<br />not extend or ;iostpone-the due bate of the monthly installments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or
<br />change tae amount of such irtstalirnent~.
<br />l0; SvtsoweY Not 8almased. Extension of the tinxe for payment or modification of antortiaatian of the sums
<br />secured t,y °,his-~tartgage-granted l?y I..e»c€erto axiy;ueeessor in interest of Borrower shall not operate to release,
<br />in any niaiiirer, the liabi}i+.y of the original.Burrower-and Barrots'er's suceeCSSOrs in interest. Lender shall not be
<br />required-to• commence lira~edings.againat surii, successpr or refuse to extend time for payment or ather~ise math€y
<br />anzartizatiati of the sums secured by•this "tiiirtgage by reason-af any demand ntade by-the original Bor!nwer and-
<br />as,,.,.aR~'ssn:r, nta:~t:
<br />~,..x~., a r. _.
<br />II: F®r~sararei:e Ky-lext~ar Net ez Weaver. Any fozbearance ixy Lender in exercising any right or-remedy
<br />hereunder, or ~ther~ise afforded by applisalale lane, ehali not he s waiver of or prec#ude the exercise ai any-right
<br />or rerizedy hereunder. The procurement of insurance or the payment of taxes or other liens or charges by L.endar
<br />~ slFtslf zittt %ie a waiver of Lender s rig~tt to aeeei¢rate the maturity flf the indebtedness sectored- by fhia ~iartgaga.
<br />lY: I€dias ~ta3'tulatlva: ?ill rea+edies provided in thin Mortgage ;re dirt#net sad cumulative to asiy atlzer
<br />r.a right nrrem~y under this Mortgage ar aliorcled by law or cquit}•; and may be eiiereised concurrently, inilepend-
<br />'~ entry or successively.
<br />.:s i~: Saraasuors atdd Aasig~ Boziaad% Ioint arzft Sevarcxl Licrlailitq; Gai+tians. The ebvenants -and. agrcemerits
<br />-~ herein contained-shall bind, and the riglta„s hereunder shall inum io, the resoeetivc successors attd assigns of iettder
<br />and Borrower, subject to the provisions of paragrnpli 17 hereof. 311 covenants and agreenienfs of .Harrower shalt
<br />~ be joint and several. The eaptians and headings of the paragraphs of this Mortgage-are for oanvenience only' and
<br />~ are not to be used to interpret or defame the provisions hereof.
<br />I4. Plotiee. Any notice to Borrower provided for ir. ibis Mortgage sliail be given by mailing such notice by
<br />certified mail addrzsed to Barran-er at the Pro;>erts Address stated helaa•, except for any notice requiter! under .
<br />paragraph lF ]tereof to be given to $orrawer in the manner prescribed b}• ap;alicable law. Any notice provided
<br />flit in ibis llartgage shall €m deeiued to have been girt n to Borrower :Then given in the manner designated herein:
<br />I5. tlss5form Mortgaga% Governing Lavr% Sevesabiiity. This form of mortgage combines ttnifartn caveixapts
<br />Ear nrstional use and non-uniform covenants with limited variation; by jurisdiction to constitute a uniform seen-
<br />city instt~zment covering real property. This Mortgage shalt be governed by the law of the jurisdiction in which`
<br />the Property it located. In the event That any provision or c?ause of this _l~fortgage or the Note conflicts with
<br />applieabie law, such conflict shall not arTect other provisions of this Mortgage or the Note which can be given
<br />atT°et witliaut the canflzcting provision, and to this end the provisions of the Mortgage and the Nofn are decLtreEl
<br />ttr be save.-able.
<br />I6, Barrosear's Cagy. Borrower shall be furnished a coirformed copy of this ll4ortgage at the time of execu-
<br />tion or after recordation. hereof.
<br />I7. Transfer a# the ProlsextY% Assumptioa: If -all. or any part of ilte Property ar an interest therein is-sold-
<br />or transferred by Borrower without Lender's-prior written consent. excluding (a) the creation of a lien or encum-
<br />brance subordinate to this Mortgage, (bl the creation of a purchase rrianey security interest-for.household app4i-
<br />ances, (a) x transfer by devise, des,:ent or by operation of lace upon the death of a joint tenant or (d} the:grant of
<br />any leasehold interest of +~iree-years or less not containing ar. option to purchase, Lender may, at Leader's option;
<br />declare-a#1 the sums secured by this i4iartgaga to ue iniu2acIiately due and payable. Lender shall Nava waived s....~
<br />option tci aeeelezste if, y_~~rto the sale or transfer, Lender and tlxe Heron to a~nani 'the Property-is-to he sold ar
<br />transferred reach agreement in writing that the credit of such persau is satisfactory to Lender and that t.lxe iTitereat
<br />L.1-~.. the°a "~'i~ b' t ° L n tea ss4 1 ra4o a L tt ~f ~ r R'Ai
<br />yayauvVU :i.us :~~.. ; hi., SertgaU,, she.. ..._ sun.:..... ender she.. request. _ Cd=r ~ ~ved
<br />the option to accelerate provided in this paragraph I7 and if Borrower's successor in interest hss eseci[ted a Grit-
<br />ten assumption agreement accepted iiz writing 1>y Lender, Linder shall release Borrower cram all obligations candor:
<br />this iHlurtgage and the date.
<br />If i,enderexerni-it's such option to accelerate, Lender shall zitaii Borrower native of aeeeleratian iii acecsrdanoe
<br />with paragraph 1~ hereof. Suelr notice shall provide a period of not less than 30 days from the date the notice 3's
<br />mailed within which Bortxver may pay the .cams declared due. If Borrower fails to -pay such sums prior to the
<br />expiration of such period, Lender :nay, without further notice or demand on B~orrawer; invoke any reinediea per-
<br />milted by paragraph 18 hereof.
<br />;air-~'~rr•ot3>a* C,QV€ssvT~. Barroa-er and Leader ftzrtlxer cavenaizt and agree ss ~ollosvs:
<br />I8, Aceeleration% Ilemedies. Except as procidetl in paragraph 17 hereof, upon Borrower's breach of au}•
<br />covenant or agrPeinent of $orrower in this Mortgage, including the covenants to pay wlis=n-due any gums secured
<br />by this Mortgage; Lender;;riot to acceleration shall nuzit notice to $orrawer as ;trovide;d in pal.igra;~l; i4 hereof
<br />specifying CYi dhe breach: -(23 the action regained tc cane such breach, tai a date, not-~ less than- thirty days
<br />from the date-the notice is mailed to Borrower, lac ~chiclt sueh kneneh must be cured; and- t41 that fsiiux~ to cum
<br />sueh 6reiiahon ar before-the data-specified in the notice-may result in acceleration cf the stiixrs secured by this
<br />'.4ortgage and aisle of the Property. If the breach is not cured or. or before the date specified in the notice, Lender
<br />at Lender's-.option- zz_+ay declare all. of the sums seeurecl by this ,Mortgage to be immediately due and- payable
<br />without fixrtlter demand-.and may foreclose this ~lartgage by juttieial proceeding. Lender shall be entitled to cUllecd-
<br />ip sueh proceeding ali expenses of fareciasure, including, lint not limited to, casts of docuiaentar_y evidence,
<br />abstracts and title reports.
<br />~~. tar`s R~gkzt tc 8aitutate. ;Votct•itlistancling Lender's acceleration of the sums secuived by thin.
<br />" Ii~iertgage, Borrower slisll have ine right to have any proceedings begun by Lender to enfomc-this \4ortgage di~-
<br />ccrutinued at any time prior to entry of a judgment: enforcing this Mortgage i€: fa? Borrower pays Lender all
<br />sums which rroutd be then due iititler this :Sfortgsga, life Nate-and notes securing 'r'uture Advanees, if any, had no
<br />aecalegatson occurred; `(lij $azrower cures al[ breeches of xny nthei~ eorena.nts ar agmememts of Barmwer arm-
<br />~ir.+xl intiiis ilortgsge; (ej BDrmwe;:pays ail reasonable ex;tenses iizrurred by I:erdar in enforcing the eovenante
<br />and agreements of larrower contained in tttir± ',lartgage and ht,enfoi°eing Lender s remedies as provided In para~
<br />graph IB hereof, including. but ttist limited to, reasonable attarneT's €ees;-and- ldl Harrower takes. such action as
<br />r ."~ibr .,aably ..,, ire tv ~:sure tle9t :ac :fen o. !!z»e ilartgane, Lender's intermit ixi the Property and
<br />F,'er:•ower'a obligation to pa}- the suit>x aeeured b~ this \Iortr,rsfie -shalt continue iinimpairczi. ?"~ srieh Payz-zent
<br />and care ny 3orrower, this ~loYtgage and fhe obllg;;tieiia •r,c,lreci h ~ret;y shall=remain in full force-acrd e>'~ect -as if-
<br />.,.. ^^1° vt~an l:ad aeon cd.
<br />YV2?. kl+sgamant of Rma% Appointment of Receiver; Lender in Posaeasion. As additional security here-
<br />under, Bcrtt~wer hereby assigns to Lender the rents of the Yro;;arty. provid~±d that $ornmer shall, priorto aaaeier-
<br />rition under paragraph 18 hereof or ahnndomni:i/t of ti,e l'ronerty, ii£vc ±}tio right ass tallest and retain a;iieh rents
<br />t+s they isecome dtia and parable.
<br />teen acc'rlemtion under;~ara¢i-a^pir 1B leFrecsf arahandanraeni of t[»#.Property, Lender: ai person,-by agent
<br />pr hp ju+3tciall;~ appginted recei~rc shall be entitleri to enier upon, Fake-;wsae~ion-af and n5anage the Property
<br />find to collect the rGmts of the Ptroperi}•, includinh thpst;.past ~tue.:ill xents cotlected ley Lender or the reeeiver
<br />sli~il# be applied farett;a payment. af.thP. cysts of management of tile-Property amts coflectitin -af lents, including, but
<br />Holt limited fo, ceceiYer's.fees, preiniun*fi nn rrceivcr's bonds an<l rcasortable attorney's fees. and then to the sums
<br />seaitred by this \3ortgage: bender and tine receiver siiafl ne liixbie to account curly for those runts actually received.
<br />