<br />~s-- ~~~ ~ ~ ~ 3
<br />`l`HI314If31t'IYiAr'iE la toads this :.......... . . i i th : December
<br />i@ ia~ri. i.~. l.La - 1 6 L~Iw (!]Q~ dEl "f t~.si l ~ 61s a~ 6 4. A -
<br />v ~,..~~•rr: ~' a", -;.~U'°~ ~.... . - . ~ .. D.":f3 , . us„at~~. a,~td .;a~ i fa,. ,~a~t;..i.n
<br />tits a~~;r rt~n rtg.~ and, as strou~~~,,ain "Harrower"~, >itid the Nl
<br />Saz<•s i.~ Atiaa, a carporat~n arganizssl attd e~t~ undF:s the laws a# Tlie United ;q¢ates of
<br />A.
<br />Att:i~•ica, wh+~ add ~ 221 South Locust Staeet, Grand Island., Nebraska therein "bender"-. - - - ';;
<br />WHER$4S, Harrower is indebted.to bender in the principal sum of..TWEi~TY, ~ !. VE _ THOliSAPJD, S l;X- _Ft[A~jE~I? - ~`
<br />~;
<br />~ idt?I :00----------------------..--------7~sliars, which incietrtedness is evidenced by $arraw~r'snoYe
<br />dated.... December. ~I :! s..i ~7$ ~.. ,. •. {herein "Note"), gmviding #ar atanthfy itistaliments a# principal ankf itttersst i?
<br />viith tl€e 3ralatrce of the indebtedness, if not sootier 'd, due and „.
<br />!~ payable on....danuat"y:.1.,. -. t939, .:...: ,.. `
<br />fin,S$t:E7aE to Lender (a) the repayment o€ the indebtedness evidenced by the Note, with inieeest thereon, the
<br />gaytsient of all other sums, with interest thereon, advanced in accoedance herewith to protect the security of this
<br />idfortga$e, a~ the performance of the covenants and agrectnents of Borrowee herein cantairnd, and (b) the repayment
<br />of any future advances; with interest thereon, made to Borrower by Lender pursnant to paragraph 2I hereof (herein
<br />"i+ittttre Advattcss"), Borrower does beret>y mortgage, grant and convey to lender the following desert~ted ptvpErty
<br />located in the county o# .. . .......... H,? t.l ................... , .. , ., State of Nebraska:
<br />JRiGitv~?L TO]+IN, NOW CITY OF GRftND lSi_RN~J, NEi312ASKA.
<br />which k~s the address o€ . : ... . .. . ... . ~~~. tvteat .5th......... , . , , . ...6can~, .3.5latJd.
<br />- - - - - [Streelt - - - - tCa13 -
<br />N ~ras~g Ol ,(herein°PmpertyAddress");
<br />- ~ tarn .,.x.,.r g~ &nQal` -.
<br />'d`txts~xtiit with iiit the improv~ineiits nose or ltereaftet er~tcd on [lie Property. and atY easements, rights,-
<br />apfittrtenances, rents, royalties, rtrinca;il. oil and gas rights and pr<sftts,.watcr, Water-rights; and water stoek, and ag _
<br />fiawrc~ row or hereafter tilts^,Ixd to the property, alI of which, instadiag replacements and adcitions thereto::shall be
<br />deemed to lx and remsin a pzri of tt:c property c~ver~~ by flue Mortgage; and all of the foregoing, iogethe;r with said=,
<br />prcixrty (or the leasehoid estate if this Mortgage is on a leasehold} are herein cefe_*red to as the "Property":
<br />Borrower covenants that Borrower is tawfnlly seisece of the estate hereby wnveyed and has the right to mortgage,
<br />gra+3t ar_d convey the Property, ttfat tFe Property is unencumbered, end that Serrower;s~iN warrant and defetgd
<br />generally i.lsr. sills to the Prnpeaty agEinst aii claims and demands, strliject to anp declarations, easements of restrictions
<br />Iisted Fri a aelte<dtale of escep:ians io coverage in any title iasttrarses: poliwy insuring Lender's interest in the Property.
<br />~$~~~-1 to $ family--6(75-FidAttFfNii(C OtttfARl~i tNSfRdPNfNT .
<br />