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<br /> <br />MCRTv^ACE <br />MORTGAGE LOANNq. L 2$,46 <br />IavowALl.taf;NavrllESerR>st^~vTS:That Or+rille T. ~lielsaison and Ivey M. NicS~oTson, each in his <br />anti 71~~ ti }~t~r~ii and a5 SliCtiis~ i~1 ea~~ F'iL~Cl, <br />Mortgagor, whether one or moss, in cans€deration of the sum oI <br />3.#233'Stt~t3t~ attd N4~,1,~3^_-__°___-___..__---..__-~-_--°-^-------------------'-" DC?LLARS <br />€o saki mort$or by Th-^. Equitable $uilding and Loan Assataat~a of Grand rand, Nebrasta, Mortgagee, upon ~ ~D shares of std of <br />said ASSCCIATION, Ctrtifiwte No. L 23,246 , do hereby grant, convey and mortgage unto the said ASSC7CIATiON the following <br />described rest estate, situated Sn IIaH County, Nebraska: <br />LOT EIGHT {8~ BLOCK EIGHTY-FOUR {84} IN <br />~tH£ELER AND BENNETT'S fOURTH ADDITI~t, <br />GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />tog€ther wish a]I the tenements, 7tereditaments and appurtenanxs thereunto belonging, including attached floor coverings, all wvtdott<acreetts;_ <br />window shades, blinds, storm wvtdows, awnings, heating, au conditioning, and plumbing sad water equipment and accessories thereto,pumps;stuves, <br />reCsigerators, and other t`txtures and equipment now as hereafter attached to or used in connection with said real estate. <br />And whereaz the said atortgagor has agreed and does Axreby agree that the mortgaeos shall and will pay all texts and assessrsients Iiwied or <br />assessed upon said premises and upon thrs mortgage and the bond secured thtretsy before the same shad become delingtunt; to fiiutah approved <br />insurance upon the buidmgs on said premises situatt$ in the sum of 5 ~ 3 Q(}Q, D(} payable to said ASSCCIATICN sad to dcn:or W said <br />A.~,SCr!:IATION tits policies fa, ,v,:3 insurance; and not to commit or pertnt~ any wash on ar about said premises; <br />In case of default in the performance of arty of the rums and txtnditions of this mortgage or the-bond secured hereby the mortgagee sftatl, <br />.,..,.t M eto.t to : =~a err mccnce:nn_ of the mnrruagnd <br />~.._...4.-, ,~ enti..__ ._ .ntr+~- ~ ~_~_._. _ nre,n~s and the merrAgar hereby stets, trns±'ers sets aver to ~ <br />mortgagee all the rents, revenues and income to be dtrivtd tram the moagagtd premises during such tirr;s as the mortgage indebtedness sha7Tittimm <br />unpaid; artd the mortgagee span hate the power to appoint any agent or agents it may desire for the purpose of repairing said pretrisses.and rentirtg ;" <br />the saute and collecting the rents,;evennes and income, and it may pay our of s~ in~me ail- expenses of repairing said premises and ttit:etssaty <br />anrtmissiors and expenses incursed in rentrrtg artd managing the same and of collecting rentals therefrom;.the balantx:remaining, if arty, to be -- <br />applied toward the discharge of said sttortgage indebtedness; these rights of the rreortgagee may be exercised at any tune doting the existeaee of ~tdt - - <br />default, irrespective of arty temparary waiver of the same. <br />T#iest Presents, however, are- upon the Condition, That if the said Morigaowtr shall repay said loan en or before the maturity of old :Flares Lry <br />payment; ~y monthly m said. ASSOCIATION of the sum specified in ttie Bond secured hereby as interest and principal oil said loan; on ar before! - <br />u.e , ~rtiettt day of , ~„1; end ererp .,:.tnttt, until said loan h fully paid; pay atltaxes and assesst;~rtis levied against mid prtmi~s andon this Mortgage <br />and the "Bond secured !hereby, before dehnquency; furnish approved insurance upon the buildings thereon in the sum of ~ 3 ~ Dt?0, {)D - payable, " <br />to ~aitt ASSCCIA'#'ICN; repay to said ASSOCIATICN upon demand all motley by it paid for-such taxes, assessments and insnra-tee witttiritereat at" <br />the maximum Jegal rate thereon from date of payment aIl of which Mortgagor hereby agrees topay; permitne waste on saidpremises;keep atrdcomply -. <br />with all the agreements and conditions of ike Bond for 5 ~ 3,DOD OO this day given by the said Mortgagor to said pSSCCtATICN, and Comply <br />:tli a:} the rtquiremeais of the Cansiituiian and By-Laws of said ASSCCIATECN; than ihe~ presents st'sFt hecost~ null and told, otltar~i~ ttxy <br />stiaFi remain is full facet and -may be foreetosed at the aption of the said ASSCCLATICN after far~ure for thr~ .months to trtake arty of mid <br />"payments or be three menthe in arrears in making said monthly payments, or to keep and comptywitti the agreements and conditions of said $ond; <br />and Mortgagor agrees to bare a receiver appointed forthwith in such fotectostue proceedings. ' <br />If there is any Chang;: at ownership of the real estate mortgaged herein, by sale ar otherwise, thin the entire remaining indtbtedaeat Irtteby <br />~ctued shall, at the option of The Equitable Building and Iaan Association of Gratxl Island,Nebraska,becorrte immediately due anit~ygble-wltltguX <br />further notice, and the amount remaining due under said bond, and any other bond for airy additiana! advances made thereunder, shalt.:fi»m the <br />.date of exercise of said opfian, bear irterest at the arutximttm legal cart, and this mortgage may then be foreclosed to satisfy the amotwt due on saki <br />bond, and any other bond for additional advances, togtiher with a1i sums paid by said Fht Equitable Bnldiag and Loan As~ciatian cif ;iartd Island; <br />Neh:ska fo: instxattca, lazes and as.*~ssrrtrts, sail sbstrasiing extension dtarges, with inttrast thereon, from -date of payro~nt at tits alum <br />iC-gat rate. <br />As provided in the Bond seerired heceby, while this mortgage remains in effect true mortgagee riiay hereafter advance addif#onal sums fn the <br />makers of said'Bond;"their assigns"oc succexstxs ln.inierest, which sutra shaft be within the security of this martgaga the as ittt fluids origuratty <br />wcur-,.d thereby, the te~tal ait~ugf of principal d~tt not to exxed at any tithe ttia original atttount of this niaztgage. <br />I~sied tztis - ~~Fr: . _ aay of Septertdser A. n., I° 78 <br />/ ", <br />~~~.ae1~GLl ~~~~~3."t^'"r <br />G,~~~~: ~,ieho]~t~, <br />..,cacao <br />STATE vF NEBRASKA, ~ ~ O"ntltis 7th, day of Septetltf~P i9~$ ,txfore me, <br />COUNTY OF II,4LL <br />- t}i_ under$gncd a Notary Pnolic in and for said County, parsaitatiytznse <br />Or~i':r - ~' ft~~+bl£~ '' and Ivey M. Nici~alsan, each i~t his allsi wha ` <br />,g1Dyi~~''~~ s Sl10USE of cacti t?ther, aT„e persan~yknowato <br />n~ 20 .., tt~ perMtt,~T,, base cram- 5 dre affixed to the at`toye instrument as mortgagor § attd - $hey mvetally <br />r. C~ . C - - <br />- ado F)•thcldZl;~Ah Oj~tsiL. ~hEl f voiuniary act soil dam; -- -- - - - <br />t C~~~my }fanJ d Notariat Seal the dart aforesaid. - <br />,. <br />. tT,}~.;, ~ ~~S ~~~~~ l otary Public <br />s.t.~at 'C L+r SE,~ <br />