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<br />,`.`~~ <br />INDIVIDUAL <br />DUE ON SALE <br />dPTtdh1AL FUTURE ADVANCES <br />rsAYINGS FUNiD <br />~arenn No. 7ZD <br />loan lVumber_---38967 _° I88 - _I -- <br />_ TY~_-..--.8tanch <br />. ~ .~;- ~'` day of ~?'/~..... ~ D., <br />lIYIa mfiix'tEfiAfr~, made and eacecu,.e~f 4:f10 ............................... .-..........-... <br />29...7, between the Mortgagor, .....Z,a~zence_L~..i{razek..sad-~nthia..A,-. iirozPlc,..husbaad:-and--_ <br />..:+~e,_,~osttti~,_anal.ea~h:t?..thQ~r.6~-~ight.~... --.....-- ................. .............-----------°-----..__.---------•--------- <br />of .----Graced- Zs2and,._.._., County of ---.--.----.?tiaJ.7------------------- State of .Tletazaska_..-_.-, hereinafter referred <br />to as th$ Borrower, and the Mortgagee, FIRST FEDERAL SA'(~fNG9 AND LOAN ASSOCIATION f?F <br />LINCt?LN, 2235 "N" Street, Lineola, Nebraska ti85~2, its successors and assigns, hereinafter referred to <br />as T~-nde* <br />WtxxESSexx: That the said Borrower for and in consideration of the sum of ._-'~~. ROUR- TJifW..SANI) <br />AND NQi1Dt1------.°..___.._ `-.....°° -..~:------___~__ .~-~Doilars {US ~. 3k,000.00..._:~----..---.;,_} <br />paid by said Lender, does hereby mortgage, grant and convey to Lender, its successors and assigns; -the <br />#aDowing described property located in the County of --------------Hall ...---.-_--•--...., State of Nebraska;- <br />Lot Forty-Two (42) Potash Subdivision in-Hall County, Nebraska <br />ToeErxEa with all the improvements now or hereafter erected an the property, and all easemeata; <br />rights, appurtenances, rents, fayalties, mineral, oil and gas rights and profits, water; water rights,-.and <br />water stook, end all Factures now or hereafter attached to the property, alt of which, including xepace- <br />mertts and additions hereto, shah t» deemed to ha and reuzain a part of the property severed I?y cvis <br />Mortgage: and all of the foregoing, together with said property {or the Ieasehoid estate in the event- this <br />k#ar•~aga i.~ .,,. a laasehald; erg herein r~forrod t~ a~ ~a "prspaTMy <br />Bormarer covenants that Horro4cer is lawfully seised of the estate hereby conveyed and has the right - <br />tsa =*aot~~age, grant and convey the Property,- that the Property is unencumbered, and that Borrower wiA <br />warrant and de#end generally the title to the Property against all claims sail demands, subject to- any <br />easemersts and restrictions Iisted in a schedule of exceptions to coverage in any title insurance policy in- <br />~2rirg j~nder's inter?~t in the Pro~rty, or {2) attorney's opinion of titre.from abstract-of tine--certified- <br />by bonded abstracter. <br />Psavsozo ALwavs, and these presents are executed and delivered urnan the fo.lowing conditions; agree- <br />meats and obligations of the Harrower, to-wit: <br />The Borrower agrees to pay to Lhe Lender, err order, the principal sum of ~xga~Y. F~-?.It&AD7D-._ <br />AND N;?~ 1~Oo-..-____,,._-,-.~ ~----- -...-....-.. _ .-°°°`~oiiars {US ~...~4..?.-ds9.-----°-- -_...;. ) <br />payable as provided in a note executed and delivered, concurrently herewith, the final payment of principal, <br />if not sooner paid, on the --...~~:~~-.----.----- day of ..-..I?~cem7~~ti---......_ ............. x_27 <br />Urrteaatar Covearaxxs. 13arrnwer and Lender covenant and agree as follows: <br />2. 'fit of Pri::`i~ ~ 2nteaest,. Borrower snail promptly gay when due the pause of and-ia- <br />teteat. on the indebtedness evidenced by the Note, prepayment and late charges as provided ra the -Nate, <br />acrd-the principal of and interest on any Future Advances secus°ed by this h#ortgage. <br />2, g'unds far Taxes cad tn_aura^tzce. Subject to Le~sder's option under paragss~hs = a.-ad 5 hereof, $or- <br />t~awez shall .pay to Lender on the day monthly installments of principal and interest are payable under the <br />Nate, until the Nate is paid in full, a sum {herein "Funds") equal to one-twelfth of the yearly taaces and <br />s8s~ments which map attain priority aver this ~iartgage, and ground cents an the Property, of any Fig <br />else-twelft;'r of yearly premium insta~Ilusents for hazard insurance, plus one-twelfth of yearly premium, in- <br />sa~,ti~~t~ far ~+~±r#gage i=_~sq~,,•K; if ang, Art as ,w=<,u•~hly ~tis~~"cluaiitialy a,~+d from t to tome by <br />Lender on the basis of assessments and bills erred rnasanalile estimates thereof, Lender shall app y the irunds <br />to py said rases, assesssssents, irsitranee premiums and ground rents. Lender shall make nv clheutge far sa <br />holding and- applying the Funds or verifying and esampiliag said assessments and bills. The- IRnder snail <br />give to the Harrower, wsihout charge, asx annual secaunting ai the Funds showing credits and delxrts tts the <br />i'~,ds a ,d t,,e paste fur ..-ielr rah dot to rho F'unda w~ made:. `I'he Fuitda :irn pledged ss atidi#a <br />security for t¢e ssls^ms secsrred_bp this It3ortgage. -The Borresmer agrees that:the Funds may be held ~' the <br />I.euder and ccxnnungled witH=other-foods and the Le#ider:s earn funds and the I~ sr~y pay stxda 2t <br />~+m-,ts nt;n ~,,,,~. aTMd the _T~s~r steal! not L,e-E~ble for irtt is* itiwidessds otz such Funcla. <br />If the amount of the Funds'hald by Lander, together with the future monthly inst~ntetsts of Funds <br />payable prior W the due dates of taxes, ass~ssnents, insurance premiums arse3 gmurid rents, shall exceed <br />- the am~asst required to pay said rases, assessments, insurance p*essiiums and gr~nmd rents as they fall-due, <br />such ea~.-~ shalI be, at Burrawer'h ontiou; either nmmpily repaid tc Bormw_er rir :,7edited #u Eiarrower on <br />rrsonthlc' installment`s o€ Funds. If the amount of the Funds held b~° Leaser shall reel be sufficient to pay <br />takes, issseasments, insurance premiums and ground. renter as they fall due,, Borrower shale pay to Lender <br />any--amount necessary to u3ake up the defscie7cy witivn.thirty days a#ter-hatic~ f.ttsa Lender fia Borrower <br />retluesiiug rsaymPNnt thereof, or Barrover shall, by an increase m monthly installments of Funds required, <br />repay lire defaeiericy within the Fund accountirn period;:: <br />Upon payment in foil of all'-sums secured by--this Mortgage, Lender shish apply Funds held ss n credit <br />against all sums due, <br />