<br /> ' substast�ially equivalent mnngage insurance caverage is Qat avaal�hle.Sorrower shall pay to Lender each month a sum aqual to �`_:.,;
<br /> . ane-tweifth of the yearly usortgage iiuurance premium bein�p3id b'y Borrower when the insurance mverage IapsEd or��..�to �;=:
<br /> � be in eff�ct.Lender will accepi.use and mtain these payments as a loss raerve in lieu of martgage insurance. Loss reserv�
<br /> pay�cs may na laa�er b=req�i:�.at the uption of lxn8er,if mort�age ir�e�runce coverage(in the amount and for th�period �;�;:
<br /> that l.ender requires)pravided by an insurer approved by Leader again becomes avaitable and is obtair:ed. Baaawer shall pay� �
<br />, the premiums required ta�maintain mortgage insurance ia e�fect,or to provide a loss rese�c+�e,until the requirement for mortgage ��_
<br /> ' insurunce ends in o.ecordante wi4h ar►Y v�mtt�n agreeanent bexween Borcower aad Leader or alpiicable law. ,�:
<br />'=t, 9. (aaygs�t(�:a.Le�er or its ageni may make r�sonabte entrics upon aad insp�tions of thE Pmperty.Leuder shal!give� �. .
<br /> B o r r o w e r a o t i c e a t t h e ri r�2 o f o r p r i o r t o a n i n s p a c t i o n s p e c i f y in g reasonable cause for the in�pe�ion. � ��'
<br /> • 10. �onde�ttmattots. The proceeds of any ativ»ed or cluim for damages.dir�x.-t ar conseqaential, in wnnection rrith any `- �
<br /> • rnndemnation or eiher taking of any part of the Fm�rty.or for conveyan�in liea of wndemnation,are hereby assi�ned and� ,.G`Q-�
<br /> ' shall be paid to Lectder. �• �`
<br /> In tf:e event af a totssl taking of the Prope�ty,the pr+ooeeds sh�11 be appliod to the swns serured by this Security Instrumen�� '. �.,<
<br /> - whether or esot then due. with any excess paid to Borrower. In the event of a pzrtial ta.king of the Prope�ty in w3�i�the fair `�
<br /> market value of the Property immediacely before the taking is e�uat ta or�ater than the amuunt of the sums secured by this �'-�:
<br /> � Secarity Insauanent immediately befare Me taking.uniess Borma-�r and[.endcr ottierw�e agcee in wsitin�.the sums�~ured by ��'"z,-.=�.
<br /> tlris Security Instaument sfiall be reduced by the amoUnt of the pme�eds multiplied by the following fraction: (a) the total --
<br /> autount of dte sums sectired immediately before ttts ta.�aug, di�rided by(by the fair mxrket value of the Property immediaielY �'�"
<br /> �U
<br /> hefore the takiag. Any 6alanoe shall tre paid to Barnower. In th�eveat of a partirl tn�-.ing of the Peoper4y in which the fair �=�=��:.
<br />. marlcet vatue of the Pco�eYCy immediuely before the sakmg is less ttmn t�e anwum of thc�cuns secured"unmediately before t6e �s�•
<br /> talang,unless Borrower sud I.ender otherariFe agcq:in vmting or unless applirable ta�v othen�+ise pmvides.the prooe�ds shall �'.,,.;?;f
<br /> be applced to the sums secured by this Seauity Jitstmm�nt whetR�r or nat tha snms�e th�due- -E wp-
<br /> If the Property is abandoaed by Borrower,ar.if,after nniim hy Leud�r ro Horrower that the wndemnor offers to make an ?•=- "
<br /> award or seale a claim for Aam�es.Borrower fs►ila to respond to I.ender within 30 dtry�s after the date [he aotice is given. ��'��`���
<br /> Lender i�authoriza3 to colleu artd apply the pmoeeds.at itu optian.either w restoratian or reoair of the Property or ta th�sums �.�.�;:
<br /> secatv3 by t6is Sec.uriry Ynshwneuc,�vts�ther or not t�en due. �`�'
<br /> Untess Lender and Bocrower oti�efovise ag�'ne ia writin$, uay rr�pli�nn of proceeds co principal sGall not axtem! or ��;��
<br /> �' postpane the due datc of t#�e monthly gayments c�t�rred w in parr�gtaptu I�Z ar change the amount of s�ch payments. �`
<br />,�;,� 11.Bomnwer Not Rdeased;Fue�earanoe F�y Y.eIIder Piot a W�irer.,Ezi�sion of the time for payment or mndification
<br /> of amortizarion of the sums securec��f rhis Seciuity Instrumxnt granted by Lr�ster to any suzoessor in inte�st of Bormwer strall �
<br /> not opecate to retea�e tt�e liability af�n_original Barrower or Hor.ower's successois in int�rest. i.ender shall aot be reqnired to —:
<br />��r�:. commence pmceedings against arry�u�xssor in interest ar r�efuse to extend Yime for paym�ci or otherwise modify amortiration ,�._-�::--
<br />� of ths sums secured by this Secu�rity Inswm�n.s by reason o�any demand made by the original Borrvwer or Sorrower's s
<br /> saccessors in interest.Any forbearance by L.err.ier in excraQiAg any rig6t or remedy shall not be a waiver of or preclude t�e `
<br /> exercise of any right or remedy. —��---
<br /> . 1?.. Suooessors and Asstgns Ba:md; doi�at unal Seocc�tfi �tabllity; Coslg$eis. The coveaants aad agreem�ats of this
<br /> Securiry Insuumeni shall hind azxi benefit the successo�s�r,L rsssigns of Lender and Borrower, subject w the pravisions of �
<br /> � paragrdph 17. Borrower's oovenants and agreem�nts shalt 1�.3oint and several. Any Bormwer w1w co-s�gns dris axa�rity =-.-�:
<br /> • Instmme�t but daes not execute tize Note: (a)is co-signing t�is Security Insmunem only to mortgage.g�ant and aua�a:+�tims �_
<br /> Borrower's interest in the Property ander the ter�ac of this Setvrity InsTttu��ut:(b)is not petsonally oblioated to ay tt�ra sums -.
<br /> secured by this Securiry Instcument;and(c)agrees tl�t L�ex and any oth�Aorrower may agree to eate�cd.modiiy.forbear vr �.r.
<br /> rpalce any accommodations with re�zid to the terms of this Sa:ssrny Inssmmesl or the Note wIthout that Borrower's can�:�nt. �
<br /> 13,I,oan Cl�arg�s.If the la.stz scxured by this Securit}7 G��t�ument is subject to a ia«r arhish se.ts maaimum toa�charges, -"°""
<br /> s
<br /> and that lzw is finally interpreced�.•:�ti:at the interest or ot�lrn�s�charges collected ur tr,i��coltected in cunnectioa vrith the �:'`'
<br /> '':,�+ loan exceed the permiue3limits.r�� (a)any s:ch laan ct�r��hall be reduced by thQ mnsrs�t necessary w reduce the charge �`
<br /> ;�' w the permito�d limit:and(b)any sJms alre�or•�1�cted fi��Borrower whicb exceeded g�:rmitted limits will be refunded to -�W
<br /> ,'`,,i�� . Bonower. l�der may choose to maise t�iis �nrnw 6-� �c�ng tha princi�al owed under the Nate as by making a direa �,.,
<br /> . ,,� paYme�.tn Basrower. If a refiz� reduces pis.���af. �z;e ra:�tsaon w�lJ foe treated � a partial Ft�aYment �vithout tuiy
<br /> prepay�r.s�ctiarge under the Notx.
<br /> � '' 14.Notic�5.Any notice fo[d'r�ower pmvided for in ti�i�sie�rrity Inssivment shall�W��ven by deliveriug it or�^�j�r�iling
<br /> `� �;} it by first class mail i�r.�s.appl�le taw requires use of ano:.��method. Z?�e uotice shtl�9�e directed to the Ptope:t��l�dress
<br /> � or any othet addre�13t�rcower designates by notice to I.ender. My r,ati��c i�s I.ender shall be givp by first class tnail w . ___
<br /> � Lender's addciess sul�ad herein or any other add�ss Lender desig�ates by�a�w Borrowes. Any nnzic:ptovided for in this �.
<br /> . Se�rity Iastrumcnt shall be de�S.ro have been given w Eorrower or Lender when given as provided in thia puragraph. '�'�
<br /> 3 eining Law; Sev�ssh�73 This Security Isistz��ent shall be ovem� �r• fedetal law and the t��of We �` -'
<br /> � � 1 .Gnv tY• B L�"_�'1,�i
<br /> � � jurisdiciion in ahich the Propemy L;3ticated. in tlie e�:ent tftur.ary provision or clause of s�is Security Instniment Qr a�Note �
<br /> � �, conflicts with appllcabte law,wch conflict shall ru�t affec[otir�prav�sions of tJ�iis Security tnswment or the Note w'�W..�r3n can be -
<br /> : f; given effect wnthout the confli�ing provision.'��a this end the provisions of this Security Instnuuent s�nd.the Note are 4eclared� ��!''
<br /> , to be severabie.
<br /> i` t6.Eosrower's Copy.Borrower shall be given one confarmed copy of We Note and of this Socurity Insttument. F—
<br /> � 17.Tron.der o!the Propestg ar a Benefldal Inter�t i2s Plrrx�vwer.If ap or any part of the Pcoperty or any fr��^�t in it
<br /> }� is sold or t�ansferned(or if a beneFcial interest in Borro�ver t�.�:.Ulr�or uansferred and Borrower is nat a nat�tal pe�r�rij•without --
<br /> ��j;._ Lender's prior written oonsent, Lender may. at its option, rr�:are immediate payment in full of all sums secuna� by thls �;,�.,
<br /> - SeCUtity Lutrumsnt.Hawever.this o�tion sh�fl nnt be eaer�cised by Lender if exerc�se is profubited by fedetal!aw as of the date �
<br /> `•'`•• of this Security Instwnent.
<br /> '..;'� If I.ender eaercises tlils oprion,L.ender shall give Borra�ver nodce of accelerarion.The notice shall provide a period of not =_
<br /> � j tess than 30 days from We date the notice is delivered or maited within which Borrower must pay all sums secured by thIs �
<br /> �� Security Insuument.If Borrower fails to pay these s�ms prior to the expiration of thls periad. Lender may invo�e say remedies --
<br /> permitted by this Security instnunent without furtber notIc�or demand on Bormwer. `
<br /> •��'` 18. Bosmwe�'o R9�fit to ltei�state. If Banower meets certain oond'stions. Bo�rower shfill gave the right to 6ave
<br /> enforcement of this Secunty Inswment disoontinued at any time priar w the eartter of: (a) 5 days(or such other geriod as
<br /> applicabte Iaw mny specify for reinstatement)before sale of the Property pursuant to any power of sale contaioed in this r,,,,
<br /> � Securitg Iuswment;or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing tbis Seauity Inshvmeat.Those conditions are tlun Borrowes:(a)pays —=
<br /> Lender;t13 sums whtch thea woulrf.Bx due under this Sc;curity Instrument and the Note as�t no avoeieruaon ha,d ocsvrred; (b) �=�`__
<br /> cures a.nq�ic�Fault vf an other cotit�nar►u or a ments;(c)�says all e Pnses incnrred in enforcin this Securi T�ts+�ment. ""'"':
<br /> y s� �u s �v I.��:�_�
<br /> � includinfr.h�u nnt linvted to, rea�nabte attomeys' fees:and(d)taSces such uction as Lender may m�soseably require to assure �.�;,,
<br /> ..t':+ that th�li�,�.of tt;in 5er�riry Instrument,l.ender's rights in the Property ana Borrower's obligation to pay the sums secumd by =_
<br /> "'' thls .Sec+irity Inswment shall oondnue unchnnged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower. this Secunty Instniment and the � -
<br /> obligalSnds secured hereby shall mmain fully effective as if no aooeleration had oocurred.However.thls right to reinstate shall
<br /> �' not appty in the case of accelerntina�under paragraph 17.
<br /> 19. Sale oY Note; Change of�..oan Seivtcer. The Note or a partial intemst in the Note (together with this Securiry :`_
<br /> • Instn�ment)may be sold one or more times without prior notice to Borrower.A sale may result m a chr.mge in the entity(imnwn. _
<br /> as the°Loan Servicer")that collects monthfy payments due under the Note aad this Secunty Instrument.There also may be one -
<br /> or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note.If them is a change of the Loan Servicer.Borrower wiq be ��'� •
<br /> given v+sitten notice of the change in arcordmsce with�urngraph 14 above a�xl npplicable law.7'h�aotice will state the name and �-
<br /> address ot the new Loan Servicer and the address to wRich"payr►rrnts should be made. The norice will also contain any otiier
<br /> infortna4ion required by applicable law. "'`-
<br /> Z0. Ha7ardans�u6stances. Borro�Yer shatl not puse or pertnit she presence, use, disposal. storage. or release of arry., �-
<br /> H�ardoL+s Substnnces on or en the Property. Borrower s6aU not do, rtor altow anyorte else to do, anythin� affecting the �:=-'
<br /> Propet4y thnt is in violation of any Environmental [�w.77te preceding two sentences shall not apply ro the presence, use. or E�_
<br /> storsge on the Propetty oi small qunntities of Nazardous Substzinces that are generally recognized ta be appropriate to nflrmal = _
<br /> - . �i�f�a3e3 u�es ar=d to..,aint�-��:c ot th:.3'usp..-rty. `'-
<br /> �,;_',`
<br /> Pop�3 of 0 w►m aoza sr�o �.�;-�
<br /> �
<br /> , ♦.
<br /> ' . . .- -_ �J . ' .. ' :�. `f:,.�.ar . . ' � • ' . . _.� � ' .. � '� ..
<br />_ ° :' -: . . . _. . . �� +' . �.t` , . . � - . , Y ,'� � , .�. ,t . . . . .- ' � . - . . ..
<br />