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96WD3WIC4fAC, <br />diJ6 OfV SALE <br />S9P"CIONAi.: Ft7'FURE ADV~IPVCE3 <br />8.4Y1AiGS 1°tJB+ID <br />- Fa+a~a No. 720 - - - - - <br />Lnaa Ldumber~_~39_f3Qtt__-__~$@_v__~.__ <br />sync ar.aze <br />r , i ~ U # 6i r") i\F3 {,JAS ! 1~ ~ , <br />isilb MURTQAGE, made-and erecnted this: ?~:_.. ;.: dry of c~~ .~.: ~..I)., <br />19.-..,batmen theA4ortgag^r,...Ida?ext.J,...y~s4ae~_r~ztd..F+2?,XX..k:t....`fi;f$~~e~..=;.ht~~~s[ <br />--~~s ~Q~;y sled ~~~.-~ gh~t:~ ~~gh>=, _..... -....~ ~ _ ._.._ <br />pf ---Grated ;Island ._ t'otanty of --_:......_i~~....... --- State of iebraska,:-...; ftereinafter referred <br />ts~ as the I3orivwer, and the 14fortgagee, FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS ANI3 LOAN AfiSLrCIA'FION OF <br />L'I?+1Q4.r.I+l; 7tiv5 "Id" Street; Lincoln, Nebraska oS5f)i, i#a succesabra and- assigns, liereinsfter referred to <br />R <br />as under. <br />'tNtTxesss2x: That-the acid Borrower for and in consideration of the sum of :-FIF."#~.=.ST.~.~Il4tIIS.@~LU <br />.:.,~YIL.~4.1.14~--. -•-- • - ----... --°------------------I?oL'ars {L78 ~---.~.fzs4l~Q=.5~4.: ._..:;_} <br />paid by said bender; deer hereby mortgage grant and-convey to Lersder its successors and- signs; the <br />following deserib®d -petty located itr the bounty of .....°-----...I?§~)-3-~ .,........., State of i+Iebraska: <br />ThE Easterly Hal€:. of .Lot 13ight:y-One (81) and ail of Lo¢ Sighty-2sso- {82) idolfe's Subd3v~siun <br />in the City o€; Grand Island, Hail Covatp, Nebraska <br />t <br />Tvct~€a-with all- the. improvements now or hereafter erected on the gmperty, and all easements. <br />riglata, agguxtenanaess resets. royalties, mineral, oil and -vas rights and grofi*„s,-teeter, wat,sr rights, and <br />water stoclr, and all fixtures" no~v ar hereafter attached to the property, all of which; iit~luding replace- <br />- aartts and additions thereto shell be deemed =to be and remain a part of the- prirperty covered . , ~;is <br />Ztgage;-sail all ~£ the foregnireg, iagQther -with said property {ur the leasehold estate is tl~e event this <br />Mortgage is an a leasehold} are herein-referred to as . "IFro~rty='. <br />- 23ornower covenants that Borrower is Lawfully sassed iif-the testate hereby conveyed a«d has the right <br />' tra mortgage, grant sad coney-the Prapert}= that the F'mgart•~! is-uxiencnrred, eazd t~~rat Borrower wilt <br />werrant ~rld defend generaCly the title. to the Property against all clai~rss a3rd ~m&res3z, aih~ect to anp <br />-and res~€ctisrss listed in a sch¢slule of eaception$ to coverage,in any- title: insurattice policy in- <br />suri&~ Lender's in~ereat in the I?mpert:,~= or {2) atinraey's oginioa of title hors ahstra~t of #3tle ¢erti&~ <br />izv bonded-abstracter:.. . <br />`i sovai~tt ALanxs, -and these presents are ex~ut and dala~ered r~ic,;, a #o'1iu~ c€sndtiops, :.b. ~- <br />menu aril obligations: a£ the Borrower, to-~•it: <br />The 23arrower agrees to gay fa the Lender, or artier, the principal-sum of .::FIFTY S7X_.TH4IUSANi?_ - <br />__A~rl~ji{H?~-_------------•--°°---~--~_~'_--..._ _ __.'.~l3ollars (LTS$-.S~.Q{~l.S~-- --_..-.. _. } <br />Isayable as gsvvrded in s Hate eaeeuted and delivered, coricurrentLy herewith, the final laaym~-nt of;pxinci~i, <br />if not sooner paid, on the ._.-..7,a#~...- -......_ day of -- ----- --Jas€~°-3r--- -...__.:; ~9t..2O09 <br />UTrlrro~r t:ovaraaxls. Borrower and Leader covenant and agree as faitows; <br />1. as~reent of Pra~<a~1 asd Fatten Borrower shall -promptly -pay when due the griruapal of and rr- <br />ter~t on the indesit~*dn evidenced Ley the hlofe, prepat~meent acrd- late charges as prCSgided ht the =~IIte, <br />end the prineipul of-and interest on any Fuftrre Advances secured by this i1+Iartgage_ <br />Z. F-ancls Sor ~'tcnies emci 3aauzo~~: Subject to i.ender=s option under paragraphs 4 and 5-bereof, -Bar- <br />. rower shall pay to Lender as the day monthly installm~rts of prtai~rpal and-iaterest are payeble girder the <br />` Mate until trre Note _~ paid ig-full, a slam {I:sreiei "Funds'>) equal to one-twetfth of Lhe yearly taxes and <br />9rseasm :ts w ;~: map attain pro ` ..over {hit Mortgage,- and ground rests an the Property; if any plus <br />nn~t*sQlf*?~ ~i ,~ea~'2~- ~ is for :ha2ard imanra#cce, Plu.= one-!^welfth of gee±'t~- »remt+zm in- <br />stsllments for mari,gage insuFSsea r~f any, ail as rr?asoaalsly estimated initially- artd~ metre time to tune by <br />Lender on the baxis of asiaeswmers~'and trills antl :reasore eetimates thereof; Lender yhaLl apply the Funds <br />to pay said rases, ac~.stlmeatz;, irrsnrance preariu and ientg- L~der shall make no chargge fox sa <br />holding and aguL~~ing the Funds ar aerifYirtK arrtl cd~g said nxsagsu'ients end Ys'lls• The vender shall <br />clue tv the Borrower: without charge, an annual'nceosrnti_ngaf ttse Funds etx,wing crndits at~d dQbiis t,:,~~ <br />F'iuids and the purpose for which eai'h d.;hit to the Furtii.4 was made. The l±.:yds are pledged as additivnai <br />security iur ehp soui.4 secured by this 1~X,ortgage. `The BorroRer agrees brat the Funds mxy ne Held by the <br />Loader. and coiumingled RitA other funds and the Lender's own funds anti the Lender may pay such:teinr; <br />frcim its Dion funds and'. the Lender shall not be liable for intera4t or dividends. an sti~ch Fends. <br />~ IE tale amount of the Funds old by Ereader. together wit$ tlue future moerthly installments of l unds <br />,,,,~. payabie,priar to the"due tierce of Imes, aa:~asnients, insurance premiums' and mound rentA, shall exceed <br />the amount requrred to ,pay eaid taxes, pas~stnents, insuranco premiurrr3.:and ground rents sg they falYdue, <br />such esee~.S sltsll t7e, at 23or:asve>: G option, eitlra' Promptly repaid to Harrower or credited fts 13arrower an <br />n:aa';ly irsi~rehts cf Fur;ds. l# the aa,~a:;~%t of t'se :surds held hf Lender shat? not he srr~cieait 20 pay <br />taxes, ass2s.~rnants, ~ sL:.-acc ,t~2miuzufi aaa. gx"~::ad ren`.a as They fall due, Borrower shall pa3~ ta. E.eniisr <br />any amount necexsary to ma1£e up :the defic~ncy within thirty clays after notice from Leader-to Borrower <br />requesting payment thezeof; or Eiormwer shall, by axx inczeuRe in morihly inatali;aents of Frinds regrured, <br />epaq the detic?ency within the Fund ecceunting period. <br />. F1{mn nayrnent in full of all suena servre.~ lnr this Mortgage, Lender shall apply Furtds held as a credit <br />against at1 ti*+?ns due. <br />