eavenants snd agreements <br />herein contained shall-bins; and the rights hereunder shall inure to, the respective successors and sssfgns of Lender <br />and Bc~-sower; su'ujee€to th>: proti•isiatis of lraragrstlth i7 hereot.:3}I revenants and agreements of Bazrciuer sktaf! <br />fro joint grid several. The calrtions and headings of the paragraphs of tYris yfartgage are for convenience only and <br />.e Mast ~ be ~±a?,f t~ it?t~i~_*?t ar define the provisions hereof. <br />i$: Notice: Any notice to I3arrower provided for in this ylart~age• shall he given by mailing such notice by <br />eortified snail addressed to Bnrrotver at fhe Property address stated belocl-, except i'ar any notice required under <br />paragraph- i$ hereof to be given to Borrower, in the manner prescribed by ap};livable law. Any notice provided <br />for in this 1ortgage shall be deemed- to have been given to Borrcwer when given in the manner designated herein. <br />I5, tlnffoaa Mortgage; Goverrsing Law: Severabilify. This form of mortgage combines uniform covenants <br />for national use gird non-uniform covenants with limited variations by junsdietian to constitute a uniform seeu- s <br />city instrtmten€ covering neat properti-. This 3ortgage shalt be governed by the law of the junsdietion in which S <br />the Property is loeatPd. In the event that any provision or clause of this \iartgage m• the Note canfiicts with <br />applicable law, such conflict shall not affect. other provisions of this Mortgage or the Note which can be given <br />s#tec+, wi€hout fhe aanflic€ing prnvision, and to this end the provisions of the >lortgage and the Nate are declared <br />to be severable. <br />16. Borrowez's Copy, Borrower sliali be furnished a conformed copy of this ;iortgsge at the time of exeau- <br />tian or after records€ion hereof. ~ <br />I7, Traas#ez of the Property% Assumption, If all or any part of the Property or an interest therein is sold ; <br />ar transferred-by Borrower without Lender's prior writken consent, excluding {s) the creation of s lien or encum- <br />brance s~ihordinate to this Mortgage; {b) tl;e oration of- a purchase money securit• interest far household tippli- - <br />anees, (c) atransfer lry de~dse, decent or by operation of laiv upon, the death of a joint tenant or {d) the: grant of - <br />any leasehold interest of three years or less not containing an option to pnrchase, LerrdPr may, at Censer's option; <br />deela.*e all the e1ims ~sured Icy thfs Mortgage to be itnmediafely due and parable. bender shall have waived -'t <br />aptfan to accelerate if, prar to the sale br transfer, Lender and the person to whom the Property is to be sold br <br />transferree-reach sgreautent in writing that the credit of such krerson is satisfactory to Lender and float tl,e interest <br />payable on-the-suers secured by this :tifartgage shall kSe at such rate a; fender shall request. if Leude: iias waivF"''., <br />the-option to accelerate provided in this paragraph i7 and if Borrower's successor in interest has executed a writ- <br />ten assumption agreement accepted in tvriting try Lender, Lander shall release Borrower from all obligations under <br />this ~i'fortgage sea-the Nate. <br />If Leader exercises such option. to accelerate, Lender shall maf} Borrower notice of acceleration in rdaaee <br />with paragraph i4 herea#. Such notice she!! lrravidc. a period at not Seas than 3fl days from the date the notice is <br />mailed within which Borrower map pay the sums declared due. if Borrower fails to pay such sums prior to the <br />~~pi~%an ~ stiel: ,:,,n~*d, Under rn~y, withauf further notice ar demand on Borrower, invoice any remedies per- <br />witted by paragraph i8 hereof. <br />Nov-I'xevosat GovtrvAvrs. Borrower and l,nnd~; farther eavenant anti agree a:~ fssllssvvs: <br />#$. Aaceiezalion: Remedies. Except as pravidcd in paragra}yl~ 17 hereof, upon Borrower's breaelr of any <br />covenant ar agreement of Borran•er in this ~iar•tgagc, including, slit za.°enants to pay when due any sums secured <br />try this :liortgsge, Lender Irnar to acceleration s}sell mail notice to Borrower as liravided in pantgraph i4 hereof <br />specifying: E1) tl;e hreael.; i2i the action required tr; turn sac}e hmuch; t3) a date. net- less than thirty days <br />from tl=e date tlrc na±ice is mailed to Barro~ter, b}° a•}rick satin breach must. be cured; and (4} that failure to etrrn <br />such btraeh on or before the gate specified in the notice may result in scceieratian of the sums secured by this- <br />:4#ortgage and sale of the Property. If the breach is not cumd an or befor•c the date specified in the notice, Fender <br />st bender's aptron may declare a!i of 'the sums secured br this Mortgage to be irnrnediately due and payatale- <br />without iurtlier demand snd may force}use this Mortgage Icy judieia} proceeding. Lender shall he entitled La collect <br />irr such proceeding all expenses of toreclosurc, irrclur}ing, but not }incited to, costs of documentary erfdence, <br />abstrscfs and title rrpot~s. <br />l+y, $arrovrrer's right to 8einstate. tiatwithstanding Lender's acceteratian of the sums secured by this i <br />Mortgage, Borrower shall have the right to here ant proceedings begun by Vender to enforce this 14ortgsge dis• 1 <br />ct+niinnai at-any f-ime prior tp entry- of s judgrrreat eaia;eing-this ilorrgsge if: ta) Borrower pays Lender all <br />sums which would lie then due under this 0.iortgage, khr: I+,'~ote and notes securing Future Advanees, if any, had no <br />acceleration aeaurred; (h) Borrower cures all frrearijes of any -outer covenants or agreements of Borrower can- f <br />€ained in this Mortgage; jc) Harrower pays all ressanable expenses incurred by Ixnder in enforcing the covenants <br />snd agreements of Borrower contained in this Mortgage and sir enforcing Lender'x remedies as pars- <br />grapb i8 hereof, includmg, but not limited to, reasonable atzornov•s fees: and t dl Bo.^rower takes such action as <br />Lender` Wray raasonabiy requite to assure that Lhe'lien of tltic iartgage, Lender's interesi in the l?ropert3+ and <br />Ro~+awer'a obligation tar pay th¢--sums secured by this \icirtgsge shall'continue unimpaired, tipan -such payment <br />_ snd clue by Harrower; this ]viortga{te acid the abligatians secured hereby shall remain in lull force and-effect as if <br />no acceleratianhad occurred. <br />a"6. Assaignment ai Aenis: Appal.-rtrreat of Receiver, Lender inn -Posse~o:a, As additional security here- <br />under, Borrower hereby assigns fo Lender the rents o; the Property, prs?vieieri that-Borrorr'er shall, Briar W-sacreler- <br />a4ion ender par, lA herecf ar abandomnerrt e( the Pro{i2*tti•. hart the right to €allect and retain such-rents <br />as t}~sy beeri,ra dva ar,ri payahSe. <br />tpon acteleration under }~aragTaph .S r,ercof or sbundorfraronf of Lire Property, bender, in krersan, by agent <br />or-bY judirialfy_appaint~ receiver shall be entitled tea eater_up8m ts$e Pros Qresian df and manage the Property <br />to cotlet~tha rents°ofthe Prope'ty,ineindinc the p~st'due. All reixts+ixrllected-by Under or the receiver <br />shalt be appl`sed first to payment of Elie-costs of nre.aagcrueut of klro Property and eo}lert.ian of rents, including, but <br />trot limited ta, receiver's fees, premiums on ree2iver's kionds cud -reasonable attorney"s fees. and then to t-!te sums <br />secured by tfus Mortgage: Lender and the receiver shn{I lrc 7iablr to aceount -only far those rents actually received. <br />