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not exfend or pastpnne file due date of thr mnntEtly in:,tstlntet~t- rsrtzsre~l to in paragraph I and 2 itereaf or <br />change the amount of such installments. <br />1Q. 13orrewer Nct Hefeased. Extension of fhe tintr. for pav-rnent or snodificatian of amos•tizstion of the auras <br />secured Ly This Mortgage granted by Lender to an;z successor in interest of Borrotscr shall not operate to release, <br />in any manner, file liability of the arigiasI Barmwss- and Borm::-cr's successom in interest. Lender shalt not be <br />required fo commence jtroceedings against such successor or refuse= to extend lime for payment or otherwise modify <br />amortszatien of -the ~.ims sec.tred by this- Mortgage irr rEasoar of ::ny deanand made by the a:•iginal Borrocrar and <br />Harrowers success©rs in interest. <br />11. Foriieazance bg Lsndez Riot a Waiver. Anv farbearanee by Leader in exercising any right or remedy <br />~ hereunder, ar aflterwise afforded by aisplicable law, shall net be a kaiver of ar preclude the exereice of any right <br />., or retu€dy iereunder: i no pmcuretneut of insurance or the payment of saxes or other 1}ens or charges by Lender <br />,.,-• shalt not be a itiaiver of Lender's right to accelerate the maturity of the indebtedness secured by this Mortgage. <br />~ 12 R~s+s Gumitlative. All remedies }rrai~ided its thi are distinct aad eutnuiative to am of~ter <br />:d. right-or r~;may under t!zifi 1ortgage or afforded by Iasc- or etiuity;-end tray h€ exerci~l conenrrent}v, irniepend- <br />~ entry orsuceessively. <br />13. ~~•ttccessass-acd Assigns Hc3und: Ioiat mid Several Liabx7ity; Captions. TEte covenants and agreements <br />herein contain~i shalt. Lind, ai;d the rights hereunder ahaE1 inure ta, the respeciivs successors and assigns of Lender <br />~ and. Borrower, subject to the provisions o€ paragraph 17 hereof. All covenants and agreements of Barmwer shall <br />be joust age} Several. The captions anti Heading,; of the jtaragraishs of this Sortgage are for convenience only and <br />;ire nott~-lie used to interpret ar define the provisions hereof. <br />14. Notice. Any notice to Barrotver provided for iu tills _liortgage chest be given by mailing such notice by <br />cartifred-mail addressed to gorroR•er at she Properly Address staters betou-, except far any notice required under <br />paragraph i8 hereof to lx giver..ta Borron-er in rile manner prescribed by applicable iaK•. Any notice provided <br />for in this ~iartgsge shalt be deemed to have been giver. to Borrot;•er icben given in the manner designated herein, <br />15, Ylai#orm Mortgage; Governing Laver; Sevezabiiitp. This form of mortgage combines uniform covenants <br />forrtatitrnal-use and non-uniform covenants with limiteti variations by jurisdiction to constitute a uniform secu- <br />rity instrument covering rnal property. This 3iorigage shalt Le governed Ly the lacy of the jurisdiction in which <br />the Property is located. In the event That any provision or r.Iause of this, iortgage or the emote conflicts with <br />applicable law, such conflict shall not affect other provisions of this ~fartgage or the Nate which can be given <br />affect without the conflicting provision, and to Phis end the provisions of the Mortgage and the Note are declared <br />to be severable. <br />ifs. Soarower's Ceps. Borroxer shall Le furnished a conformed copy of this liortgsge at the time of exeeu-_ <br />lion ar af#er recordation hereof. <br />17. Transfer of the Property; Assumption. if alt or any part of the Property or an intermit therein is mid <br />or transferred try Borrower without Lender's prior written consent. excluding sal the creation of a lien or eacum- <br />brance suirordinate to this Mortgage: 4 b the creation of a purchase money security interest for household appli- <br />ances, (e} a transfer by devise, descent or }ay operation of late upon the death of a joint tenant or (dj the grant of <br />any leasehold interest of three ye~~,rs or less not containing an option. to purchase, Lender may, at Lender's option; . <br />declare alt the sums secured by this itiiortgage to he ismned*.ateiy flue and payable. Lender shai{ have waived such <br />option to accelerate. if, prior to the sale pr transfer, Lender and the person tc wham ttse Property is to be so" ^r <br />transfarr~} reach agra,:r efts in writing that the credit of such person is =afisfaciorv to Lender and that the interest <br />payable en the sums secured by this Mortgage shall be of such rate as Lender shall rei}uest. If Lender has waiytxl <br />the option to secelerate provided in this paragraph. I7 and z€ $onower•e suneessor in intereKt hoc-exefra;~ted a w~•'tt- <br />ten assumption agreement secepted in writing 7iy ier:der; bender she}E relea_~ Borrower from-ail abligaii®s 'su~tder <br />this Mortgage and the ?date. <br />If Lender exercises such option to acelerato, Lender shell :uaii Borrower natiee of acceleration in accordance <br />with paragraph i4 hereof. Suoh natiee shall proc-ide a period ai not tr-:s tltsn 3tl days from the date the notice. is <br />mailed within which $orrower may -pay the sums declared due. 1t' Borrower fails to pay such stuns prior to t'ne <br />expiration of such period, lender may, v.ithou+_ s"anther notie_e or rietnand on I3orrawer, invoke any remedies psr- <br />mitted by paragraph 18 hereof. <br />\ec-I`*:r~ast~t C'avEri~~Ti. Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as faliois: <br />1$. Arrscalsertytion: Aeraedi.~s. Bxeepx as pra:-icie<i in paragraph I: hereof, upon Borrower's breach of sn} <br />covenant or agreement of Borrau•er in this \iortgage, iuchuiin~ ti:c covenants to pay when -due any sums ~eeured <br />by this mortgage, Lender prior to seceleratian shalt snail atotice to Borrower as prof°ieied in paragraph_14 hereof- <br />speeifying: ti) -the breach, t2} file action required to cure such-breach, .t~1 a t}etc, net less that{ thirty days <br />from the date the notice is mailed to Harrower, be rvEsich cavil breatr}rimist E;e curet}; end (4I that failure to cure <br />such bt~aeh an ar before the date specified is t}ae nottee u,a} it~suit :n ne_eeleratian of the sums secured by this <br />liartgage and sale of the Property. if the Lreaeh is not cut~ci on ar before the dafe specified in the no"rice, Lender <br />at Lender's option may declare nit at the emus secured by this 1~iortgage to be immediately due and payable <br />w^:thaut further demand and r•?av forcrlase this .liortgage Lv iuttiriat proceeding: Lender shall be entitled to eolfeet <br />in such Irroeeeding nit expenses of tareclosure, including.. but net Iianited to, cosh of dorwnentarv evidence, <br />abstracts and title reports. <br />19. Barroevars.l4iglat to Reins#ate. tiatwithstan<-sing- Lender's aec~feration of the cunt seeitred by -this <br />Mortgage, Borrower shall have th€ right to have any proceeding: begun by Lender to eaforee this iortgage di~- <br />coatinued at any time prier #o entry of a judgment enforcing this 3iortgage it`: lei Borrower pays Lender sli <br />sums-which would lea then due under this \iortgage, the Nofe and notes securing Future Advances, if any, hsd no <br />aceeierataon ot;etuzed; (b) $orrowes coca s11 br~rhes of any other covenants ar agreejuan#s-af $orro~er can- <br />twined mthis Mortgage; tel Borrower pays ell reasonable exlsences incurred by Leniier-in enfor. ing the cor-ensnts <br />atad sgreei•~tits of #itrrrower eantained in this liertgar nd itt eprarc ng 1 A ~.#er's remedi~:as provided in parer- <br />graph 18 hereof, including, but nut limrted to, reasonable attorney : see.: and: td) Harrower tapes such ae~tiorti as <br />Lender-racy tably-tpquire to assure that the $en of thisl{ortgsge, Leider's in#ete3t in the Property and <br />BoiritweY''svbligatibn t€t-pay the Sums secured by Chia ~inrtgage shall eotstirtue unimpairevi= IIpoir-such pav+rsent <br />aad cure bF BairoQrcr, tills &Fortgage and the obligations <ecuresl hembr :ita1I remsisi in-full force-and eB•ect as if <br />~ serelerstoa had oee ,. <br />29. llw~'nt of ~eafa< Appaittttaeat of Rtreelver Lender. in ~~ .additional .parity here` <br />under, Borrower hers by assifms to Leader the rents of the Property, prot•iif~d rttat $urrpwer shall, {tricri• to aceeler- <br />ztion under paragraph Ig hes~eaf ar abanriorin~nt of the Prupei•ty, have the r~gisr to collect and retain each rents <br />ae they become due and payable. <br />i?per. acr•_taration ctrdr~r haragrap„ I8 hrrzof ot• .ti+snda~ntent of thr Pro, err}'. Lender; in pes~rrt; by agent <br />pr by_,adiciaiiy appainfed receiver shai} be eufit-led to cuter open, lake pacession of and ~uanage the. Property-- <br />- 9Ytti to coileci the rents of the Property, imzludirg those east doe- X111 rent coll~cfhd-liy _Lem~er or-the receiver <br />shalF-be applied first to payment of ti+~ coats of management o€ file Property end colteeticin of rents, including, fiat <br />net limited to, rs:uei,v~r's sees, premiums on receiver's bonds-and masonabte attorney's fees. and then to the sum, <br />scoured by tliisMortgage, l.~endei•-and the iaeei~•er shall kre #iaFile to account only for those rents achsally received. <br />