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<br />6,t-SURVIVORSHfP 1'YARRAFt7'Y DEE6 Felton b Wolf Companyr Lirteolnr tiebr. - _- <br />Sl1RVtVaRSHIP WARR~N~'Y ~~EI~ <br />,~-~ C~ Q ~ ~. 2 ~ <br />ll~sn L. Sce~le ana t~ h. $~sele, Hss>s'sand=arx~ Wife, sash in hf.a and her: ostn t`ighf <br />.,Rd a>s, eptt~aQa_ t~f rash flt:heY _ ,herein called the granter whether one or n;;ore, - ; <br />in co~aeid~ti ~? Tsn~aeq gib ~;3cY asss3 sx~12~JtP Di#L~ng <br />dyed from grantees, does great, ~rgain, sell convey and confirox onto <br />Wii].f:~ ~. B®ncheg end Diana Lee 8snstuey, thiaband and Wife <br />as ~iomt tenants with right of survivorship, and not as tenants in common, the following descn"bed real: <br />property in ........+Rt ..........................................:... County, Nebraska: <br />Lnt:e ,Five f5~ mnd Six C~). its Hlosk ZVto {2} !tg3fth A+ddititra to Caiza" in <br />Sa3i Couat:y, ~ehraaka. <br />tdE9r2A~iC~s G:tGE!°~1ENT,":~:Y <br />STAP~lP TAX <br />~EI~PtEitii- rt t T~~.:~s~ll- <br />$~_ HY <br />- To have .and to bald the above described premises together with all tenements, herc=tiitama++ts <br />sad appnrtenanees thereto belonging unto the granters and #a heir a'aigns, or to the heirs and assign <br />of the survivor of them forever. <br />e "..a t..,. a~„n k Wit,; ~,,.erinrt ,,vlt~ tt~e- grs~t~eo ~sd with their at~ians and tt~its~ the- heirs <br />u 6:wnw+ <br />and assigns of the survivor of them that grantor is lawfully seised of said preruisea; that they-are free frota <br />eaoumbranes Leapt t:a aitd ideaACZict:i~a ©f . Ressrd - <br />that grantor has good right and lawfaI authority to convey the Mme; and that grantor warraute and wrl? <br />defend the title fo said premises against the iawfal -claims of all gt~zsbns whomaoeeez. <br />it is the inten~ori of all partite hereto that in the e¢ept cf the death €~f eitl~r.,t' of the grsnt.eP.s, <br />the entire fee simple title. to the rest estate shall vest iat the surviving grantee. <br />Bated Des~mber 11 19 ~~ <br />~.~R'IS d7T~ .........~tsttraska:., ................ Gaunfi ot ...........~....».....,.......~...._........ <br />Before me, a notary pubfio qualified for said eauntq, gersoaally came <br />.L. SCee3.e , ';.reae ii, stc~3.~a ~sbrm~d a~ Wife <br />kno:vn *.o me to be person or persons Srho signed the farrs~oing inatroment' atiNi aolRnowledged <br />' the. cueaatinnt t~c~i ~ I~or their coluniary net and deed.- <br />?~it~ae Tg};.~na..d and. iwtn~l seal an ......I$~~iP~,..°..~ .. .......»~ 18....,~~....:. <br />~, ...:'~:.`~.~..:f:k..,. !~ . ~..~ , .~h ~,;.~`~:...,... Notary Pnb&e <br />~~.,~~,~~ ~€~ ~_ ~ g,1- cammisaion expires .:~Ril.....,~.~.. 19.. 82 <br />