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- m <br />fo. 'that the Mortgagor w~71 keep the buildings upon said premises in ~twd repair, and neither commit ntrr permit waste <br />upon said Tanti, ner suffer the said premises to be used far art y unlawful purpose. <br />t t. 'f'irst if she premises. er any part thereof, be condemned under the power of eminent domain, or acquired far a public <br />use, the damages awarded, the proc.Qeds far the taking o€. ar the consideration fnr such acquisirian, to the extent of the Putt <br />aniatant of indebtednes upon this t~angagt and rile riots which it is giver. to secure remaintndunpaid, are hereby assigned by the <br />Mortgagor to tfie Mortgagee, and sitai! l9e paid fatthwith to said h{ottgagee to be apptied by the latter an account of the next <br />- maturinginstallmeutsofsuchirtdebtcdness. <br />t'?. Tsftxtgagot #ttrtTter agrees that sfiotiid -this" martgage and--.the note- secured hereby not be eligible for in- <br />-_ gursnr atnt#it thettarirtn~,I F3ausinF dci w`rtl!tn-. ~n ~., 3;.~ - -" jri}m't}te datg hn_ nt #.. rlt.en tatgta8nt ~f ~,q;r g;Cs„~r. <br />sf -'.~ 1~eparttnent of t~usit#g Jrbatt #3esfe~apmds# fir aut#fi:tizec~ agent a€ the Secretary of Hcinsing and tit~san <br />~, ixevgiapmettt sated sutuzquentta rite stated time frotrr ilia date of tfris mortgage, declinitsg to institre--said <br />note: and this ttmrtgage, being d~cmed cattcTasive prao€ of such irtetigibility}, the Mortgagee. or itoTder of the trots- <br />~` may; at its_ogt~in, tltcTaresllalttns stcttrred heceT}y imrtiediately due add papa6Te- <br />C3 13, '!'ftat if' itte lVttft$gagor fails #o make-arty piiyinenis of money wharf fire same 6ecoate due, or faits to conform to and <br />~} manly with ~y of rite ooii~#iattsciragreet§ients conti}iiledin tills mortgage; ar the Write vzhicli it sec~~res, Then tl~ entire ~!~ittci- <br />. pai:~itm dascrsred irttCtest shaitat'uttee becnttte due and pavebTe, at thz electron t+f the Mortgagee, and this utartgage may <br />tTtereapan be fe~reclosed intmediatttp fai-the wTtvle of said money; interest, monthly payments, casts, ground rents; 3axcs and <br />rite :,<SSt of extcttding the abstract of EiUe ftttrn rite date of this loan to the time of cammertcirtg suchfareclosrtre suit, acct a rea- <br />sansble attotttty's fee, all of which shad be.inehtded in-rite decree of tforeeiastire:-and the contract embodied lit this nturtgage <br />and t}ae tvate secured hereby, ~tBTI Tn alt respects be gouertted, construed-and adjudged by the taws of 3vebraska, where ttte <br />i`` _ satee is mar3e: <br />Tire tnvenants herein contained shall frind, and the Irnefits and advantages shall inswe to. the respective heirs: exccptais. <br />a:,cesso ~ a ~d s`;gas wf the pa, ues F,utto. t"henevsr us=-;3. ttte srogt;iar n;;,~t shah Fttc}ude itte pttrrai; t~ <br />}zlural t}te singular, and the use of any gender shad be applicable to all genders. <br />7`he foregoing canditiums, all and sirtgttiar, being petfiarmed according to Itteir natural and legs! import, this cauveyance <br />shalt be void and said premises releastd at the expensE of the btnrtgagar, ottrerurtse fa be acid remain in fnTt force andclfecL <br />IN Wi7'NESS WHl?REQF, the hortgagor{s} ha ee htreunto set their handle}-the day and year first <br />above written. <br />= 3n presence a€: <br />c e o g {SEAL] <br />[~ v' 3 <br />raaces pae _e Q - s ISEALI <br />ts~aii <br />t ~1;~}~ <br />l ~.~:~i ~ <br />- - - - -GP4 9al.tB6 - <br />STA'1"E t3F NEBRASKA; <br />~. - <br />t."~TL7~iT19F tali <br />t#tth~ `~ clay of ~f~~.t-e.. A;T3. 19 7~, t~fore ms, <br />- a notary gu#ilic in and #or said Gaunty, personally came <br />- lltae3 &_ ~olltoi~siti and Pr^attees "?-ynet~" fo~k_>}aza~i~ ttu~batz~ rastd ~ - <br />persatrallytcsmc kttuwn <br />in tai:-the idetiticai peiscsn€; whose names are affixed trt the aliov~ andfiri'c- <br />goidg s`ttstntinent as 141Eortgagur, and t:ttey haue acknowledged the said ittstrtttaettt acid the <br />execatian thereof to be their valnntary act and deed, tot tht purposes therein expressed. <br />Tn testimony whereof.l have hereunto set my hand and affixed by of f icial seal at Grand island, Nebraska. <br />an the day att3datc Lest at~ve written. <br />- - ? 6t'~~BAt »tAit> Stria a! Mtyruti ~ ~ - <br />IILiN£ A!€T7£is3RtNK itfOf8ry 1'ttbllC <br />a~ ~y Cc;-r.:a. _.~ €eb, t, t98t <br />STATE t);~ NEBRASKA ss <br />Ted far. retard this day of A.D. l9 <br />~t u'etack. ;+~., and catered ix~lumetical fndcx; iti~ <br />etdetl in 1Book of liiottgages, an <br />of <br />lt~ra~t~ds <br />- - - - - FHA~2743M T90~?l; <br />