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<br />t `T'HI9'fND?l~?'iJRE, maw ~ $th day o{ ileceiriber i9 78 by and between <br />Francis. 3: Perking and 3ianette H. Perkins, husb4nd-and +~ife, each in his-and her o~ <br />~ - - -- - <br />-right sad as spouse of the oEher, <br />r - - <br />~ Hall .~GusaEy. Fle4rtaska,.as amxtgagar-$ , arui.Grand Island Trsgt Csmp'trry o£-Graff dsland. asaLaoP <br />organized and ezratiag undffi the Iowa of Neliraeka with its ~inclpat office and piece of buaiaeea at Grand Island, isiebraska, ea mortgagee: <br />E WITNE89;:TIf: That said s ~ a&d as conaideratiou of qhe asun of *~ sr~. -~iFf; ~: 2"- <br />**Ten Thousand Five Huai red Twenty-four and 72IIr3Qths ~~~ ~ i. <br />4ha rice-iptaf velticL i.: >rY atlu~wiedged, du _ by 6hase presents mortgage and *.aarrastt~.!p°rt$ageeita gitc+at" sand assigns. <br />' yoorever, ail the fallowing described real estate, situated io the Cowaty of - Hall . . . .....:. .... ~ . _.. , , , : , ... <br />-and State of Y.e.`rrs'd°a, to-wit: <br />The Southerly Twenty Feet (2El') of Lot .Six fb) and A11 of Lat Five (5) of <br />"Fair?gczes Bairy Subdivision,' ];sing located in the Southwest Quarter {SW-1J4) <br />of Seetion Ttaelve (12) , in Township Eleven {l1) 'vTOrth, Range Nftie {9) , tdest of <br />the Sixth {6th) P.M., <br />ALSf) a Tract of Land Thirty-three Feet {33`) by Eleven and Eight Tenths F®et <br />{11.$'), described as follows: Cotameneing at the Southeast Corner of Lot Fives <br />{5), above described, running thence East for a distancE of Thirty-three Feet- <br />(~3`), running thence North far a distance of Eleven and Eight Tenths Feet (1i.8'), <br />running thence Idr_st for a distance of Thirty-three Peet {33`), and running thence <br />South for a distance of Eleven and Eight Tenths Peet {li.$') to the place of begin- <br />ning, x11 is Hall County, Nebraska. <br />w-~ ~~ ~u ~~:,,a, ~. ~,,,a;re,,_ moo, t_~hti~ng, ~d afambi~ ~sinmeset and fistu~, inelndia~ screens. awnings, aWrm windn~s a <br />doors. window sfiadea nr blinds. used on or in cvrinattion with said property, whether the same are now located on said property or beteefter <br />placed-thereon. _ <br />TD RAVE 4ND TO IIf)I.DTIIE SAME, togathertrith aIl ami singular the teaemeats, hereditarnents aml appu*tarai~ thttto be- <br />kmging. of in anywise appertaining. forever, and wareant the title to the Said morgegor ~` _ hereby cwecant ~ witty sahf - <br />mortgagee that the Y aL°- .. at the delivery herwf, tE;e lawful owner Sof the premixes above conveyed-sad descnlred, - <br />~ are seized of a good and indefeas>ble estate of inlreritence therein, free and clem~ of all encumbrances.-and Yhat ~he.~'_.wi}t <br />warniat and defend the fide thereto forever against the claims arai dsmands cf ag p~.:..;s wlroa'-~s€:zv2r. <br />PSOVIDEr7 ALWAYS, and this instrmr~t at ezecnted ami deiv~ed to secure the gaymsn: ofthesum of - <br />**Ten ThrF±rsar~ Five Hundred Twenty-four and 72~lOflt?rs** ~Ig 1fl,524.72 1, -- <br />with irttar est thaxeoa, together with such charges affil advances as may be duo eml payable to said mortgagee under the terms aml t~ttioria- - <br />the czomiasffiy note of even date herewith and aecu~! hereby, caseated by said mortgagors to said mortgagee, pgYable as e:praeeed _ <br />in as&t sate; and to secure the pafazmaaca of sit the terms and caeditiaas contained therein. The terms of sold sore era heieby iacorponsaed <br />hatein by this nsfine~s. <br />it is the int~tsaa sad agreement of the parties her that this mortgage shall ciao secure any futnre ad¢ancea made to said mortgage ~ 1 <br />by said mortgagee, and say and all indebtadaess in addition to the anmunt above stat~t whicA said mortgagors. or any m them, map-wee to 7 <br />said mortgagee. however eviden+~d. whether by Hate, book acrnuat or otherwise. This mortgage shall resin is fuIl force and effect betsvasn <br />- r~ pa:,, Irerr~o and Y2ea?r hsirs, persasnar re^r-dent-a:sv~, suecessars sad assigns. until etl aa~tats serarred. liuetmd~.ia~-future-'. <br />advaacea, are paid in foil with inE~st. <br />'I'se mortgagor-Fe_ hereby assign - to sau3 mortgagee all rents and income arising at any araf all times from said property. and 1 <br />hermry suthariae said mortgagee esr its spent, at its option, upon default, to take cliarga of said property and t aL-rc°`ty ~d i~^_-"-'e <br />- tlt+om- ar6d aPPIY-- the same to cue payment ~ intt, piincipw6, ire •~•~ prsrnitases. taxes. asamsmerrta,. x~rairs o; -impropeMmrts -. <br />necessary Eo keep said property in Lenaatable condition, or to ether charges or payments provided for herein or in the note hereby secured. This <br />rent asaignm~rL shall continue in force until the unpaid balance of said note is fuDy paid. The taidng of posaessian 6erauncler shall in ~ maruter <br />gravmaa,~racan+~Ypddst:t`r~oa}sefaa~smresblrfae~aama~at?rise.- <br />The f¢n~uo of the nrottgagee to assert arq^ of its righra harenndsi at any time shag sot be oanatraed as a waiver of its -right to easart the <br />rme at enY t3ma; sad ta irmiet upon and enforce strict mIiamce with all the farms acrd provisions of said a+rt~ aml of this mortgago. <br />~ If 9 shaL'.:a~~as W ba paid to sa.3 stortgagus;l~ ent'ue amourd rocs it dsZ. 8Ml Hn€ies t~ farms and provESionv <br />of said assured, iflcitcdiog future advanrrre, araf amf eatenatons or renewals thereof in aoeordm~ with the terms oral pinv'tsions <br />theano., and iL ss~ msa~gor s-.~ shall oompty with alt thapmviaio~ of eal& aka arul of this matgekg~ tl~r these prasmrts shall be void: <br />otlr~isro W ramaurin isg hams sect ~1'sat„ andaaid moetgsgab sEaf1 h¢ entitl@d to thapete~sis+a of all of said pMi~ty. sad meY. et' its option, <br />dar3aro the shore of asi[t sofa a~ a3 icrdabted~ee rs~aek'yted thecelay to be immedrataly d~ acrd p4vabie, am~rcaY fosee~r this rmrtga8e <br />~ tarts any otlnr 3ega1 attaon;ta P~aet ire rigdt. Appraiaament waived. <br />Tl~ a~mlt be b3s$mg Upon and shall enure W the benefit of fire hdrs. ezeeu~rs, administrators, ai~cesaeore a~ assigns of the <br />s~poddve 1 berate: <br />--- Ibl'-~'I'PAi>r`;~ifiFil~l~l3F,-sail Ira . v~ hesannto sat- th~'~~ _- nan,~`'-.the flay sad y~tr~rst~alrove <br />fir. /' <br />~e'~nc s ~ e n _" <br />eax2ette D, Perkins <br />