<br />Fowre N6. 720
<br />--
<br />Lean Number___ 370G4----- i$8 ----- I--
<br />- ryoe 8raneh
<br />_ ~-~
<br />THIS R+1tJItTGAGE; made and eseeuted taus -- -- -- .-: -Zth... .. day of :..Ilecember.._-.-.- ...... A:D.,
<br />1;3...:x.-, betwe~-a the Mort agor, :. -banaid. E .. Shiatabery_and Lana J e Shiaabery, husband
<br />_ aad. csif'e, ointip and- each is their os,n right
<br />of .. Gr3ridis3.anci- .-- - --> County of _ Haii - --------., State of Nebraska- ----- - hereina#tnr re#erred
<br />tai as the- Borrower, and the Mortgagee, FLRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LaAN AS54CL4T1ON ©F
<br />` .LYI!1Ct'3I;N, 3235 "AJ>, Street, Lincoln, Nebraska 686(11, its successors aad assigns, hereinafter re#erred to
<br />as lender:
<br />t~tTrrr~ss>rxa: That the said Bo over far and in consideration of the sum of ...SI'??'Y..
<br />- --------------
<br />'s'Ti(}Lr AND FZl>E HIRdDItED AND NO 100--------------__~
<br />--------------- -- -•-------------------....._------...-----.....---- ------ ---- ........_.....--------Dollars {US x.71, 5(10. ~-- -- --- ...}
<br />paid by said Lender, does hereby mortgage, grant and convey to Leader, its successors and assigns; the
<br />#allowing described property located in the County of -_.----..xaii -------------.-.-.-..., Stag of Nebraska:
<br />Lot Tcra (2), Lake Davis Acres Second Subdivision, Haii County, Nebraska
<br />1'lta Nest xifty_(W50} feet of Lot Three (3), Lake Davis Acres Second Subdivisioa,-
<br />Haii Cataaty, Nebraska
<br />Taa€rtzsu with ail the improvements paw ar hereafter erected on the property, and aIl ease~¢n~~,
<br />rights, appurtenances, rents, royalties, mineral, ail and gas rights and gtvfits, water, water rights, and
<br />water stack, and all fixtatres paw or 13ereafter attached to the property; all of which, inelndiag re~~.
<br />menu and additions ~nereto, shaIl be deemed to he and remain a part of the property covered by this
<br />Mattgage; acrd all of the foregoing, together with said property tar the ieaselioid estate in the evsat tells
<br />Mortgage is an a leasehold}-are herein refereed to as the "Property".
<br />Borrvwex coveaanta that Barroiver is lawfully seised of the estate hereby conveyed and has the right
<br />to mnrtgage, great aad-convey- the-Property, that the Property is unencumbered, and that Borrower wdI
<br />vrarrant and defend genezally t=sre title to the Pragerty against sIl claims and demands, subject to any
<br />eaaemettts and restrictions listed. in a schedule of exeegtions to coverage in any tide insurance gaiicy in-
<br />suring Lender=s interest i4 the Property, ar t2} attorney's opinion of title from abstract cf title certified
<br />I'?Y beaded ab3traCter. _ - - -
<br />Parrran~i A1,cvaYS, and these presents -axe executed and delivered open the following conditions, agree- -
<br />atents and obligations of the Baxrower, to-wit:
<br />'I`he Harrower a B to the Lender, or artier, the rind SEVENTY ONB THfll1SAND
<br />~~~ ~7ay - , g pal sum of _ -- - --------- --- ...............
<br />1''TVE:tIIIND$ED AND NO 1(3(?-~--°°-----__---_------- 71~ .`t#R1.44
<br />~ysble ss prided itt a Baia executed arsd aelivered; concurrenflyrerec~ith, the renal payment of principal,
<br />if tt+rt sooner paid, on the ._ ls~ ....... ......... des of - -..~DE`lsbez- - -- -->'~ .~'0-~
<br />Uxt~oxai Covt=.xaty-rs. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as fellows:
<br />1. Pagment Qi Principal and tnterext. Borrower shah promptly pay when due the gtincipal of aaci in-
<br />terest on the indebtedv~s evidenced by the Note, prepayment and late charges as provided :n the Nitre,
<br />and the priiteipal of and interest ar, any Future A~lvattees secured by this Mortgage,
<br />Z. Funds for Taxes aad I~urcace. Subject to Lender's ogtian under paragraphs 4 and 5 het-e€tf> Bor_
<br />rower shall gay to Lender oa the day monthly instal#Fnents of principal and interest are payable under the
<br />l4ote; until the Note is paid in foil, a sum tiaerein ~`Furtds"3 equal t¢ one-twelfth of the yearly- taxes and
<br />assessitients which may attain pricirity aver this Mortgage, and ground rents on the Property, if any pins
<br />titre-txetftlz of yearly gremiunt installments €ar hazard insurance, plus one-twelfth or` yearly preutiwn in-
<br />stal?_*nents far tt?ogtgage insurance, if and; ail as reasairably estitrated irritiall} and from. ti~ne_ to time-by - -
<br />I;exider an -the basis of assessments and btiis and reasonable ~=mates theFeaf, Lender shall apply the Funds
<br />t r ~y said tars; assQSSmezrts, •fnsoranca premiums aad grtsund rE.;ta. I:.aL,*t~r ~tl ~+ake nn rha~e for sa
<br />holding ~au:appiying the Funds or verfying and crttagilatg-said assessments and bills: The I.ettder-shall
<br />-give tzt the liorm5ver, ~-itaoaEt charms nit antt;~l aecouitting of the Fonds showing its-and dein~ t~ #~
<br />Func'as apd th# purr r w}Leh ~sch ~3olnt to #,he l+Ztrsds was tnsde. The binds eta piecfged as additii»ssi_
<br />suurity for the sums ;a cured bs t!~;s bfort~ge. ~'hp $n€a~~i agr Fmscls fare} i~ l6eld by the
<br />iatidez and cv>mmirtgied with other funds and the-L+wader's awn funds and the Lender may such itsms
<br />from its ovm funds and the Lender shall not lie Iial*Ia fox.nterest•ar dividends on such Ftta~.
<br />rr ~~,~ ~,c ..,r ~``^ f'cads ld hg I,elsdEr, €ttge€her v,*it$t the future' monthly installments of IFiinds
<br />ys}~Ie prior to tae due dates of taxes, asaeasttteaEs, insurart~ premiums and ground teat shall exceed
<br />the amount required ±o pa;~ said razes; assessments, insuteanea premiums and ground-rents as they fail due,
<br />sueh:exceas shall 13e, at .Borrower's option, either promptly- d to Borrower or credited to $orrower on
<br />taarith~~ zm+silirenv~ of ?: ,rods. I# the amount of tie ttyrids~ by Letsder shalt-not l~ su~ciert to pay
<br />taxes asnecv,ucnts, insurance premiums atttl-ground, rents as tdtey, fail dos, Borrower shah pay to Lender
<br />any amount n ~ra~,ary to make irg the defi~encv within thirty days-after notice from Lender to Borrower
<br />reguestang .payment tkxereuf. o; Borrower shall, ~by an inrrt~aa ~ monthly instathnents of Funds required,
<br />repay the fictencg iQithin t}te Fund accounting perioid:
<br />Ugan payment in full of ,all sums secured by :this Mortgage, bender shall apply Funds held as a credit
<br />against-x11 sums due.
<br />