T:riE , A30RTGAGAR Ff73tTIa~Ii::G~VE£Q:4PITS ANA .;At#REF.4:
<br />• ...,
<br />' - Thatthe hinrtg,rgnr-will pay ihr indehiedneca as hercenix~fare. its ,tiled. - -- - - - -
<br />ThaE -ffie Mortgagor w^ fhe rTnter of sair± property ~n fee simple and has gaud right and lawful authority to ~rell anrt
<br />- tanvey~the sazne arld that thesame to free noel clear of any Lien ar rrn,i_mhrernce: atfd tfr~t ~fnrtgagar will wariant and defend fhe
<br />- title `f6 rely g:con+~ eyu ,~. ,~~,~,. ,~, ~ ~,: , ,,. ~,~. - - -
<br />- - - - 'I'o pay-~vrr.rnediaiely-:rthen-i,uc eu.J N,.aoi.- a,t genera) ttrc-; sH~ctar tas•-sr.sq'ECial.assessmenEs, wafer charges, sewer sari-.. -
<br />~° -ice charges, anr', o/hertaYes and charges against said ptet>erty, and al! taxeti levied on the deb£. secured hereby, and to ffri`ktfsit _fhe -_ ~ ;_,
<br />- ,.. r~.ar#gagee,--i#par. :rque:, .::fh t`ie or;,°,+nisI.:or duP't~ate. re.~tpts therefor. T~fe Aisrtgagar agrees-#tvat there-sbatl'~Em-~ar~ded to -:: - :;
<br />- earh~ntttlY payment required hereunder or itndcr t`;e evhirnce of debt secured hereby an amau_ nt astxmated- by the-ZNartgagee_ -
<br />- to-ba ~.rESc:=„t t,: eta ,~rartgSg2a ._. t';< < br:t:rnc• clot:, a!! nixes; asses,.~ettts, sari similar cRar~r•+ tl,: to it=_r`~pt~rna. .
<br />- ~, ism sY339j$b# ihcao: at <cfille cy h~eea'nv - the to itfir rr~t of such addifiorial PaY~ents"shall be fcr,hwtP~ dtpoSited-t5y the -- -'
<br />'Marf$agar w ft, fhe ~f >rtgskec ut -~ demand-hy it,. h,or~,;agee. Any default under this ,paragraph-?hail M- rir,-meet a-8efaulE in'
<br />I ~ ga}tr~en#~-. f is ,es, au~ssments, <-.: similar chargga-required hF rrtind~r: -_ _ -
<br />t _~ The Mortgagor agrees Yhat there shall:.al~so,he added to:each_mpnthfy p;ayment~il grindpal;.and rtatest required here- - _-
<br />~- grsder an amatxixt astimtt4r~ct by the Yiortgagee to be sufficient fo enable the -Mortgagee fn Pay. as it.Frac~mrx du, the ine:,rranee.
<br />,~ prerruum _an any insurance. policy delivered Yo the iv#ortgagee. Any deficiency trecau~r of the rnsufficiencY-af such ^ ldt i Arta}, #~ay- _
<br />~ min2~s-s`ttiali be fo"rthw•ith rte7rosited 'ny-tee ivToitg~gor with the in`ot2~agrE urn da=-" -r --~~ -t .e .~cifg8g2e Arty c' Fa,..t ~nd2r iF.is
<br />garagr:ph shall ba deemed a defauli in the payment of insxrranoe Preritmras: ~If the f>;xlicy or palici€a tfepczitatl~ am suelt a; Ix:mr<=::
<br />- ~ owners or al! risk-policies, and the deposits are insufScient to pay the entire premium,-the Mortgagee may apply the deposit fo -
<br />- ~ pay prnmiuma on.risks required to l>e insxircd by this mortgage. - - _
<br />Payment made ly the Mortgagor undar_the above paragzaphs may, at 3.he option pf itte Mar;gagee,_tta Iteid'by it and -
<br />- camrringled with other such funds or its own ftiriils far the payment-of such-items, and until set appi'ierf, suohpay»ents are hereby--
<br />pledged as security for the unpaid balance of fhe mortgage indebiednzs-a. - - - _- _ -
<br />To procure, deliver ±a, and maintain far the benefii of the Mortgagez during fhe life of this mortgage original 7taticies and - -
<br />ren~wals thereof, deiierc<l at bast #en days before €he expiration of any- such policies, insuring againsf-fire and ether insura}ile-
<br />hazarda, casualties, anti contingencies -as the Mortgagee may require, in an amount equal to Ehe indebfadneas sc3auied by, this
<br />- i4lartgage, and in companies acceptable to the Mortgagee, will: loss payable clause in favor of and in farm acreptable-to fhe Alor#ga- _
<br />. gee. In the event any policy is not renewed on or before ten days of ifs expiration, the 2vfartgagee may tiracuea snsuraree an the. -
<br />improvements, pay the premium therefor, and such sum shall-lrec;>me immadra#e!y date and payable with interest at the-rate set
<br />forEh in said note until paid sad shalt be secured txy this mortgage. Failure an the part of the ,1~faatgagor fa furnish>>-ueh zerrewals - - - --
<br />ss are herein required or failure to pay any sums advanced hereunder shall, at the ol,iian of the hinrtgagee, a;r.stitute a defatdt- -
<br />under khe terms of this mortgage. The delivery of such policies she€l, in the event of default, constitute an assignment- of the un- -_
<br />e$rrretl premium.
<br />Anl' sums rereivwd try the Mortgagee., by reaw;n of loss or damage insured againsf may he retained by t.:. .Jlc:rtgagee- - -
<br />- and applied inward ihr r,~.rnFnf of rho dt-drt hereby secured, or, at the aptian of the Mortgagee.-such srfraa either wholly at-in -
<br />': part may be paid over to the :mortgagor to be used fo repair such buildings or to build' new buildings in their place ar far -any _ -
<br />. ether purpose or abject satisfaMerv to the Mor#gagee witlraut affecting the lien an the mortgage for the lull amount ecru rata here
<br />by isefare such payment ever tools place. - _ _- - -
<br />To promptly repair, restore ar rebuild any buildings nr improvements now or hereafter on the premises which may he-.
<br />came damaged ar destroyed; to keep said premises in,gaad-rnr=clarion and repair and free from any meclsanic's Ilea ar other lien or. - -
<br />_- claim of lien no# expressly subordinated to the lien Irereaf: eat to suffer or permit any ualawfuI use of ar any zUtisance-Eo exist an.-.` -
<br />said property nox to permit waste on said premises, rear to da any other aM whereby the property hereby conveyed. shelf betxsme
<br />fees valuable, ear to diminish or impair its value by anY act ar omission to act: to eamply with all requirementsof law wiEh respect':
<br />to the mortgaged premises and ibe use #hereof. - - - _
<br />Thal should the premises or any Vaxt iherc~f be taken ar damaged by reason of any Public improvement nr eandemratiriir
<br />ptaeeeding, ar under the right of eminent demean, ar in a;.y ether manner, the lforfgagee shall be entitled to all ertmpeirsationa,- -.-
<br />avszds, and anY at'set payment ar relief therefor, find shelf beerstiE}ed, at its aptiori; to trommeiretz, sppesr in and pt'osr-c~i~Ee in ass
<br />awn name any action ar praceerling, or to make zny ccrmPSamise or settlement in -cannectian_ with such taking ar-damage..All such.
<br />cmnpeirsatiaa, awards, damages, right of action and gracetda-are hereby assigned to the Igfartgagee, who-may, aftee deducting
<br />#'~ruftaxtu all Sts eYpettses; release eery risoney8~ a--rai-Yiv~d `vy t ar apply--the sate2 an soy iaarbt.~~dr=~as ~a:eel-?mr~ley-1'I~.I4S:s!1... .. -
<br />gatf;sr agrees to eferaxte sush.fUrthrr. assignments of any compensation, awards, damages, and right of action need ptoeeetls-as-.the _ -
<br />Martgagea cosy regitira. - : r~
<br />That in case of failure to perform any of the cnvenarfs herein, the Mortgagee may .fo do the Martgagar's"behalf everyfhi#ig - -
<br />so C~venatited; Shat the Motgagee may else da any act it map deem necessary to protect. the lien thereof: that Ehe lbfarigagor-will ~- -
<br />ra73ay u„att deiriard any irianeys pearl ar disburaed~:bv the lLtartgagee far any of fhe above ptxrpasxts. and such moneys-tngefherwith ~'~-
<br />ir,#ezest:-thereon s#-the cafe- prervided~ in srid~iitite shall `.. - ... sa msSCh additional indebtedness heretty aaturi~ and may era in-• -' -
<br />duded in say decree forxlasing taxis mortgage and be paid nut of the rents ar proceed:? of gala of-.said Prem-If'pM'.ettten?Iat":~-
<br />paid: drat it sStall:noC-be rahligatory upon the Rortgagee to i:,quire rota the validiEy trf any lien. encum#trancea. or clAim rn ~- ~.
<br />vahctnea~~anays-as'-above~.aut2iars'Zed, but-notlrSng-harer`n contained shall be ronsiruad as ragairirxg-the Mortgagee to advatxce any
<br />rnone"e for:arzy'.sachpua`ptr{e nor 'W du. any act hereunder: and relent ;t4ortgagee shat) not inner any pers_unal listuiity =becsuw• of nay=._ ;`~..'
<br />thintt it tray ,ta+u ixast=Ea tla,herennder_ - - - -
<br />Yn the event of the defau?t a}-:I$oxtgagur; iu-tkre IzayLtt of goy :-~.;al3stznt. as__requSresf hy, t3x Alafe-ar^arrtl hereby. o:
<br />in the pericimanae of ±he obligfltinn in tells mor£gage'or i.n iha crate secured thereby, the hlattgagee she!! he enfitle~d to declare the _
<br />debt securccl Frr_reby due ar,<l r_y.Gle without ro*iCe, aad..tha htart~g~ halt be enti#Ied a£ its_aptioa. wi#htvrt notice. either by iA.elt -
<br />at by. s rt~eiver is t~ uppointtnl by the cctxrt. ihesaaf; and-wstfttut regard ~ the aLlegttaty of aagsecixxrvfY faE'~the itk4eutedness se-
<br />cured here y,~ ~ e-r..c.-., µ;a%v..,....,:c p;:,.,r:r.. cf tt~.+r;ot#gBgerl-#~'g`--. to t~Ilestanr ~ reeetve the mrt£s, rssuea and nro$i`at '-'
<br />tteereo:.yard anolY t$esame: .tees cos#s of onerstian and cu3lec#Ivh. ~ttPOn t3Fe'eatfabiedte8s seear~f~6Y--th#s motigRge; said rents. - -
<br />issves-nr«i proitts beingI,erclxy .~'srn-~ f., :tom :..,~ iafir:- at ta~rtl`:ar~e:sr':tr~~' pay;"ant eE.sI1 it:.tebtedne.= .ecure*:.h.rd+y.
<br />The .'tloriKag~ ahail ha.e the power is appoint any agent or agents it may desire for the purpose of repairing raid pt*ia-
<br />ices; .renting the same: coilectit•.>t the rents. revenues and inrome. ati$-it may.pay oaf of said income all expenses incurred in rent- -
<br />ingand managingthe sarvennd of culiecking the rentals tlreePf tstix: 'T9ie balaitee temaimng, it any. shall. 've applied W.xard the - -
<br />dL¢cherge of fire mortgage indebtedness.. This assignment is. to tel3tapnate and-benvrre roll and ~•oi;i upon :•eletise of-reel. rrtut•tgsEe. :.: ;
<br />