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<br />MaxTCACE <br />MoI~TCAC€ LOAN No. L 23, 311 <br />f:NOwAtLM6T1B'YTAESEpILFSENTS:That William J. Nancy and Tna t~. Haney, each in his and <br />.her o~m right and as spatise of each other, <br />Mortgagor, whether ono or more, in consideration of the state of <br />Tl~i~Y~Ei~ht Tttfsusand 3it~f ~~11~-'__________________________..________a____________ ~yLLARs <br />k:~~d to said narigagar by Ttte Equitabto Bulldlag and Loan Association of Grazttl Island, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 2$ fl shams o€ ~odt of <br />s,+id ASSOCIATION, Certificate No. L 23,311 , do hereby Brae?, cuntzy and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the fopowing <br />ttescrihed seat estate, situated in HaU County, Nebraska: <br />LOT ONE HUNDRED TWENTY-SEVEN {127) IN <br />WEST LRWN, AN ADfifTTON TO THE CITY OF <br />GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />together with all the retttments, hemdiuments and appurtenance; thereunto belonging, u-tcluding attached floor coverings, all witt3ow acreetts, e <br />window shades, blinds, rearm windows, awnings, heating, nit conditioning, and plumbing and water egtug.nent and acexssares thereto,pumps,stoves, <br />refrigerate ;,and other factures and equipment now or hereafter aftaclud to or used in connection with said teal estate. _ <br />And whereas t?te said mortgagor has agrerd and does hereby agree that the marigagor shall and will pay dI taxes and asse~rmnts tavled or <br />assessed upon said premises anti upon this mortgage and tlu bond smeared thcrekav before the sa.~tre shaft be~xtme detir~uent; to furnit . ~ratxd <br />- itutuance upon the buitein~c on said premises situated in rho sum of S 2$,flfl(}. fl0 aayahto to said ASSOCIATION and co delinr ~ sahl - <br />ASS~IATION the policies fox said inst4rance; and not to wtsunir or permit any waste on or about said gromi~s; <br />In of defauli ir. the pesformzna of any of the terms and conditions of sitis mortgage or the bond secured horefry, rho moRgagie stnB, - <br />_ „ : r, ;, ~., r... ~.s ._ agar T asr,,b s _ _ ...._..., <br />^^ Boma; w be enrit'nd r., m~iatc n of ..,e matt ~' ^-°r=~ a:.d *:~ ^~;rtM19 w;Wb° ::,fir ~ -•^d .••• aA - - - <br />rtwrtgagee all the rents, revenues and income [o tse derived Pram the mortgaged premises dttintg such time as ttse mortgage indebtedtxss strati remain = <br />unpaid; and the mortgagee shall have the power to appoint any agent ar amts ii -may desire for the purpose of repairing said premiaos and renting <br />the settee and caltocting the reau, revenues and incorra, and it may pay out of said income aIl expenses of repairing said preaaiaos and t>'J <br />cotnntissiotts and expenses incurred in renting and managing the same oral of coIlecting rentals therefrom; the balaacc remaining, if any, to be <br />- aRptied toward the discharge of said mortgage zndebtodnoss; these rights of rite morteagec may 6o exereired at any tittso during the exi~enrt of strtdt <br />de autt, urespeetiw_ of any temporary waiver of the Sartre. _ <br />T: Fraser=ts, t:~:zvor, are ue.,n~the Conditnn, Thar if tlx said Mortgagor shall repay said loan an ar before the r,wttsrty of said aharos by <br />payment; pay monthly to said ASSOCIATION of the wm specified in the Bond secured hereby as interest and principal on said coact, on or before <br />the Ttircntietir da'y of au ; and e ~ry ttn,nt;t, ~t~ ;mod Tod;, i; fu::y tom"'; t~Y ~l taxes and as, s~°ntents 1oiad wins, said prertr~s aitd ott tt+r~ Matta <br />and the Bond secured thereby, before delinyucncy; fwnistt approved irsuranre upon the bttt~dings taereon in ttte sum of SZ$, OOfl, (~ payable - _ <br />iv said A.^+SOCIATION; repsy to said AS$t7CLATION upon derttand all money by tf paid for such texas, assessments and it23ttrznce with interest M <br />ile maximum legal rate thereon from dare of payrnenz all of which. Mortgagor hereby agrees to pay; permit rte waste on said premises; keep and comply <br />a,4ttt alt the agreements and t~ndsticns o€ the Bond far S 2$, Dflfl. fl0 this day giver. by the said Mortgagor to said ASSOCIATION, and. comply <br />wish aft tiro rertuireraxntsof u`!e Constitution and By=e,aw`s of said ASSOCIATION; tttctt these presents shalt become null and void, otirerevfse-ika-y - <br />shall remain in Cull force anii may be foreclosed at the option of the said ASSOCIATION after tailure for three months to tratce ary of acid <br />payments or be [hree months in arrears in malting said monthly payareats, ar to keep and wmply with rho agreements and conditions of said Bond; <br />- aril ? tostgagor agrees to have a receiver agl~.aud forthwith in wch farec~tosu:t gmctxdittgs. _ - - - - - - <br />tf there is any change in ownership aF the scat estate mortgaged Srerein, by sate or otherwise, then the ensue remaining indebiedneas hereby <br />sectued shall, at the option of Tl~ Equitable Buitdtng and Loan Association of Grand Island, Nebraska, became iauaediatelyi due and payable without <br />further €totice,- aril lice amount remaining duo under said bread, and arty otter bond for any additional advances made thymuader, shall, from the <br />data of exerefse of said option, near interest at the maximum legal rata, and this mortgage may then be fotetlosed to satisfy rho antaunf dttb on said <br />bond, sad nay-outer bond for additit#taf advances, together with alt steers paid by said The Equitable Btu7ding and Loan Association of brand Island, <br />?Iebraska far insurance, texas and a~a••~>nts, and abstraciiatg extension charges, with in[estst therann, front date of payitxnt at the ir~ximum <br />rate, <br />A~ azavidedzn the Band sect;r~ hereby, wt_ile ibis mtxtgage rernaitas in effect the mortgagee may ttereaFtet advantt aslditimtai sums to the <br />ttrs o~ sail! Bead-, their as~xts ~•cassars. is interest, which soma sttal'* be within the security of tfiis mortgage tale ssirre ~ the Fundsduty - <br />secttred Thereby, rho total amount of grineipal debt not to exceed at any time the original amotutt of this mortgage. <br />- I,'aiedthu' - 7tlt -- - "day of _ DeCeit~er - A: B., !9 ~$ - <br />W711 ", rn Hatt <br />Ind ~.~ aII~ ` ~' ~'~~~t~,~` <br />s 1'ATIr a>+ vpnlt,+rslcn; ~. on tlt~ :.7th.. - daytst ~ces~ter I9 7$ , beFote ~, <br />coz~~-r>•' of tl,att. - <br />W~11ir~EFF J. Haney anti Tna f~. Haney,: the undotaigrted,aNotaryl'ubticfnsadfarsaidCaunty,persartaltjreatra <br />each in his and her .rigt-t ancY as spouse of each tthet, who-are personallylutownto <br />.~? to.~ 2?:e iden[ii~,l,,t°.rsan 5- _. wAttaenatii$'S- are affixed to :hc above..insirut*ter,tas.sliu~tr.5 - .arid ~ - sevctaily <br />ackoowledg23 thy. said ittatran:.tuf to be - -- .their voluntary xct and desd,- - - - - -- %~-~ <br />RtIT^igss my Itar:d aced Notarial $eal the date aforesaid. - ~ -'''~ ' <br />My Catmmssion expires t ~ ' <br />~', i NotaryPttb- - lie <br />t~At'L/! l4CflRl€= 5~#to 4t tyaltras`re ,,' f,/ <br />sy.set nt t .tGY Afi. ]3EAZt.£"f <br />- _ ,,, -hSyt;otntn;£tp:.f:I, IS8F-. - ~° ~,•^.. ' <br />