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k~. <br />~~-~ ~~~i ~ ~~ <br />not east@nd or postpone the du@ date of the monthly installlzz@nks referred ko in psragrap}ts 1 and 2 her@of or <br />change the amount of sue17 installme*rts. <br />2©: Botzca~erlVatRel~ased. J;xtens}oz7 of the time for pavmeni or modification of amortization of the sums <br />secured Iry this 3iortgagE granted by Lender to any suecessar in interest of Borrower shall not operate to release; <br />ir, any manner, the liability- bf the original Borrower and Borrower's sue7;esso7s in interest. Lender- shall not be <br />required tv cam7aranee pro:re~di7iga against suc#t suc8essor or reuse to extend time-for payanEnt or oth@r+sisE-modify <br />amortizafioxi of rite sums secured by this ifo7~tgage by rEason of any demand made by the original l3orrawer and <br />n$ricswcr'o`ou2a° a iS'in~~~"~'w , - _ - - <br />3~. Porbecrrosce Isp ~7ader Plot -a. ~daiver: z~.r<y #arbearance by Lender in @xereising any right or renaesly <br />hezezlnd@r,-orcithercvise ~~ff_nTderl try applicable lata~, shall not he a waiver a$ ar pTSal-,rde the exere'zse of easy right <br />or remedy h@reunii@r. 'Che:pmaurement of insurancE or-the payment of taxes or other Le7is of c3iarges by LEnder <br />shall itot his a.i+~aiver of Le<ndsr's'rigllt to aec@terate the nraturiip of the }izdebt@daess seetirsd by this+?t'Ca7~E3sgc_ <br />}~, tidies Ca:.7utttti~e. ?Y}I-r@inedi@s Pravid@d in tl}is ~'tortgagE distinct end cuiziulativd_iat sn? other <br />right ar r@zzied} zlrider t;r,is lfortgsge at afforded lie law ar equity, and may be cxereised cancurr@nttg; tridep@atd- <br />@i7tly or sueeessively <br />13. Saece~ez4 nmd igss Botuid: Jofat smd -Several ISability: Gaxptions: The coveaiartts and agreeaatcnts <br />herein contained she}I bind;and-the Itights lzeretmder shal4 inure to, the rESpeative successoTS and aseglCs of Lender-- <br />and Borrower, subjsct to the pm'vis}ons of paragrap!r I7 hereof. All eavensnts-and- agreements of Iorrower shall <br />t bs joini end several. ThE captions aa7d headings a€ the paragrsplrs of this ifortgaga are for convenience a7tly aiid <br />are net to be used to interpret or define the provisions hereof. <br />i4. Hodes. Any notice to Borrower provided for in this ylortgage she!} be gii=en fry mailing such ntltice Frp <br />c@rt}fied mail addressed to Barro+ver at the Property Address slated below, except for any nonce required under <br />paragraph I8 h@r@of to lac given to Borrower in the mamzer prescribed by ap!rlic_sble law. Any notice provided <br />for is-this yiiartgage shat} lre deenz@d to have 1rEen given to Harrower wlzer: given in the manner designated here}n. <br />;~ UIi7zsa }13orRgagei Goee7287g I.awr7 Severability. This form of mortgage combines un}f©rm covenants <br />far national use and non-u77ifonn covenants with limited csristions !ry jurisd}etion to constitute a uniform secu- <br />- city instntment covering real property. This \iorigag@ shalt he governed by th@ law of the jurisdiction i7r which- <br />tlt@ Prep@rGy is located. In the event that any provision ar clause of +_his \3ortgage or the Mote conflicts with <br />sppiiaalrle Iaw, such ea7zftiet shaiI not affect oi17@r }rrovisions of this Ziortgage or the Note which can be given <br />e$@ct without the canffieting prevision; and to this end the provisions of the _liortgage and the Nate ar@ declared <br />try be aev@rabl@. <br />I6. Bosrawer's Gepy. Baraawer shall b@ furnishEd a conformed copy of this A•iortgage at the ti7rie of ~cecu- <br />tiaa or after r@co7tiataan hetrazf. <br />I?. Yra~er sz# tlrrz i?rolsertY: +Im~%on. if all ar any part of th@ Property or an interest therein is-- <br />or tra77sferred by Borrower without Lender's prior written consent. excluding (al the creation of a lien or enatim- <br />brance suhardinate to this liortgage, (b) the creation of a pure!rase money security interest far household appli- . <br />anc@s, (c) a transfer by devise; desc@nt ar by operation of taw upon tl7E death of a joint tenant or (d}-the gra7at of <br />any iesaehotd interest of three years or less not containing an opiian to purchase, L@nder map. at Lender's option, <br />d@¢lare all tlaesunrs secnaed by ti7is ~Ioatgage to he immediately due and payatrie. Lender shall have waivz_.` ~h <br />option to accelerate °`. ~rriar to the sa}e or transfer, Lend@r and the }rsrsan to whom th@ Prop@rEy-is to c~ -sold ar <br />transferred reach sgreem@nt in tivriting that the credit of such }rersan is satisfactory t~ Le7tder and $hit ttz@ interest <br />- payauie Ou txi`c auu+E acCaaac"" Ia. by X173,°.. ~~a7'tgag=. Shat} t~ a4 c,ir#y rsttn ae I gndar Rhal} ~egtl~t. If LEndEr has waived - <br />tb@ Opt7on LO aCCelerate provld@d }II rhos paragraph l7 and if BarmwEr'S SI1CC@SSOr In ant@Fex~t hSS eXeCtlted a l'Prtt*- <br />ten sssumptian agree7nerlt accepted in writiag by Lea7der, Lend@r shall release Borrower fmzn ell abligatio77s under <br />this i4gurtgage and th@ Note. <br />If Lender @X@rcisES such option to-accelerate, Lender she}I *_nai! Borrnw@r notice of sce@lerataan _ia sceo~ttlaree <br />+vith_paragraph l4 h@reof. Such notice she}7 provide a }ieriod of noi_t@ss than 30 days- from the dots the Imti+de is <br />Inaiied wifhin which- Harrower may pay the sums d@elarEd due..lf Borrower fails to pay sue17 scans prier tea fdie <br />expii~tstion of such pe7iod, Lender IIIay, without f~rt~e7• notice. ar deanand an B'ormwer, invoke any remedies per- <br />- u7it~@d by paragraph IS hereof. <br />~Toa-I':aasogta C6va*tw~~rs. Borrower aua Lander further covenant and a>vree as ftrliows: <br />IS. McceLeratian: Remedies. Except as pros}der! in paragraph 17 hereof, upon Borrower's breach of any <br />cas@a~ar=t ar =gym@nt of 73orrawer in tlcis ~4iart~a¢c, including the covenants to pay wlz@n due any sums s@cuned <br />oy this '_liortgage, lender prier to acee!eration shall mail notice to Barro+rcr ss provided- in psragraplz i4 IzerEOf <br />speeifyiatg: (Ij the breach: f'll th@ action required to cure such breach; 13? a date, not Iess than thirty days- <br />from the date the notice is mailed to Borrew@r, b}• which such !smash must be etlrtxl; and (¢) that fsiIure to ears <br />such br@aeh on or before tlr@ dst@ specified in ilzE notice may result in aece}eration of the su7us secured by this <br />'I#artgsg@ end sale of the Property. If the breach is not cured ar= or before the date sped&@d in the notice, Lender <br />at Lend@r'e option Icy d@clare all of the sofas ss-eur@d by ibis 4iartgage to be immediately du@ and paveble <br />without further dErnand and naay fareclas@ t!tis ~lortgsge lry judicial proceEding. Lender shall be Entitled to collect <br />in such proceeding all @xpenses of foreclosare, including, but not Iin7ited to, costs of documentary evidence, <br />abstracts a7sd title repoets. <br />Il9. $_ ~'a I{i~t ~-Rei~tete. Natwit':;5tarniing Lender's- accel€rat}an of the sums s@curec[ by_ Ehhis <br />3'taa~tgage, BortnvrEr shall hav@ the right to have any proceediags begun by T.euder to enforce this' h3ortgage die- <br />amntinued -st ary time prior to entry of a judgment enfaareing. thiE Mortgage if: (a) Borrower p&ys Loader ell <br />ssmairltish Rauld Ile td7en dos under this ~ciortgsge, she i+ivte and natna srruring,I~uture Advaaa~;~r any, had raa <br />sccelPratim acaumed, (bl Borrow@r cures-ell- breaches of-any other eav@nants or agreements-of Harrower . <br />tsirte~ in tzii$ ;viortge; (~} Barttrwer pays-a}} ressauablE ext,enr~ icteu77Et1 by I,ei7derna- enforeia7g the covenants <br />sr_d t~ffrecments,gf Rcrm,aer contain@al in thi~'1lortgage and in en#oreing Lender's-r@mEdies as provided in pare-. . <br />graph IS F~rn3.; ineludiasg; irut not limited to, 7~asvnsble sfi~om@y's fees; and fdl Bormwertakes azach a@t?on ~ <br />Lead ~sf rya:-caably rGUU„c> to er;,nre =:r t .tie Tien ^f chic ~lorte~sge, fender's interest in th@ Biopsrty ~itd <br />Borrow@r's obligation to },ay the sums sECOt~I by this :irrrtgsnE shall cantinue.uniingasireti: I?pon eueli paytaent <br />and curs by Borrower, this 14iortga;e and the abligatiana secured hereby -hall rert7atu,in full force; and, e$eat-as. if <br />ro ae cz, had ~urarl. <br />2C1 1'IRBf§P~Yb7lt Of Reece: Appoiatctartt of Receiver; I.tndor is Po7isersiau. :is rzdditiona; security h@re- <br />under, $arrower Ileretry assigns to Lender the reefs of t he Properig•, provided that Borrower shall, prier to accelex <br />anon under paragraph I8 hnr@af or abandonnrert of ti}e Property, }iar~e the right to eol!e~;t. and retain such- rents <br />ss they bscrome due and payable. <br />T3pan acre!erwtiou under. paragraph 18 :rere4f or ahundanartent of the Yrapeaty. Lende7•, in }#Eisort, by agent <br />or by judicially appointed receiver shall !>e entitled to enter upon, take po,~seasion of and manage the _Property <br />and-to cotleet t77e rants of the Property, including thou pa4t due All rents caileet@{l l.y-Leader or >.h@ I~ceiv@r <br />shtli be a,pg!xed Srst to payment o: the oasis of msnagernent of th@ Pro}ierty and coll@ction of rents, including, hui <br />riot l}rntteQ,tR. receiver's fees: jr~@Iriiums onsc+ceiver's ~bopd~ ancf reasonable attorney's fees, and then to the same <br />seaiared-by Chia i\:orLg7~ge, Lender-.end the receiver shall bE liah}e to account only fur those rents actually rECe}ved. <br />