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I <br />~VYi H [.13`~~~ <br />A Tl~"t5 2kiOR'1"CAt31u is zaade thes .:. $:I:h .. . . :... : of .... ~CEt~E R . ......... , <br />13 ~S:,Iret.~ueasetheTutar6gagar; ARRIAi+l:.L.. Et~RU{~-#~l A~tLI.GHARL£JT.T.£.~.. }~FtJ(~itl,.,husband.and... <br />~ i #±~,,, ,~aclt. t1 .tt t 5. an.~ .her. ¢wn ; , .. "i3orrawer''I t iviartgngee, riome 3redarai <br />~~ d i A€:~~~-~. s ~ ~~~o~ w3 of ' T~Init~ Bt~t of <br />Aruet~ieaf whes~ etldraea is 22i South Locust 3tseet; Gr~td Isisad, Nebraska lhetein "Lender"-. <br />~Jxcas, Borrower is indebted to Lender in the principal sum of. , .. TH! R~ .T17'0.7H#"il.i~AN4. AND. i~iQi i DO <br />-- --- -- - --° , :.-- - -Dollars, which indebtedness is evidenced by Borrower's note <br />datad, ; DcGE{~ER 1#, . ;1978 , . , .. {herein "Note")> pmviditrg for monthly instattrrtents of principal and intetzst, <br />:_ <br />wi€h the i>atance of the indebtedness; if not sooner paid, due and payable on......~a~auary..l,,..200$......... <br />3a SxGirn tv under {a) the regagnr2nt of t<.e indebtednAs evideac~d by the Nate, Kith interest th-rears, tI'x <br />psy~nt of all other sums, with interest thereoa, advanced in accordance herewith tv protect the security of Lhis <br />I4fartgage, aad the peefoanance of the covenants and agreements of Botrower fierein contaBned, and {b) dte repayment <br />of any fmture advances; wish interest thereon, made is Borrower by lender pursuant to paragraph 21 hereof {herein <br />"Btittire Advances°), Borrower does hereby trrortgage, grant and convey to Lender ttte fallowing described property <br />located in-the County oi.........Ha 11 ........................ . ..... State of Nebraska: <br />LOT SEVEN (7) BLOCK TW© {2) !N PLEASANT VIEW ADDlTlON, AN RDDITIQN TO FHE <br />CITY Of GRRND ISLAND, HALL COL~ITY, NEBRASKA <br />' evhiclt has-tire address of...... ~0b South- Jashnck Grand I s I Inc} _ <br />............ ts~t' . .. ....... , . ..te1bd , <br />Nebraska ~8$O( ..... .{hertiiu"Property,Address"); <br />[smx rRd zn ec~t <br />T`rynsrttstt wsth dff the itYapravemea~.s alpw or hereafter erec#ed on the property, artd akl $aecments, rights, _ <br />appurtenancex, rents, royaT$es, minaraI, oi! and. gas rights and pra$ts, water, water rights, and water'stock;.aed alt <br />fiarur~s now or hereafter attavlred to the Property. alt of which, includzng replascments and additions thereto, shall. be <br />de:°nted tta be and remain a part of the property covered by this Mortgage; end al! of the foregoing, together'wittt said <br />yroperty {or the teasahold estate if this ivlortgaRe is on a leasehold) are herein referred to as the "Erci~`,Yiy'"., <br />;Sorrrwer ceveaaut~ that Barrvvrer is lewgtilly seised of tirq estate hereby, conveyed and has the rigtti to merfgage, <br />grant and ca^.e~ey ti`^_ Property, t?tat ttiF Property is unencumbered, and titai )i<urrowar ~ warrant and defend- <br />- ~ene.raiiy tite.tiUe ttr the Property against alt ctaitns and demands,-subject to any dedaratians, easements or resirictians <br />' hated: in a schedule of etsceptians'to coverage itt sny title insurSrtee poti¢y insuring f..ender's interest in the Property. <br />Fll~S~d!-i+oat:~ltY-sr~s~-~~alv- ~tl~ol~t wara#ir <br />