Tlit9 ~~?RT~:~GidE is ap~de td~sii~ :......:. . ...5th. . , ::.... may of , . , . D~ember... , ........... ,
<br />39.~~:, becwaan t1ieBctx',$t.~:i:. E..: 13/;P~W€SSERG€t*. A~Il .RAE. JEHNN€. SA,"~58EF~€R, . hus6and• and wife,
<br />_,~ach in ist~_ans.}.r)~t' "~onmver>,!, atad i4lorbgagee, Fide Federal
<br />`~8~ aril }~[ft ~ ,Y ~.. egg Ssiti exist
<br />a ~gorti~tosa or ~B >.tnsier ihst laws of ~: i7ni Mates of
<br />Pina~`iert;: Whoee atladr~ ~ 7.219Fmtlt bocuat 56reet, Gt°aaul isiead, l~lebraeka {herein "LendeE"}
<br />~Vxia~s, Botmwer is indebted talender in the principal scat of S~V~i~EN .ZHCUSP.t'iR Ji1d~.N0l1Ll(1---- n
<br />_,_ __ _~.: -,~~ which i..^.debtodness is evidenced by Bartower's ts~z
<br />.. Ch~cetnber 6; ,t:9~8 _
<br />dat r9 .. (hei~itt~"2~lote"), providing for aonthty iaststfinents of graeipa! aad int+eerrat,
<br />w~dt-the baiattce ~ the ir~ebtatnea~s, if not scorner paid. due and payable oa..:la??t#?rY. 1,. ~Q~$....:-......
<br />~_ ...-
<br />I`o ~actrtcs to Lender Ea) the repayment of fire indebtedness evidenced by -rite iQote, with interest thereon, the
<br />paytn~ttt of all-other sums, with interest thereon, advanced in accordance herewith to protect the security of the
<br />hT~t$sge:'and rite perforntattx of the c~svvenants and agreements of Borrower herein contained, and (b) the repayment
<br />of aatx furors advances, with interest thereon, made to Borrower isy Lender pursuant to paragraph 21 hereof Eherein
<br />"rutr Advances"); Batrovt~r does hereby tstortgaga, grant and convey to Lender the fotlnwing desard property, `'
<br />iacaterlia the ~astmt}r of ............. ti~iL,i, ............... , ... ,State of Nebtasi®t:
<br />L4T StYc-.f&}; E?LQG'rC-TEN tlti) iN LAi+~ERTrS A+JC}ITftIN TO-THE Gtfi 4F ~f?ANQ ISLAfiIB,
<br />f{t~Ll GE:~C~iTY; 1VI~RflSICA.
<br />F
<br />;[
<br />vhi~, has tha ttt cd.......{ 2 t ~. t~~;t; ,5~i} :... ....:... . , brand, t s ian~. , , ....
<br />{srraa0 t~itY7
<br />. , N.~4 cis k~.....ti$?3~i... ., f_herein" Pmpetty Addrr~s"); ~ ;
<br />tv;~~-Rea : .
<br />"f'o~s~t~asx :vith alt the itnitrovetne4ty pow,-cc hereafter erected on the -property,"and all- easements, rights,
<br />appurtenances; a:n?s, royalties, miner:~f, ~*it and gas rights and grants, Nater, water rights, and water stxk, and ail
<br />~~ a.~ ucw.~ her::fter a3+: ~^h~ t^ L+x prorr*;, ~l ~ wht~; trclud_~tg c~placesenis a~ additions tftereto, shall 1~e
<br />deentrii to fie and tectraise a part ~f rite propt:rty covered by thisMertguge; an3 a?i of the foregoing, together with said
<br />property Eor the leusthoid esfate 'rf thg klcsrtgage is on a kasehoki) are. herein refermd to as the "Property"
<br />E:.rofi r ,,,,.,,,.r;;ts tl'.et Eorrnwer ss ?s.vSn_+[y seed og itse eG~e h€rrt+y rronvPyeri 2!td}ttts ttte tig~tk to ratartgage,
<br />grant and convey tike 1?rtyr, tint thz Pro~.rty is ntrencumbc:eci, and that Borraaer vviil warrant and- defenii,
<br />geneta][y the-title t;, the Propcrt}~ a},aensi ati claims and deinands; subjecrto any dcetaratimts, casements or restrictions-
<br />-- l#sted in a schedttte of exceptions to caveragc in any title ir~,crance policy insuring Lender's-,interest in the Pmperty.
<br />'~--#:td! FzmilY-617'x-=i'~iitAiFRt#C 641ttnRIA INST~ft~E![[
<br />