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iKE; MORTGAGOR FURTHER COVENANT'S AND AGREES: <br />Tttst the 1Lforigagor will pap the indebtedness as hereinbefore ,provided. <br />. ;. <br />That E&r`?tiaNgAgor 75 the `dt'nAr=trf scut-'tirrsprrty in fee slmPtc and has gaotl- itgittsmt Iaivful=authority Eo sell snit _ - <br />canvey the ,:trr'e and thnt t€ free and clear of any lien or encumbrance; and that MarEgegor wit!-warrant and defend the ---- ~- - <br />E title to satd p 'tnis•^; aRaiisL trto-e maims of a7I nfrrsors whermaoe.~er. - - - <br /> imrn ;+atP.iy when r}uF_ard. nsyafile :={l Reneral taxes, special faxes, special assessments, wafer charges; sewer sere- --' _ <br />ire-charges: and o-her tsars ugachargesagainai aaiciprvtxny .+.1 ¢ svie:t an the debt sxc:;red h raby.~afsd to fur~sh flies.-- <br />na :r~_ ao.K, r+ rPaunet. with the nrieinal ~r duplie~tn receipts tlierPfar P[he lvIflrkgagbt agrees that there=shall' arkled to <br />>~ each roa~tl:.,r payn,,.,t r~auirr•tt hereu::rf_r ~•~.-ur_cer theevidence,o#-debt secured hereby an_amount estimated-hy the Mortgagee <br />to be sttt6gent to enab{e the Mortgagee. iu pax. as they, become.due. atI fazes, assessments, and similar charges upon the ptrm• <br />''~ ices sub}ecE: thereto: env ctefrciency he:attst! of :thg anstgffiCiertcy of .such-ad¢it£or~l payments _sha!! be fr3rthwtlh _deposited ,bY the <br />rrv#ortgaga=- cif:. the 'ti ui.gahce rpen <_~trand by flee Mortgagee: Any i#efattlt under this _pa raKraph shaI! be` ilenmed a~tlefau{t ih. <br />~~ payment ~oi taxes, assessments, nr similar cTiaiges-required lsereindet.- ~ -- <br />The Mortgagor agrees that there shalt also be added to each monL.hiy payment of principal andrnteiest required hers- <br />t~ under sn amount estimated'by'the-Mortgagee to bey sirfFcierit to citable -the-'Mortgagee to pay, - as' if 'beaomea -dtte, the---insurances <br />[~ premium on any insurance polisY detivered:to the,Martgagee,-AnY-~de&eiency because:at.-the-.insufficiency of-such additional. pay- <br />ments shall ~ fnrthwif6 deposited by the Mortgagor with f}te Rfartgagee. upon demand by the Mortgagee. Any-default under this <br />_ paragraph shall ?>Q s~ ed a default in. the payment of insurance prenuums, if-the pniicy or paticies,depo~ted are }nsrne-- --- - <br />owitera of a!t risk `policies,-arid the depoaiE.s are ittsuffta{ent to pay the entire premium, the Mortgagee may apply Ehe deposit to <br />pay premiums on risks required to be insured by this-mortgage. - - - - - - - <br />Payments made by the Mortgagor under -the. above paragraphs may, at. the option -of- the tblarigagee, be tteid "hy it and <br />commingled with other such funds or its osyn--funds far the payment of such items, and until sa applied. suck payments are hereby - <br />pledged as security far the unpaid-balance of the mortgage indebtedness. - _ _ -- - <br />To procure, deliver to, and maintain for the benefit of the Mortgagee during the fife of this mortgage original policies and -- <br />renewals hereof, delivered at least ten days before the expiration of any such policies, insuring against fire and other insurable <br />hazards, casualties, and rnntingencies as the Mortgagee may retiuire, fn an amavn# egnai to the irtde€stetltte~ aeettn$ by tlsffi <br />Mortgage. and in companies acceptable to tfie tufortgagee, with toss payable clause in favor of and in form acceptable to the ,iefoHga- <br />gee. In the event any policy is not renewed oa or before ten days cf its expiration, Lhe Itiartgagee may prow re insurance en the <br />improvements, pay the premium therefor. and such sum she!} t)erame immediateh• due and payable with interest at the rate set <br />forth in said note until paid and shall be secured by this martgaga. Failure on the part of the Mortgagor to furnish such renewals <br />as are herein required ar [allure to pay any sums advanced hereunder snap, at t{+e option of the Mortgagee, Constitute a defauif <br />under the terms of this mortgage. The dehvcry of such po{icies shalt, in the event of default. ntnstitute an assignment trf the un- <br />earned premium. <br />Anv sums received by the Mortgagee by reason of Iris ar damage insured against may be retained by the Mortgages <br />and applied toward the Paymenf of the debt hereby secured. or, zt ihc: npfian of the ltlortgagee, such sums either whaity or in <br />pare may tx paid over to the Mortgagor to be used to repair such buildings or to build'new buildings in their placx ar for any <br />ether purnase or object satisfactory to the Mortgagee withuu! affecting the lien an tF.e mortgage for the full amount se vrerl here- <br />by bsfa_*e such payment ever took place. <br />To promptly repair, restore ar rebuild any buildings or imprnvements new ar hereafter an the premises which may be• <br />coma damaged or destsnyed; to keep said premises ir. good CandiEian acrd repair and free from any mechanic's flare az !feel .-.: <br />claim of lien real expressly subordinated to Lhe hen hereof; nest fa suffer ar permit any unlawful use of or any nuisance to exist on <br />said property nor to permit waste on said premises, nor to do any ether aci v.~hereby the property hereby conveyed-shelf lserome <br />leas valuable, floe fo darninistt ar impair its value by any act or omission to art; to cnmp{y with a!! r@quizements of law with .respect <br />Eo the mortgaged Premises and the use thereof. - - - <br />- That she+~Id the premises or any part thereof be fatten ar ;iamrtged by reason of any public improvement or eondemnaUon <br />proceeding, ar under the right of eminent domain, ref in any other manner. the ;<.fortgagee shat{ be entitled to ail compensations, <br />awards. and any other Payrnsnt or relief tl:zr:e:, arm s_h~~t `--~ entit£'e+~, aE its opttan is commence, appear in and prosecute in its <br />awn name any action or nrocteding, ar to make any compromise ar settlement in connection with xvch taking oa damage. A€1 such <br />- ccartpsrtsation, awards, damages, right of artian and proceeds are hereby assigned to the Mortgagee, who _ riisy, ~-after -deiiwatfzt6 <br />therefrom atI its expenses, release any nxoneys so received by it ar apply the same on any indebEedness secured hereby. The lefart• <br />-gagoi agsses'to execute such further assignments of any Compensatron. awards, damages. and rights of-action-and prvreeda as the <br />Mortgagee may require. <br />Thai in rase of faiium Lo perform any of the cove;tanL, herein. the Mortgagee rosy des t>n the Mortgagor i bettak e++erythin~--- <br />sa savenented; that the iVlartgagee rosy also do any set it may deem necessary to protect the lien thereof: that ttte Mortgagor will'_'- <br />repay upon demand any moneys paid ar disbursed by the ':Mortgagee for any of the alxive purposes, snd such moneys together with- -- <br />tntereat thereon at tits rate provided in said note she!{ become so rnurh additional indebtedness hereby secured and rosy tie in- _ <br />eluded ixi any decree foree{asing this inurtgage and be paid out ai the tents or proceeds of sale-of said premises it not otherwise <br />p~ttl; €ltet i* shop ~s be ab€iraio~ ut-'on tltr Martgage~ to itsauire into the va:idity of any lien. enrumbranres. or cta{m in ad... <br />vantgng moneys as shave authorized, hnt nothing herein contained shall 4x+ construed as r~equlring the Mottgagee tv advaix'e arty'" <br />moneys far any such purposs nor to du any act hereunder; and that Mortgagee shat! rent incur any personal Iiatriiity Aecause of any-'-~ <br />tYting-it Friayda ar remit ttr des hereunder. _ <br />- - ::- -ln the event.=af- tl-,F- dsfault t+y Mertgsgoz in ths• p;tyment of. any instaHmen*..- as required by the Note. secured Sterehy.-ar`.~ <br />- - irtthe;#>rsfcrmtavt~ o£ the obligation in Lhis mortgage or th the rrote secured thereby, thR Rfortgagee.s€ entitled #n declare the <br />-debt s~ttredhereity due and payable without notice, and the Mortgagee she!! 4e entitled-at its aptian, without-notice, either hy-itae€f <br />- - ar b} a receiver to be appointed by-the court ihereot,-and withaui regard to'tite adequacy of any seertrity. for the indebtedness-se- <br />- - - erred hereby'.. to c-refer upan_and tat4e. posion: of the. mortgaged psemisea, and to cxtllect_ and reactive the rents issues and pzara# <br />iherepf, anrI zr3p1; thv same,.Iess cr~ts of opei•atian and cullectinn, upon the indebtedness secured -t,y this inor ge8e;_ sxi~.lcttEa,- <br />- i~usaand profits {ring hetebY.assigned to ffie ;~Futtgagee su #urfher rerttri{y for the payment oC,alt inrlehtet#ttosn securwt--hereby - <br />- - - . -Thy. "~!ar¢g?ltee s~ia€[ltattig'thepeatar:tu appuint'any agent or agents ituayi3earfe-fa--,the purpose ai".iepati€ng said PrCi31- "_ <br />- .lass; renting. the same, caflecting Elre rents-, revenues and income, a,7d iY taaY~paSr ant cf ssxd~incor..e all-expenses lnrurrtr3 tn-ren>r- <br />- €ng and manab,:ne the name and of callectsng -Ehe rentals therefrom. The balance remaining, if. any, shalt be applied toward the <br />d€aehaige ar .the mortgage rndeb~dneas. This asaignmenr is Lo terminate and become-null and voiil_upan release or fh?s:r'ftorfgage. <br />