<br />DUic ON SALE
<br />Sl4VING8 FUNCf
<br />Fo[tra No:'72a
<br />Loan Plumber__34fi22_~,_-°--199 -- 1--
<br />tt - g. - - - - - - TYDe `.. 8rep[h
<br />TE?IB-~Ii:TGAGB, shade and executed this .~ day -af „~-~>~:?...... A T3 ,
<br />19-_2, between the I4ioZtgagar; . 5~..~risaQeir<S?r sad Patrie_ is K. Grimminger, husband
<br />----..attd::~rii~,. ~o~t.Iy:-,and._~ach. ~st..t$.efx awn ~AE+~~~ ..---- . ......... ......... ------ ---•---..
<br />of ---.Grastd..Islaud.,.....:.., County of ...Hal..l,..... _-_.... ...., State of ..l`i~k~.a&tt;a....._.., hereinafter re#erred
<br />to as rite Borrower,-and the 1Vlortgagee, FI12ST Fb:13ERAL SAVINGS ANl) LUAN ASSOCIA'1'IC32+I QF
<br />LILAC©LN, 1235 "N:' Street, I:incoltt, Nebraska 6£541, its successors and assigns, hereinafter referred to
<br />as -Lender:
<br />Wirxss4rrx: 'T`hat .the said Borrower for and in consideration of the sum of .-,k"flIC&X-SIfY.EN-_.-,.......
<br />-..--_THLiUS91+I4..A13D.,PK?~.1Q4r---cr-°cr:c---r.--c--c.----r--c--Dollars (US $~3.7.x~Q0..9Q ...............°-.----)
<br />paid by said Lender; does hereby mortgage, grant and convey to Lender, its successors and- assigns; the
<br />following desc*ibed property located in the County of ......~«?,----..-----------------., State of Nebras#a:
<br />- Toc~'xia with all'tae improvements now or hereafter erected an the property, and ail easements,
<br />rig$ta, appurtenaneeaf rents, royalties, minezal, oil and gas rights and- profits, water, water rights, and
<br />vrater stoc#, and -all fixtures now or hereafter attached to the property, all of. which, -including repiatxe-
<br />m~tts and additions thereto, shall be deemed to ~ and remain a part of the property crovered bv''~iis
<br />Mortgage; and all of tlae foregoing, together witl: said property (or the leasehold estate in t$e event t$is
<br />P~Iortgage is an a leasehold) are herein referred to as the "Property"
<br />Harrower covenants that Bctrrowez is lawfully seised of the estate hereby conveyed std has tae right
<br />tit tntirtgage, grant- and convey the Property, that t$e Property is unencumbered, and t'nat i3ortower will
<br />warrant and de#end geaeraliy the title to-the I'mparty against all claims and demands, subject to any
<br />easements srtd restrictions listed in a ~$edulo-af exceptions to coverage in any Title insurance policy -in-
<br />curing Lender`s interest in t$e I'riaperty, or (2) attorney's opinion of title from abstract- of title certified
<br />by bonded abstracter..
<br />Psovman Always, and these presents are executed and delivered upon tae foIlowing corditions,agree-
<br />its and ol~ *a a of the Srtrrower, tQ-wit.
<br />T$e Borrower agrees to gay to tea bender, or order, the principal sum of F4xT7t-SEA -
<br />--._..THt2USADiII.AI~iD_3d€lI.144i......,._ ._..-.- --- --°;----.-----------. Dollars (US ~ .47,f1fl(3; f!f!.-_- ....-., ~?
<br />payable as prrovided in a note executed and delivered, concurrently herewith; the -final payment of grincipaI,
<br />~~ if not sooner-paid, an the ---.,_;~ ~:;.:.--.-.. day of ..._.~ecea;3er.------.--- .......... ...~fli33
<br />~ Uxit~a$~t CavsrrexTS. Harrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows:
<br />1. Payment of Principal sad ltxterest. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the-prancip~al_of and in-
<br />` tereat on the indebtedness evidenced ay tae Note, prepayment and isle charges as provided in the Noce,
<br />} and-the principal of and interc~t on any Future Advances secured lYy-this Arlortgage.: '
<br />2, Funds fez Taxes soul Inauzcmce. Subject to Lender's agtian under paragraphs.4 and 5 hereof; Bor-
<br />roster saaII gay: to Lander on the day monthly installments of principal anr' ntexast are payable under`tae
<br />Ae *e emit the Note is paid in full, a sum (herein "Funds") equal to one-twelfth of t$e yearly`- #axes and
<br />assee.,smentti'sc~ltich tray attain priori over this ~-lartgage, and :ground rents on the Property, ~f any plus
<br />r}nY-tc,elrfh a? s•eRrly. Iiream.~zm Intents for ha2ard insurance, phis-i:ne-tFVelft$ of yearly premium in~
<br />st~,Ilr. e,-,ts for tlmrtgage sttaurarieo, if any, all as resaonabiy estimated- initially and- -from tune to ti>ite y
<br />I~acler on tae basis of ass2i~anartta and b~11a-and rea,Aonaale estimates thereof; T,~ender sliail app~lyy the Funds
<br />to pas said; assessments; insurance premiums and ground rents. Lendet• shall make no charge for sa
<br />holding and ;applying- the Funds or verifying and coatpiliag said assessments and Sills. The I:eader sltald
<br />give to the Borrower, without-charge, an annual accountir-g of the' Funds s$owiag credits and deiiits ixt tlis
<br />Funds and the aurnaso for which eayit debit to the Fonds wax trade-.The Ftutde arc pledged as addifiapat
<br />~eetaz?ty for <hc sLr~3 ~u~d lty this i4'Csiitgage: -The BnzfoR*er agrees that the Funds-stay be held by the
<br />- Tender and cami::ingled with uthee fuz-ds and rite L~-ttder's ovm funds and_ tfte Lender may payy' such items
<br />fn>r~~ its own funds and the Lender shall nest tae:-liable fior interest or dividetid§ on such Funds.-
<br />Ii ti"ce of the Funci; held by Linder, together with the fT~ture mort$ly installuzetts fsf Ftmds
<br />~~aar Yr~r ', ;the uE deter, cf isx~s, amrss:;.~nta, i:~uranc~ pratr•tsms azzd ground rents, .el~li ext~d
<br />the 8lno,~t3t required to pay said tries, assessments, ins~i,-anee premiums and ground rents a& they fail due,
<br />such ea~sn shall be, st I3or,awer's option, either promptly repaid to RaiTnwer or credited to Borrower on
<br />nanntil3• installments of Fu.-ids. If the amount of tre Funds held by Lender shall not be sufficient to pay
<br />~, as,?e~a~menia, irtsurar~ce premiums and gsaund rents as they fall due, Sorrocver shall pay to Lender
<br />airy ~itarautt- ne~><°y to ntaae up the deficiency wiihin thirty drys after noti~2 fzairr Lender to Borrower
<br />requesting payment t$ereof, or $arruwer shall, by an iaerease iri monthly in,5talinieatfi of Funds required,
<br />repay the' clefi~ieney ~vitlun rite I'cird accaanting period.
<br />ITpon payment in full of all sutra-.secured: by thrs Mortgage; Lender shall apply Funds held as a credit
<br />against all sutras due.
<br />