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r <br />~$-, ~ ? ~ i ~ ~ ~ _ ~ b201~TGflGE <br />I:fortgaige is enteir:d into between DELBERT D. THEASt~EYER and LDIS A. TNEASMEYER, <br />Husband and ~ti fe <br />{herein "&iurtor"j ~d <br />T}#E QVERLAtit1 fiATFQHAL BAtit(QF f;RA~i3 ISLAfiI3", Erand_Island, iYebraSka {ltsrein"'+Iartga~,E^}_ <br />Sidortgag©r is iite~bted to igee in tine priacipat swpr ate 35 s 0(lfl. d0 ; evi~nc8d by Maitgagar's note <br />dated May 23s i 978 (herein "i~v"} i~2 for psya5sata itf principal and laterest; with the bslnace oiu tine - <br />indebtedness, if sat soarer paid, drte and,payable ai_ May ~ $-. 1979 <br />Tasecttr® the-payment 8f the "Note;. with lntere$t as gmvided therein, the ~yment of nit other auras; with iniete$t, <br />adrnsc~d by bortgagee to-protest the-security. of this MortgBgs, antl the perYormtESrce ctf the covenants and sgreexi~nhs of <br />tae Mortar catiiainsd 6ersip, i,2oa~tgagpr does hsneby mdrtgage and eQavey to i+4ortgages the taUawing desez'ibett <br />proP~S located ltr Hal'1` County, Nebiastta: <br />U <br />A-tract of-Tend epmprising the easterly Two Fitindred"Sixty-fpur Peet-.(Zb4'} <br />of the Southerly Drie'HiJndred-Sixty-five Feet {165') of the-southeast <br />Quarter of the ~frutheast Quarter (SEASE4} of Section. (lne (T f, TflwnsHip <br />Eleven {11~ A}crth,.-Range Gen (10} West of.the fith P:M., in -Hall Cnunty, <br />Nebraska; said tract containing 1.DDQ acre more gr less <br />'Together sesth sit buildings, improvements, fixtures, streets; ai!sys, passageways, casements; rights, privilegss sad <br />- agpnrtsasiitra_iacated thereon or is anpwtse psttainingthereU~, :tstti the reh~, issues and: Profits; r?~e~ions and remain`' ~° <br />thereof; incivding; but n^* iir©ited to, healing and cooling-equipment and sucir persanai property "mat is nttachsd t©-t3ee <br />sme?M+t esl~_ so ~ do ~,a~cittute s f~tu~re;_alt of which, ibbtgding reuirn~r~ts and ~dit3ons t~zsrsto; is it±~y grid <br />to Ere s psit.of the Tsai. s~ate.secumct by the i'en of this Mortgage and ai. of the foregoing being refe~sd -tcs t+ereis as t~ <br />"~Peri•9"~ <br />Mbrtrr f~tlter oonvenants nod agrees, vr'th Mortgagee, as follows: <br />4: paya~at< 'Yo peg the indeEitgdness and t3ie interest thereon as grovided is -this Mortgage and the Note. <br />2. 'i its. Marctgagar in 6hs ownei of the Frogsrtg, Fps -t€te right sad autkority to_martgags Lhe Property, sad <br />wauartts that the iFen ereateii hereby is a fast andprior lien on the Property, escegt as may. otherwise' be set forth-herein. <br />2'he Properly is stbrect ~ a Iviortgage wherein <br />is the Mortgages, recordsci at &sok , Yage of the Mortgage Records of Cosnty; <br />Atahrasisa, wnicb Mortgage is a iiert prior to the lien created hereby_ <br />O Other prior i"ens or aneumbrances: <br />3. `Yeses, '!'n Pay riben dns all taxerk special ass~a~eirya sad art other e3!arg¢s agaftt~ rile Yec?perty <br />and; npan written demsad by Magee, to-add to the payments recjuired under the Nttte.seeured hereby; sueii amountas <br />they be ~tft3c'ent to enable tke to gay such taxes, assesstnsats or other. dtargss as they becoate-doe. <br />#. 'Yo: ieep rite improvements now er #~.ereafteer located oa the rest estate. descrlbett herein insured <br />aaai dat3tagc by firs. srtd sncit other hazards ~ Mortgagee eta} requize, is amonats sad with Pompanies acceptable totdte <br />Mrr>'e, aid ar3Rt loss payaiils to ttte Mortee. in case of-loss under sudt policies the 14forigagee_is suthansad to <br />adhwt, eti$tee# ,and camftrozztiae; ifl its daaemtion, art ctaitns thereunder at its'sole option, authorizedtoeisherapplythe <br />pror~ds to-tie ` . df tjte ~ or upon ttie ind~fedrtess secured ltateh3', bttt-;t~ymeo~ tte}:eunde4atrafl con- <br />Y€A~ =axe 6 ~~e4eeby sea ~t fall. . <br />~: Cl +aw Far.'f~ttes and la_ • AIGtv-itgstauding anything contained is parag3aphs 3 and 4 hsreot to the <br />J~a ~~x'iu'e{~a`y~ ~ wfa ;`ia`~tttg~,k$ $t•-~tixE t of ~yittg r[i~ftbljz..llt5ta~a12aL§~i~pSs3i:3:i+~ffiiRPE!St, <br />cote-tvre!£~1t :.f tire. y ta>:cs. >:ird instuaacep~laa~s grid ~4etntLrents-.(#f aaYjwhick aeay attain a <br />_. rty m~er t3tis kiaatgage, a:i as reasaaiabip e~SAaated finr¢°tlme to lilac by-£he Mortgagee. `I'he~AniouBis su paid shall be <br />'. 2~d uy EFie ~ivrsec` vii8otit intcrE+~ xnd ap~+iieii to t6e.paytErettt o€ #$e lkxnss ie respect ~~isFsir~ieit-ea[bunl~ 1ve.e <br />depmsited. 'Cht surrvs paid to -tortgagce Cercunder are pledged as ad~kinnal security far th® inteclttess sec+u:sd bythf= <br />L A4ortQttge. I~ortgngus eha4i paY to iiiortgagee tee amnaat of any $efidencp between the actual taxes, assatk 3nauraitse <br />pTetruusnc and geound rents mtd the depasita hereunder w[thia 10 dm~ after demand is made upon Irlorkg~or t~ussNng <br />n~aymenf thereat. <br />~. Rrpzh, ?tNfahtteawsce anet 17se. `£o Pr~P~9 reP~r, restore or rebuild any buildings or improve eats now or <br />Rereafter o*.r i6e Y:opertp, to icsrp ttte Property itt good condition end reyair, without wash, and free-front mechanics ox <br />ethsrllees nut axptES.siy subardinatcd to the-lien bei2ot; not to ~rsakr. attf?erne gertnit any n>•isare&e to exist, n_aiFa ditiain- <br />ish nr impair the value of the Peiiperty by $ay, act or omi;sien fo apt; and to coia~y with all ~gniraments of Eaw -with- <br />- _ resr~ret to tl~ Pxoaerty~. <br />