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l <br />~F, <br />not extend ar Irostporee the clue date of the mantldy installments referred t-o in paa•agraphs 1 and 2 hereof or <br />change the amount of such installments. <br />Ifl. Honower Not Released. Extension of the time far pavmcnt or modification of amortization of the sums <br />secured-t?y this Mortgage granted by Lender to any successor in interest of r'3orrower shall not operate to release, <br />iii any manner; tl?e liability of the original Borrower anti Borrower's srrecessors in interesi. Lender shaft not be <br />required to cornptence=procee•.fings against such sueeessor or refuse to extend time for payment ar otherwise modify <br />amortization of flee sums secured by this lortgage by reason of any den?aad made by the original Borrower and <br />r`3orrower's saaecesscars in interest. <br />~I= €b~tsnee by (.,ender Alot a Waiver: .4ny forbearance by Under in exercising any- right or remedy <br />hereunder, or otherwise anorded by applfcable IaFv, slrafi riot. I?e a waiver of or nrflcltrde the exercise ai-any rig-:rt <br />~ or remedy hereunder. Tha procurement. ofsnsurance ot° file pa}m?ent of taxes or other liflns or charges 6y I,endet <br />~`°- shii}l sot be a ~v~tisflr of I.Emi2r's right to secfllerate the-maturity of the indebtedness severed by this :~fot~ge~e. <br />~"; 12. Bsmedes tautalive. dill remedies provided ii? tf?is Mortgage are die±iret and' cutrrutatiVe to-any oilier- <br />~': right or remedy under ihi5 ortgage or ar[orcied Ijy lacy or rquiiy. and may be exercised concurrently, independ- <br />~:: entiy iir strccessi3:ely. ; <br />.'' 1~ Swceesaozs sad Assigns Bound; alnt.and Seve:ai Liability; Captions. -The covenants and a~reenients <br />herein eantained shall fends rind-the rights hereunder shall inure to, flee respective successors and assigns of Lender <br />acrd Borrower, srihject to the provisions of paragraph I7 hereof: Ai! covenants and agreements of Borrower shall <br />be ioirat xnd several. The:captions and headings of the lasragrapl:s of this Mortgage are for convenience only and <br />are not try beusati to iiiterpret`or define the provisions hereof. <br />''a$+ Trvtice. ^nny notice to Borrower provided-for in ti?is itorigage shall be given by mailing such notice by <br />certified mail`aifdressed ter Borrower at the Property address stated i,elou-, except far any notice required under <br />paragraph ZS hereof to be given to Borrower in-the manner prescribed by applicable la1v. -Any notice provided <br />form this Mortgage shall he deemed to have been given to Borrower when gii=en in the rnxnner designated. herein. <br />25, Uaiforsn Mortgage; Goverainq Law; Severability. This form of mori~age combines irniforrn covenants- <br />for national use and non-uniform covenants with Limited variations by jurisdiction to constitute a unifo_+•an secu- <br />rity inatrumflnt covering real property: This \lortgage .hall be governed by the law of the jurisdiction in which <br />tl:e Property is Iocated. in the. event that any provision or clause of this 1ortgage or the Nate canfticts with <br />appliaalak law, sceh conflict shall not affect other provisions of this lortgage or the 1rote Which eRn be given <br />effect without the conflicting provision, and to this end the provisions of the lortgage and the Note are declared <br />to be severable. <br />I& I3orrowei s-Copy. Borrower shall be furnished a conformed copy of this lortgage at the time of execu- <br />tion ar after recordation hereof. <br />17. Tzatasfez of the Properly; Assumption, If all or any pert of the Property or an interest therein is Bald <br />or transferred by Borrower without Lender's prior written consent, excluding (a) the creation of a lien or encum- <br />brance subordinate to this Mortgage, (b't the creation of a purchase money security interest for household appli- <br />ances, fc) a transfer by devise, de_ccent or bg operation of loft upon the death of a joint tenant or {d) the, granE of <br />any leasehold interest of three years or less not containing an option to purcha.~c, Lender ?nay, at Lender's opt-. _ , <br />dfleiare all the sums secured by this lt4origage to be immediately due end payable. Lender shall have- waived sceh.-_ <br />opt3or. to accelerate if, prior to the sale or transfer, Lender and floc person to whom the Property is to be Bald or <br />transferred reach sgreemnnt in writing That the credit of such person is satisfactory to Lender and that the interest <br />payable on the sums secured by 'this ZlorEgage shalt be st such r:~te ae, t mnder shat[ re ,ufl.~E, Ir r.,~nder hvs raiv2,^a <br />the option to accelerate provided in this paragraph T7 and if Borroaver's successor in interest lies gxacuted a writ- <br />ter< assumption agreement accepted ih writing by Ixnder, Lender shall release Bormwer from all afligations-uicder -- <br />this Mortgage and the ?date. <br />If Lender exercises such option to acceleraie, Lender shall ?r?aii Borrower notice of acceleration in aceardane+' - <br />with paragraph 14 hereof. 5ucl? notice "hail provide a period of oat less than 36 dsvs from the date the"notice is <br />rnail~ within which $orrower mad- pay the sum. dectamd d+?e. If Barra+rer fails to pay such sums-prior to the <br />expirafaon of such period, Lender n?ay, icithout further notice or demand on $orrotver, invoke any remedies per- <br />r;,iiterr try paragraph iR hereof. <br />:~'ax-i."xrgoRx GovEr4xrs. Bc?mower and Lender turtl:er- covenant and agree as fra3lons: <br />I8. Frccsleration; Remedies. Except as provrde.i in paragr;al+h l; hereof, upon Borrower', I?read? of any <br />covenant ar agreement of Harrower in this \tortgatc, inc3udin~ flee covenants io pay when due any sums secured <br />by-this't$ortgage, LQUdet• }?riot to ae+~eleration ..ha!} u:,ti{ nofica. to Borru;vet as ;+roric}cd in pxragraph 1~# hetesf <br />;p~f}ing; -(IJ thfl breach; (2:1 the action required to rtn~r- surly hrcartr, s3) a date, not less than thirty days <br />from the date the notice is-mailed to Barra;ver, hr wfrich .urh lsrcarh must be cored; and tai that failure to cure - <br />::ueh breaels on or before it?c date specified in the notice may resuk in acceleration of tine sums secured by this <br />!4fortgage xnd safe of the Property. If the. bread, is not cured aa; ar before the date specified in the notice,; Leader <br />st Lender's optron n,&y declarr. all of tt?e sun?s secured t}y- this Mortgage to be immediately due. and payable <br />without further demand and-"nay forec`ose tfrrs Mortgage 6y judicial proceeding. Lender shall he emitted to_cplieet __ <br />in such- proceeding a-f .expenses of foreclosure, u?chadurg, but not }imitad to, casts of documentary evidence," <br />atrstrsots and-title reports. <br />19. Bsrsrosvai s Sight to Roiaateite. Notn-ithstaudang Lender's acceleration of the sun-,s secured.-by this <br />I~grtgage, $ortvwer sliatl 3?ave the rij;ht to hate am prareec?logs lxgnn Uy Lender to enforce this 3iartgdge clis <br />contimred at any .time prior to entr= of a judgment erafoxcing this .iortgxge if: ta) Borrower pays Linder atI <br />suens~iaichtrotsld-t+e then ~tue-under this ~Igrtgale, tl7e Note and notes aecuria?g Futur€ ttdvsuees, if ary, had na - <br />aaceleratican occurred, Ebl I3orro€ver cures all breathe:-of anc other covenants or agreements of Borrower con <br />txlie:et{ lit this ISiorte; fel Ilarrewer--pays all re,,;a abf~ eet?Anses incurred by Lender in enforcing the crrvenarts, <br />aced"agreetaent? o€ Borrower contained in ttris Martgrge-and i?a enforcing Lenders rear?edies as larovided_in pars- <br />graph 1$ hereof,-including; but not limrt4~rf to: reasanal?ie attarnes:'s tee~:t aced 1dl Ba;mover takes such action as - <br />I~onder cr y reasonxbly require to ass--e tlr;ti: -the lien ~f th:s Mortgage, Lender`s.;nerest iii:. the Pig; etty and :.. <br />Bprmwzr's abhgaii~r tai pay the sum= secureci.ixy #lris Mortgage; shall continue pnircrptaired, [ipan such: jtayment <br />arad:ertre by 8nrrawrr=this \lortgaxe and the oblige±ionz ;~ecurerl 1.,~'-ebv-.halt reaxrain in lull €orce and effect as Y# <br />rtaseceleratian had occurred. <br />~- ~9t of Heats: Appointment of Receiver: Lender in Possessan. :1. addttonni security here- <br />- ur;"3arrower hereby assigns to Lender the ten[, of the Pros3ert~~. provide?; that i3orrox er sl~ll, prior to--ec~eler=- - ~ _ - <br />a~ion under paragraph 18 hereof or abandonment of fhe Property, have the right to collect xttd-retain-such-rents <br />?s#hey txeenme diw and payablo. <br />i;}ton acc^ieraiion under paragraph 1£i hcmof or ahacdonen? of the:Pro},erty, I;e+ndor,:in person; by-agent <br />orby judicia}!y appointari shall 1>Fentitle><i taente: urn. t:rkc~;{?osseswvynn of and-ruanage-the Property <br />and to coliefit the rents of the Property, intliading- #Itoae (cast dui 41# reri~*~olleeted by Lender or the receiver <br />shalt 6e applied-first to payment ai the cost`; of management of the Profrert_r•-and eoltection of rents, including: lint <br />noL limited ta, receiver's fors;l>r. cur=rrea on rc~eiver's bonds and reasonxble attorney's free, and then t.o the sums <br />secured by this ~iortgnge. Lender and-the rfleeiver sl?xll Le liatrle to account only for t#rose rents acfualty received. <br />