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<br />~~ C1F~ <br />T~I3 MtSRTGAC#E ra made tlva . ,.... I.f ~h .. , . . tiny of ..... t3ecerrtber• <br />i9~g, , , isetwcentixei4fortgegoe, ~~R3'. ~-..Rt1~.PH A ~~. H~ w1r4. N...t~ALPH,:.htsslranri and. r+.i.~~, . ~acls i n <br />_ hts arc4 her pwn r•igh~ .ands ~5 ,spca~~ "Borrower"), awl the - ~oxtg}g!a~e, ~otrie ~+'etiesa <br />~a~'tags d 1etsst.on, $ orgarsizc~i snu egg tiizd rite lea rf'f~e Tc'rnd t~ <br />America; whose address is 2213auth T.iaeust'Btiteet, Grad delaYtd: Isiebtaslsa (herein `Mender"l <br />WxFr~ts, Borrower is indebted tss Lender in the principal sane of.~{~.. ?.1.~ .~~41~i~~ .~~: ~~f t JQ . . <br />_________________ - -- _--~ulars,whichiade6tednessisevidencedbySarrower'stsote <br />... L?ecen~ber~ l~l~, 19~b ... ovidi forsstsinthl snstaNmentsof ri a~tdinterest, <br />..... . , .... ;-... (herein Note"}, Fr ng Y ~ ET ~%Pai <br />- 'filafet'......... <br />-with ttre balance of the indebtedness, if aoi soaner.paid, due.-and gapatile oii..... ~f~u~f'Y. k.x .YQ~....... . <br />To SECt?RE to Ixader (a} the repayment of the iriaiebtedness evidenced by rise biota, with interest the,can, ~e <br />~ytueat of g$ other .oats, wlth interest thereon, advanced. in accordatsce herewith to pmtect the :security of this <br />triott~~,e, ante the pe€fvrt~ance o€-else c€ivenaists and.agreements of Borrower hereirs contained, aztd (b) the repayment <br />of airy fuiure'advatiees, withrntere>Fi thereon, made tQ $orrower by Lander pursuant to paragraph 21 hereif (herein <br />"ass. Advan€os"}, $tsrmwer dims pretty mortgage, granE aad convey to iendet the faliow7ng a~sen"bed property <br />locassdt in the Gouttty of.. ..~~.C~-, .. ..... _. , ..... ... ,State of i~Febraska_ <br />L'JT FIVE t5Y, I~1 BL{7~ tdINET~Ei+i 01.97, 1Pl AAdRRiLL°S RODITION TD TkiE C1TY CF , <br />~l2AI`!D i SLANt), ~tEBRASI£P<. <br />h bas the sddr~ of .. 2123, Yfest-.~54~9 f if .............:.... . ... f r8nct .is t;~nd......:. - .... , <br />tsc~~ri tcttr7 <br />tdebraSl~t . _ . 6b~1, - - - ... (t*erein "Pranert~- Adctr~ss"); <br />_ - is:ate_sra ~~. Cwa3 - - - - - - <br />Toa~'['t4tx with a1i the improvements nov! ar hereafter es~eted on dre proQeriy, and ail easements,. rights, <br />appmrtt.:nances, rants; royalties, mineral. ail and ga;, rights-and proiiis; water, water rights, and water stock, and alt <br />saaicn~ r~s,w .ic ,n3aafi~r A.iac:~~3 t . ;^ p~E}:•: ty, all r:l tr~.t~?s, inttsd:^.r replacemears azti additions therero, shad be <br />mimed to }ae and re;Hain a paR rit tln. pro~fiy coveted by this N4artguge; and alt of the foregoing, together with said <br />property (ar the ltsselsold eFtate if this A3ortgsge is on a lcasehotd} are herein referred to as the "Property" <br />$oeeatwar eorermru t`,st B..:c.:~r L lac~f;ally seised C€tls: est+s~~ hetebp• coaveyed and has tlsc rie~hito ngctgage, <br />grant and convey the r~roperty, That Elsc' trropetty is -nsencvmbered, aad teat Borrower vrill tvarrasit and defend. <br />generaiiy tha title to the.°iopgt2y 8g»ittst alt claims and detnande, sebject to any de€larations,easetttents or resirietlons <br />liste$ in z schedete of exreptttit>b t© coverage in any tide irsurarcce pStlicysnsntiitg :Lertdzr's interest in the Property: <br />>--1 to 4 F~nify~:,S7~aIFig-~iG iCNt'•t tkSf801MEiiT' <br />