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<br />THIS DEED OF TRUST, made and entered into this_._._3(1th._ __ day of~~T^v,~be~..._~"~, 19_~&_
<br />by and between W~STt)N ANI7 MARY BLOflMQU1ST , Truster, and rt.re~s,.., **...,_-_, ns_~:Trustee,
<br />and Postal Finance Company, a Nebraska Corporation, Beneficiary.
<br />EvITNESSETH: That the Truster do by these presents grant, bargain and sell, convey and confirm with Fower of Sale
<br />unto. the Trustee the following described Real Estate including all buildings, improvements, and fixtures of every kind now
<br />or hereafter erected or placed on the real estate, situated in hall County, in the State of Nebr-.ska:
<br />Lot Five (5) of riinar Subdivision in the Northwest Quarter {h'1,,*St) a£ Section Twenty-six
<br />(26), Township EleYeII (11) North, Range Ten (10}, West of the 6th F.M. Hall County, Nebraska,
<br />excepting the following described tracts Beginning at the Northeast career of said Lot 5,
<br />Ctrertze Southerly aiottg the Nast line of Lot 5 a distance o£ Two Hundred Ninety {290)Feet to
<br />the southeast corner of said Lot 5, thence westerly along the South ling of said lot 5 a
<br />distance of One Hundred 'ltaentg (120) Feet; thence Northerly and parallel to the East line of
<br />said-Lot 5 a distance of Ninety-afrhe (91) Feet thence Easterly and parallel to the South line
<br />of said Lot 5 a distance of Eighty {&0) Feet; thence Northerly sad parallel to the East liIIe
<br />and possession of said premises now delivered unto said Trustee: {over)
<br />TO HAVE Alves TO HOLD the same, with all rights, privileges, and appurtenances thereto belonging unto the Trustee,
<br />Iris executors, administrators, heirs, and assigns forever. And the Trustor hereby expmssiy waives, releases, and relinquishes
<br />unto the Trustee all right, title, claim, interest, benefit, and estate whatever, in and to the above-described premises and
<br />each and every part thereof, which is given by or results from all laws of the State of Nebraska pertaining to the exemption
<br />of homestead. And the Trustor convenants wits= the Trustee that he will forever warrant and defend the titre to the same
<br />against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever.
<br />Tbl TRUST HOWEVER, fo.* iHe fallowing described ptrrposzs: StIHEREAS, the Trustor did oa this date execute a
<br />promissory note evidencing a loan for the principal amount of S7fi -- --and interest
<br />tl;creon according to the terms of fire note; said note being payable isn covet monthly install rents at the office of the
<br />-- , _ ra~,.oms.a,, zn r sz n ~ ,
<br />hene.frriary • sect _final payment being dine an ~..,~.
<br />It is agreed by and between parties hereto that until filing of Notice of Default, the Truster shall: (I }pay all present
<br />and future taxes and assessments, general and special, against said property before the same becomes delinquent ar
<br />actionable: (2} keep all improvements erected an the land insured as may be required from time to time by beneficiary
<br />against loss by fee and other hazards, casualties and contingzncies, in such amounts and for such periods as are reasonable
<br />and may be regR,i*ed by L~,raefi€iary, and to keep at? pat pies of such insurance ire farce or eff€ct upon *he property ?ter~in
<br />described Constantly assigned and delivered to beneficiary, (3} pay and comply with all the terms and conditions of any
<br />lien, claim or indebtedness that may be senior to or take precedence of this Trust Deed as soon as any such payment on ar
<br />of such lien, claim or indebtedness shall become due; and upon failure of Trustor to keep any said agreements, beneficiary
<br />may pay such tax, pay for such insurance or pay ofT such liens or claims or indebtedness as the case may be, and the
<br />money sa expended with interest at 9<<: per annum shah be secured by this Trust Reed, and the Trustor agrees to repay the
<br />same upon demand, and upon failure to do so thz balance of the attached note shalt become immediately due and payable
<br />at the option of the beneficiary: (Q} specifically confer upon khe Tnstee the power of sale as provided in Nebraska law;
<br />t.5) retain possession of the premises and collect the ants and revenues therefrom.
<br />Upon payment of all the sums secured by this Trust Deed, the Beneficiary shalt request the Tnistee to rewrivey the
<br />property and shalt surrender this Trust Deed and .all Hates evidencing indebtedness secured by this- Trust Deed to the
<br />Trustee. Trustee shall reeonvey the property without warranty to the person or persons legally entitled thereto; but if
<br />default be made in the payment of said note ar any part thereof or any of the interest thereon when diie or in the faithful
<br />performance of any ar either of said agreements as aforesaid, then the whole of said note shall become due and be paid as
<br />hereinafter provided, and this deed shall remain in force; the trustee or his attorney may proceed to sell the property in
<br />its entirety or in parcels a# the option of the trustee hereinbefore described at public auction, to the highest bidder, for
<br />cash. However, the power of sale herein conferred upon the trustee shall eat be exercised until (1 }the trustee shall first
<br />fits- fqr retard, in the affce of the register of deeds of each Caunty-wherein the trust property or satile;par6.~rr cet
<br />tktereaf is .situated, a nauce of default, identifying the trustee by stating the rtames of the trustor and names°the.~irt and-
<br />giving the back a_nd page where the same is recorded, a description of the trust property, and contaiiting~a st8terrxent that
<br />a breach of an obligation for which the trust property was conveyed as security has occurred, and setting forth the nature
<br />of such breath and of his election to sell or Cause to be said such property to satisfy the obligation; and {? }after the lapse
<br />of not Iess than one-month, Ute trustee shad give notice of sate as provided by Nebraska law. After notice of default and
<br />lapse of not tens-than ©ne month, the trustee shall give written notice of the time and place of sate particularly describing
<br />the property to be stied by publication of such notice, at-least five times, once a week for five consecutive weeks, the last
<br />gublrCation to be at least l0 days but not mare than 30 days prier to the sale, in some newspaper having a general
<br />dirCtttatiori in ea'ch' ctruttty'ir1`which the pt~apzity to be ~sld',: or-some patYtherecff; is situated: upon such sale-;'the trtrstee
<br />shad exeeirte attd =deliver-a' dzed` af -,conveysnoe €rt' the property"satd'to the purchaser or pureRasers thereof and- any
<br />statement or recital of fact in such deed In sefatian to the exercise of the powerbf-sate and sale of the property described
<br />asst INEI ~~. «,,,
<br />