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it~IDiYlDi3A[., <br />DUE ON SAt.E <br />CiPTICiNAt_ FUTURE ADYANDES <br />SASiiNGB FUND <br />FcgRp~ tdp, 720 <br />Loan Idumber__ 38589 __ __1&8 ----- I _ <br />-. Tyke- eraasn <br /> <br />~S IbIQL:TGAGE, made and executed this _ -. . _~ .... ........... day of .- ...~~~ :£~~:~:~..----....:. A.I7:, <br />1J...~.., between the l~iortgagar, --.IaoogSas_A.~wiag-, ..- ..........................._......--°----. <br />of ..............Grand--Island, County of -_B,a11......._......___._.._.., State af -._Nebxaska--:._.., hereinafter referred <br />to as the Harrower, and the Mortgagee, FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND-LOAN ASSOCIATI©N OF <br />,. LINCOIaN, 1235 "fit" Street, Lincoln, Nebraska 685€}1, its successors and assigns, referred.-fa <br />as Lender. <br />4V~Txi<ssETx: That the said Borrower far and in consideration of the sum of ..93xtt;en.Tttausand_.. <br />Nfne_.Huredzed._and..Hod.1Q4I--.-------_-----------------.---.---.Dollars (US ~,._Lfi,90Ci.4}0_......_°-°•-:.°.--) <br />paid by said Lender, does hereby mortgage, grant and convey to .Lender, its saecessors and assigns; the <br />following described property located in the County of --_....__lla7-.I,__...._.._-----------, State of Nebraska: <br />Th€ Southerly Seventy-two C72) feet of Lot Fiva C5}, Block Eighty-seven C87}, <br />;7riginal Town, now City of Grand Zsland,-Hall County, Nebraska <br />TaCETHSa with all the improvements now or hereafter erected oa the property, and all easemenrs, <br />rights, appurtenances, rents; royalties, mineral, oil and gas rights and profits, water, water rights; and <br />avatar eta: k, and all fixtures new or hereafter attached to the property, all of which, including rt~.~~e- <br />ments and addifionFS ,,,,ereta, shall 3 e $eemad to be-and rema~?? a Bart of the property covered by this <br />Mortgage; and-all of the foregoing, together with said property (cr the leasehold estate in tlr¢ event this <br />Mortgage is on a Ieasehold) are herein referred to as the."Property", <br />Borrower covenants that Borrower is lawfully seised of the es+.ate hereby conveyed and has -the right <br />to mortgage, grant and convey the Property, that the Property is unencumbered, and that Borrower will <br />wairattt and defend generally the title to the Property against all claims and demands, subject to any <br />easemeztts and restrictions listed in a schedule of exceptions to coverage in any -title insurance policy in- <br />scaring Lender's interest in the Property, er (2) attorney's opinion of title from abstract of title. certified <br />by bonded abstracter. <br />Pao~mso Ar.wavs, and these presents are executed and delivered upon the foFlowing conditions, agree- <br />m~nts and obligations of the Borrower, to-wit: <br />The Borrower agrees to pay to the Lender, ar order, the principal sum of .__..$~:xteen .Thousand Nips <br />Hutislr~d...add._No~100----------:--°-.--~------.------------Dollars (US ~...15_~400.00_-- ) <br />- ---------- <br />payable as provided .in a note executed and delivered, concurrently herewith, the anal payment of principal, <br />if not sooner paid, on the --.-First--------_-- day of --...December ...................-.- ~_ 2f103 <br />LiNFFt3$9i Cov~xatcrs. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows: - - - <br />1. Payment of Pracipat and In*tgrest. Borrower shall pmmgtly pay when-doe the principal of artd in- <br />terest on-ilia indebtedness evidenced by the Mote, prepayment and Late charges as provided in the- Iv'ote, <br />and the principal of and interest an any Fature Advances secured by this Mortgage: <br />Z. Funds for Tars and Insurance. Subject- to Lender's option under paragraphs 4 and 5 hereof; Bor- <br />rower shall pay to Lendez on 'the day monthly inwtallments of principal-and interact are payable under the <br />Note, -until the }tote is paid in frill, a sum {herein `=Funds") equal to one-twelfth of the yearly taxes-and <br />assessments which may attain proorty over this lvfortgage, and ground rents art the property, if any pins <br />one-twelfth of yearly praruilia ir~tallments far hazard insurance, plus one-tsvelftls of yearly premiers! in- <br />stallments for mortgage insursrtce, if any, all as reasonably estimated initiallp and from time to tune by <br />Lender on the bass of asses~nents- artd bills and reasonable estimates tlxetectf, Lender shall apply the Funds <br />to pay safd faces, assessments, iistuartc~e premiums anti ground rants: Lender shall-make no charge-for so <br />liuldiii-g aretl apuly#ng-the Funds or verifying and comviling said assessments and bills, The Lender shall <br />gise tv the Borrower; witltaixt. chnrge~ an annual ~ecountirfg of the -Funds showing credits sad debits trr the <br />;: urds..and-the pui-posc far nhich each d~it to the Ftrnds was made: -The. wads era pledged as additional <br />sc.~urity for tlsP sums secured by this IVturtgage.-The Borrower agrees that the Funds may be held by-the <br />Lender and ccimrui.ieierl with oflier furids,and the. Lender's peso funds _artd the Lender may-pay snch items <br />from its o>vr: funds and the Lender shall nab be,liable for interest or- snch Funds. <br />If the ancount of the Funds held by Lender, together with the-future monthly installments-of fisnds <br />vayable prior to the due dates of ts~es, 4~aments, insur;3cnnce premiums and ground rents, shall exceed <br />the amount required to pate said taxes, assessn3ants, insurance pr~niums and gnaund rents as they fall due, <br />si±ch zhc~~ shall be. at Ban-o~+~er's c{ption, _ifher pmmpilti reed to l~rmwer ru craditec! ttf hlarcower on <br />:.Ta°=tl~i~ i .:stn;; ,eras :. ;;^~adn. tf tl,e amount of the roods nerd ~3' Lessder shrill-not be sufncient to pay <br />lazes, aE ass~eret>, insurance g,~miurtis and grriund rents as they fall ilne, Batrtrxer shall -pay to Lander <br />-any amount. nscessary to make up the dpficfene lvithin thirty days after rustice-from- Lender to Borcowar <br />requestirig pa~nitent. ih~.reaf, fir c"Iorrower shall, +_ Sn increase in monthly installments of Funds required, <br />repay tl:c de~ieioncy within the l?`utiii a€connting_periud: . <br />Upon payment. in foil of all some secured by this Mortgage; Lender shall apply Funds held as a credit <br />against alt sums due: <br />