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t_ <br />113;~~~~iY~ <br />'i°I~ISI~f3RTGAflF.ia;retlt>~.....:.,.: 6th.... ,..:.,...ciayaf....t~c~tak~.r......:..:...... <br />19 t$.. ,between the fkfoztg~~tex, ~1;~:1w. ~-.•. ~AP,!~St~.~RC-~ R. t~{t~' P.E. ;~.'.E:1~: f~h'~SBERG~R; . h.usband~ taiid <br />- 'n v ^.' ~ ", t}. '~ ~' Rt7 f y (I~nprv,n "nOrru vrdi"i r i+uu - vun` i~vr~ae - -~acira±< r6uEia~ - <br />ca~~..a, ~7R4~~~ir'd _t$t€'rtl~tvmc4oaam~sui anti nriaiino n r~ )~c~8 ~A£ `~`~e United ~'4~fi~ Qf <br />Fi!uarica, whasa aridness is2~2 tt3tsot~Staest, f'rrv~d Ie;rF7ehs~ka €`~~~irt "I+s~rr'6i"l. <br />"rfxEx~s, i3otravreris indebtert toLsadee tit the pupal sum of.SEY~N.?i .~aK .~DU~~fR .~1~.ivp,~ st~t3... <br />--.. , . --- - - , - -- -`~7otTars, w}tick indebtedness is evidenced by Bortovver's txtte <br />~t~„ t}~cember 5,,; 1978 , tp~ °`Nc#e")s Pnovidin$ for manth[y iftstailttsents of:ptincipai a:,d interest, <br />,.,. <br />with the balance of-the ititfebtedness, if not sooner pai3 dae and payable cut....d3raU~f'.y..i., .24x8:. , ....... ` <br />-rv C~rxrQC tb tP.~ r9} thg rr~~;eeyi of rt,e .nd?btline_4 rvid~nr_~ed hp thz Note> [kith intereaa thLrenn; the <br />~ymnnt of atl csther stems, with interest thereon, advanced in accordance herewith to protect the security of this <br />Mortgage,-and the performance of the rnvcnants and agtrxtnents of Borrower herein contained,-and ib) the repayment <br />of aa~ future adpattces, with intent thereon, made to Borrower by l:etsder ptirsnani to paragraph 21 berets[ {herein <br />"Fine ~dvartt~s"}, 33ormwer doze hereby mortgage, grant -and conveg w Lender the: fsiltowing descn'heEl prv~ety <br />locatcti in the County of . .......... . . HA1zL ... , ....:.......... , ... ,State of I3ebraslra: <br />z0T FI YF (5} , 8Lf7GK TEh1 f l 0} y tN LAP~ERT' S AOt3I Tl Ob! TQ ?HE Cl l" OF 6RAFID I SL~tt], <br />ttRlL GOf~'fY, NF~31'fNSICfi _ <br /> <br />Grand l s #atarf <br />w3uet+ hss the addrrsa of:...... ~ 2E1~ :East, 5tfi ........ _> ......... , ., .... .. ........ :, <br />Netit-asha 6$801 _ ... (;[stein "Fropy tY~ddre~") <br />...scaw «=a xic cxi~el' <br />1aGETABR ~n .all fire improvements ^sw ar iter*=niter erected on the {poperty, and afI easEments, ~~ti~, <br />appurtertancis, teats, royalties, anineral, ail art gas rights and profits, water, water rigl3t,, and wattrr stark, and all <br />fixtures [taw or hEieaftar attachzd to the prapcriy; atl of which; including repiacemeats and additiosts thereto, shall be <br />ueet~tzd to be and remsin a par~E of tre property covered by this Mcxtgage and xl! of the foregoing, together with said [ <br />pmperty (or tti~ leaseholdF estate it this Itiortgzge is oft a leasehold} are herein reierrtd to as the "Property", f <br />1orrower cov~~~Bents that &~rcrn~ i, ?ax~lly seised of the zs4.ate 1tEreby conveyed atxi has the right to rnortgage, _- <br />grtxnt ~n:f ~nvey the PFr;vc;sty; that ltx. Property is unencunshered, and that $orrawer will warranf and-defend <br />g..nereily the title 'o Ylee Propzrty agaimi alt ctaims and demands, suttject to any. declarations, e;semen~_vr re&trittiaris <br />listed. in a. schedule of exceptions to coverage in any fine insnrsnce p©licy insuring Lender's interest in the'Property. <br />- - -~K~l-t Boa Fami~s~t~---ttatc- ~r~m l~sa~ati ~ :~- <br />. <br />