<br />~r_ a~€llAt ,~~~~~ .e~3r~avatt+t:-~ .n~tn->~:
<br />~ -,_
<br />- The#',ftaebfattea¢ar tt'ill-pay therode&tedness as heareinhefare nr6«deci.-
<br />.. - - -~~That- the Mortgagor as the- Owner of said property in fee simple aqd has good right and lawful authority .to -sell, hod -
<br />- - -- cortvep-ttie-ranee andthat~the~tssiite is [tee artpClear of any lien nr encumhranCe; acid That-Mortgagor will warrant sell ~eterrd'th#s--~ - -
<br />- title to-sand r•.ro:;~e s; eir~! the r4sir'rsof ak; pew~ns"wfirs: s•~ever.. - - -
<br />Ta pay imrr:rdist~ly when due and paystile all genera{ fazes; sp~cial_taxes, special sasessmenta, water charges, sewer ecru- ~ ~ •
<br />1 -ire charges, and-tithe[ tarYV vnd charter against said property-. and all, taxes levied on the debt secured hereby, and to turnislt She
<br />Mortgagee, t[ptin_ toques., ~siLfi Eke origrrar cs dst~icska recr+pts t}~s[Pfnr.^he Mortgagor agrees'Ehat- there shalt be added to
<br />~'''~ -each monttsFjr paylnen! re~uirr~ h~reunrler ,n under t{;e ecidencr of debt .ecured hereby $n amount estimated by the Mortgagee -
<br />- to 6e- sutf[€~irtrt ,to eatt>?e the Mn~oagee to pay.. as -they l~came~ rlite, alt ta,x•?s; aasgs~itentc, and- similar charges-spite t.l:e preen - _ -
<br />-' '•.
<br />-~ -~ i5easttlijeet-thcreio, ar.}' detciency he:causeroT-tTi"e-irstiffieiency-of"euc-h additianat paymenfa shaft--be fortfiwitti'deiso8iterl by the `~- _."
<br />- ~: -.~• Mort agar with the 'hlorigagee upon demand -by the Mortgagee. Any default under this paragraph shad tae deemed a default in
<br />.~ payment-af taxc"i, -assassmenta:• or similac charges _roquired- heieuitdec, - '-- `~ - .- - - -
<br />--; ~ ~ - The Mortgagor agrees that Ehere shah also be added to each mcnthty FaymeriL_ of .principal and ixctrmst eertuii?€+f lta.e-
<br />_ ~ under an amauni" i-stimated by the Mortgagee to be sufficient to enable khe Mortgagee to poy, as it becomes dur, the insurance -
<br />f'! preruitsnx on-.any, insurance. policy dci#vared to fhe Mortgagee. Any deficiency txeause of the insufficiency of: such additiorsal.pay-
<br />. .: - men£5--s€t21! be -ftYi~tttivittt dejtosited-6y -flte Mortgagor with the Mortgagee uixin demand by-the Mortgagee.-Any-defeutt~ugdek fhia -
<br />- paragraph aha.U tae deemed a default in the payment-af insurance prerYiiums.'If Yhe~policy-nr-potir_ies"deposited are stick-~as boccie-~~ -
<br />_ owners or ati risk policies, and the deposits are iusut&cient to pay the entire premium, the Mortgagee may apply Lhe deposit to- - -
<br />' - pay premiums-anrisks required fo be insured by this mortgage. -
<br />- Payments made 6y the Mortgagor under Ehe above paragralat:s may, at "The option of fhe Mortgagee, t>e hold'-by it anti -_-
<br />- earnmingted with other such funds or its awn futile for fhe payment of such items, and until so applied, sued payments_aie hereby _----
<br />pledg~ as security for the unpaid balance of the mortgage indebtedness.
<br />To procure, drover to. and maintain for the benefit-af the Mortgagee during the life of this mortgage original paticir= ant?
<br />renewals thereof, detiverect at least tan days before-the expiratior. of any =uch policies,-insuring against fire and other-insuranie
<br />taaaazds, tasuaftica, and contingent#es as the Mortgagee may require, in an amount equal to the indebtedness aeettred- Dy this
<br />Mortgage, and in companies acceptable to the 1ortgagee, with loss payatate clause in fav.,r of and in farm acceptable to the Mortga-
<br />gee. In the event any paticy is not renewett an or before ten days <;F its ex;:iratican, fhe i°:SnrtgaRee may procure insuratrce nn the
<br />improvements, pap the premium therefor, and such sum shall become imme~7€atety due and payatrte with interest at -the rase set
<br />forth in said note unfit paid and shay t+e secured by this mortgage. Failure on the part of the .Lortgagor fa.furnish such-ietmwats _
<br />as ace h<~rein required ar failure to pay any sums advanced he-rounder shall. a=. the cf=lion e, ttx Mortgages, ran~tiiute rlxtaaTt
<br />under the terrors of this martssae. The delivery of -such poticic~ shall, in the event of d:-fault' ec,nsiiiu#r an assignment of the- un- -
<br />earned premium. _ _ --
<br />Any sums received by the Mortgagee by reason of loss ar damage insured agairist may t+e retained by the A4artgagee
<br />and applied toward the payment of the debt hereby secured, or, a! the option of the :~1+fortg~agee, such sums either wholly ar in -
<br />part may tae paid over fo the ;l+fortgagor to he used to repair such fzuitdings or to 6uitd'rsew• iauitdings irr ftaei: i>tace ar-far any -
<br />other purpose or oh~ent satisfactory to '.he Mortgagee without affecting the lien an the mortgage for the foil amount seegre~t kaere- -
<br />$y before such payment ever t-xrk Alace. _ _ -
<br />Tex PrrxaptiY repair, res#ore or rebuild any buildings cr improvements nou~ ur hereafter on the premises which may tae- - -
<br />- t~ ,:~,~;,d a3• d ~3;;;~d. ~_^ ~-'? ~-d proof ~< in saw r~oda'Fon Aad repair and feee from any meciaanics lien or other li€e ar - -
<br />eiaar-t of Lien not expressly sta'nardinaird to the hen hereof; not to suffer or permaf any uatawfut use of or any nuisance hx existon
<br />- 5riid Pr'ooi~'rtY nor to permit w~astr ore said premises, nor to do any tither act whereby the prespezfy hereby can+reyed shall -became
<br />less :°a3uaixee, nor to dimini~s of impair its value Fay any amt ar o.;.i~icn to aei: ttti campy-with alt requirements :sf isw with iesp~t - - -
<br />- to the mortgaged Premises and the use thereof. -
<br />- That sixiuid lire premises or any parf Thereof oe taxer, nr damaged by reason of env putsfic impravernent nr ccnder.-rnation - - -
<br />procing, ar under the right of eminent domain, or in any other manner, the Mortgagee shall ne entitled to alt compeasatiana. - -
<br />awards, and any ether payment nr rwlief therefor, and sha$ be ent#tted, at its option,- to"cortiiaence, appear in artd prapeeitte m'ats'- ~.
<br />- awn name any action or prcxreding, or to make any compromise or-settlement in connection with such taking ar damage- Afl.ntrclt -
<br />- antrifxar~attion, wards. damages; right of'sction and' Proceeds are - hereL+ir- assigner! to the - tc4orlgagee, who teat, after dediiet#ng - _
<br />thereCtr~t all its aatpe~s, rt+teaae airy ttsaneys so re~iveB by it ar apPlq the same on ant incebtedness secured,asatebyF ~`he Mart- _ -
<br />- tt=s.: -' to ~rt~ttti succia. far#her ~ssignrrcenis- of any- c~rapensatian..-. awaccla. damagen`. arr€3 rig~CS of actiau -a_nd t?riieee€ts as t_ ~.
<br />- _ --MortBatger ota7 require. - -_. - -- _ - - - -
<br />- Tttat- in case of failure fo perform say of the covenants herein. the Mortgagee Treat da an ±he-flertgagar a b€haff sverytlrsY:g~~
<br />„..
<br />sn cvvenartted; that the Mortgagee mat a=so da any act it may deem necessary io pro#ect the lien thereof: that the Martgagtar wilt -~
<br />-- rr;aa.Y' ii3ian demetld att_v tnoheys pall. ar diaburaed"try the Mortgagee far any of tfsse above purpaaes, and such marreys-tugeflsef with
<br />-~. inte;ast thereari'at rate pi»bitikdisn-aatt3-stole-~ahatl beccart, so much additiona4 sitafeta>=dnccs-hereby-aecur~3-shd°may'~fie~"in- -
<br />- duded.ia arty decree fogectosiirg this mortgage scut 6e Paid cut of the rents oa Proceeds ~ sale-af~said-:greats tfl~atttariiir-
<br />- - - -. paid; that it shall not tae oblitiatarY open fhe vlar#gagee to inquire irik+s the validity of any lien. encumhrarxeex. or e-taim in ad- .•
<br />. ya.-nc::cg iisesteya-es.=~tt~;.-~rt~irotleit~.:h~rei?a-coratain~tl sail. be tx>~trne:l se Ca4ssiring the Moee So ~s'8nc4. any
<br />. ntorxys fir 2r,~r.,arsrhs~.P33i;teBeF.~F 4tr ~~~ set-ltcttet~tdar; sad that Mortgagee sl~l not ~incuc-any pwrl liatriltty hesauae at, say- -
<br />ihirag it rt~y d0 se sttisi€ #rtfsherztiHtfe€. - -
<br />- -. ftt tbaa event of the rtefaulttsy-Atlartteayr+r in-the ps~:nert# of stay inateltatent, as reguiscyl,by Ehe I!fote.aecurcYt hetehy._or
<br />- itt3iae tk`rtorm#tice air'inr ccn a:ion-Sri ;'n;t m~a r~r in t a !tots dxnraa t+''.~,aby. 21se TC$cart~abec. shalt *~r eatit'^d u: dccts;e th°
<br />.. ~ rte'ht ea¢c:ired t>erc:.•~ due and Payable wititcnrt r+atiee, and ttsc MartR+tiet' altttl# Ire ers5:iitted at its ~ptiopt„ without notice. Zither hY t.Taelf _ -
<br />_ - nr hY a rrseiver to-be tip-twtnted by the cma rt thsrecf- end witha+,at regaart Lo the adeaqutec,} of any se+-unity for the indebtHinesr w- --
<br />- - ~cz-::.fit ~ v, tot „ .iNC:i .-:c.'3 txk° ;-~"s:~`siu:-uf +he ,,;??wed pre3?r~:+et:, aRd tc ,"CJSeci anttrerr: ~ctk~• mnts.:hsuc~s-~anii i:SYfiH
<br />ihEreof' and appFY~tlse rime, 3ess cz~is of oj!eraiiVn ard~ccrikctiar, cpon ttte itidetltedneal xruted by this mortgage'. said rents,
<br />iss+pss anei profita~bo:nrthYreby>t~ignwi to the M<>rtyeg+t+r:as.ur¢her scvrity for fhe payment of atf irsdehtedness secvtct3 hereby _ --
<br />Tiw Afort rsgep. shall have the paw-er to apPrint any a3ent or agents it nUy 3r~ire for the purpc>Re of rrpaaring said prom-~
<br />- - -re'r. ~,y_ ;z,:.e, - L,t r`r.`.s. -~ .:ad a~a`t:c ._::d z_ m-~y ps •~ut ;,r ~.si~t lncorr!e a1! ex+~nsr's inc~rrred irx retrt--
<br />st3g slid- itran~ing daa s..rra ar3-or catte,-+ z8 !tin :entsla•thcrrirom. The beisitce remaining, if any, shall 5P applied toward- tEx+
<br />- - _efjarlresrge:gf~2lre~mortgsge iraehtedness. This eEaiKnsnem is to terminate and become nulianel ~~oid upon relrase,nf this mortgage.- -
<br />